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Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton


Recently in one of our "Impartation" meetings, I spoke on the following subject, and at the end of the meeting, a lady shouted, "We are free!  We are free!"  The anointing flowed in that meeting because this spirit had been exposed and dealt with.


I believe the Jezebel spirit to be the greatest enemy of the church at this time.  We need to be informed so as to maintain our freedom in God.  Then, the spirit of Elijah can come forth with miracles, signs, and wonders!



"Jezebel Versus Elijah"


I. What is a Jezebel Spirit?


Benny Hinn recently had a dream that a wicked lady was standing up on the platform where he was ministering. This wicked lady was the spirit of Jezebel. She comes with hatred for the prophet; to destroy the work of the Lord.


The Jezebel spirit is a spirit of control. Control begets, or produces: fear of individuality, depression, confusion, and suppression of personality, lack of freedom, unhappiness, and feelings of worthlessness; amongst other things.


We want to be delivered from this spirit so that we can inherit the morning star, which Christ gives to those who overcome Jezebel.


The spirit of Jezebel is fiercely independent and wants to control. The name

means "without cohabitation", which means a refusal to live together with anyone unless they can control and dominate the relationship. When this person seems submissive of "servant-like" it is only for the sake of gaining some advantage; but from the heart, they yield to no one.



The Jezebel spirit:


¨      Will humiliate others with their tongue.

¨      It brings dissatisfaction between spouses. It causes them to think that another is more spiritual than their mate.

¨      It causes those in leadership to become very authoritative and unyielding.

¨      It hates humility and repentance.


Spirituality is not measured in this kind of power, but it is measured in meekness.


To topple satan's empire, we must not only pray, but be transformed into Christ's likeness. Then we will inherit the glorious "morning star", which will be a visible outward glory, a symbol of hidden, inward purity. We can then exercise "authority over the nations", because we have conquered the Jezebel spirit that sought to strip God's servants of authority. The gift of healing is an integral part of our ministry when this spirit is conquered.


For the Man:


AUTHORITY: “Delegated responsibility". The emphasis is not on being the boss, but being responsible. That from which divine authority comes forth is divine love. Headship in the home is simply the man taking loving responsibility for the condition of his wife and family.


God's answer to dealing with the Jezebel spirit is to replace Jezebel's concept of security. With the security a woman receives when she is loved-tenderly by her

Husband. Thus, the man wins the war by being Christ-like.


For the Woman:


The woman overcomes the haughtiness of Jezebel by seeking the meekness of Christ and by having a gentle and quiet spirit (I Pet. 2:23-3:4), which is natural to Christ-likeness. She must honor her husband as her head. Her humility and peace serves to destroy the nature of the Jezebel spirit. God wants women to trust in the power and goodness of God for their security, not in their manipulation of people.


The Jezebel stronghold is rooted in the woman's reactions to fear. She controls because she seeks predictability; she manipulates because she cannot trust. She has not been properly loved.



The Jezebel spirit, in general:


Those who believe and support Jezebel will choose to believe her falsehoods rather than the truth. They will be too fearful to do what is right, and stand by the person who is under the false attack.


Some of Jezebel's prophecy is a mixture, partly on target and partly off. That is because they have had a true gift but have allowed it to become tainted and twisted because they desire to control. The ones in mixture are often prophets who desperately need a generous dose of humility and repentance. These Jezebels prophesy sometimes in the flesh, out of envy, jealousy and strife; using what is called "attack prophecies" - aimed at correcting whomever Jezebel is mad at. This type of prophecy is divination (witchcraft).


God says, "I gave her space to repent and she repented not."



A humble, repentant people are the key to defeating Jezebel. For she will seek to ridicule, humiliate and destroy the humble servant of the Most High. We must ask God to forgive us for tolerating her presence.



