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Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton


"...them that honour Me I will honour..." (I Sam. 2:30).


A young boy sat with his mother in a church service...

Mother:  "Today is the day that the men who

have died in the service are being honored."

Son: "Did they die in the first service

or in the second service?"


Ten Commandments of Men of Honor:


1.  Establish a foundation for their household;

     Jesus is the foundation (I Cor. 3:11)


2.  Establish a good foundation for the days ahead

     (I Tim. 6:19)


Pastor John Osteen is now with the Lord, but some time ago, I heard him tell something on TBN that I never forgot.  He said at one time he wanted to build a third story onto his church building.  He called the contractors but they told him that it could not be done.  He asked them why: they told him it was because the original foundation was not made large enough to hold a third story. 


God wants the foundation of our lives and homes to be made large enough to be able to hold all that He desires to build upon it.


3.  Know that it takes God to build a house properly


"...Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it..."    (Ps. 127:1)


4.  Build upon the foundation that which is good:

     "…gold, silver, and precious stones"      (I Cor. 3:12-  13)


Ø      Gold:  "deity", that which is Godly.

Ø      Silver: "redemption", redeem time for days are evil.

Ø      Precious Stones:  "beauty of strength/stability"


5.  Keep divine order in their lives at all times:

     God; their family; and others

6. Understand their authority.


Ø      It is "delegated responsibility": the emphasis being on being responsible.

Ø      That from which it comes is from divine love. 


Headship is simply the man taking loving responsibility for the condition of his wife and family - being Christ-like.  He is giving himself up for the bride, to help her achieve her full potential and what is best for her.


This will cause the wife and family to be secure and to desire to submit to their headship.


7.  Live an example for their family and others to

     follow (I Cor. 11:1).  They train up their children

     in the way which they should go. (Prov. 22:6)


8.  Let love rule in their lives (I Cor. 13; Eph. 5:25)


9.  Refrain from anger and every evil work (Eph. 4:26)


10. Become mentors to raise up others in the faith

      (2 Tim. 2:2)



God bless all of you, fathers, and cause the person of Jesus to be seen through you!