II. Some characteristics of Jezebel:


1. Jezebel seeks recognition


2. She claims superior holiness


3. She questions the integrity of others in order to discredit them


4. She sees herself as lofty, much higher than the sheep


5. She claims a superior holiness


6. She is proud


7. She nit-picks to find fault with others


8. She attempts to keep parties apart so that she can manipulate the results


9. She drains the life out of her victims


10. She pretends to desire to protect and help others


11. She is fiercely independent


12. She pretends to be doing what is right


13. She pretends to be doing the King's will


14. She believes the end justifies the means


15. She believes that she is above the law and the rules


16. She changes the law or rules to suit her own ends


17. She lets nothing stand in the way of what she desires


18. She uses others to achieve her own ends


19. She is a control freak


20. She uses leadership positions in order to control


21. She is intensely ambitious


22. She is obsessed with prophecies, visions, and dreams, and talks about them constantly; instead of a more sure Word of prophecy - the Bible.


23. She manifests false words and prophesies


24. She has excessive prophetic words, prophecies, dreams and visions.


25. She does not want to be accountable to others



III. Personality Traits of Jezebel:

(May vary individually)


1. Excessive chatter or moody and brooding


2. Time waster, procrastinator of godly projects


3. Lack of humility


4. Highlights self


5. Forcefully steers conversations


6. Brags of the hours spent interceding


7. Exhibitionist


8. Fears exposure


9. Humiliates true prophets, publicly and privately


10. Excessive jealousies & competitiveness


11. The Jezebel's who fool you the longest are the most dangerous


12. She appears pious


13. Her lifestyle is not right


14. Seems genuine, but is spiritually off


15. She has a mixture in her spirit


16. Establishes authority by controlling others


17. Won't allow others to speak in a conversation


18. Constantly interrupts in order to distract and dominate conversations


19. Dominates conversations


20. Sometimes she uses a loud voice to interrupt or brag


21. Backstabs and bears tales


22. Quick to anger


23. Anxious, hyper


24. Fast talking


25. She brings division and strife


26. Pretends to be a worshipper and intercessor


27. Aligns herself with true prophets to give credence to her agenda



IV. The Jezebel spirit is a stronghold in lives that must be broken.


Strongholds in Operation:


1. They prevent or retard our emotional and spiritual growth and maturity


2. They cause divisions: bitterness, jealousy, anxiety, and depression


3. They empower satan and grieve the Holy Spirit


4. Keep people from fulfilling their personal destiny in God


5. They are a foothold that the devil possesses in us (Eph. 4:22)


6. They will bring about spiritual disorientation


7. They weaken our body and make us vulnerable to diseases


8. They provoke us to respond to others in way that even we do not understand: Fragment relationships and steal our joy and hope


9. They stifle our faith and distort scriptures


10. They can only be killed at the root


11. They allow us to give only a begrudging love and keep us from forgiving others.



Our prayer should be:


"Lord, I humbly admit that I have mental strongholds in my life that are distorting my perception of what you are doing. I ask you to tear them down so that I can perceive clearly. Today, I loose myself in the Holy Spirit and to walk in the fullness of your purpose for my life. I loose my spirit, soul, and body to be totally yours today!”



V. The Elijah Spirit:


Elijah (El YHWH, or Almighty God) was Jezebel's strongest opponent. Because of the wickedness in the land, God raised up one of His most powerful prophets, Elijah.


Through the brilliant triumph on Mount Carmel, he exposed the infection of Baal worship in the land of Israel for what it was, a festering sore that would bring death and destruction to God's chosen people. He compelled the people to stare the truth in the face. God knew that it would take this kind of prophet to shake the people out of their slumber and idolatry. This confrontation settled many issues for it was also between Jezebel (and her prophets) and Elijah. When Jezebel lost; she did not take it lying down.


The Elijah spirit is a forerunner spirit, and it is come to expose darkness and show the contrast between darkness and light. People must choose between remaining slaves to sin or turn to repentance with prayer and fasting before it is too late.



The End-Time Laodicean Church:


Rev. 3:16 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth."



Elijah challenged the people on Mount Carmel:


"How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.” I Kings 18:21.


The wavering, double-mindedness of the people was exposed and confronted, but they gave no answer. Not only didn't they have an answer, they were not ashamed of their failure to know and to do what is right.


Elijah then cried out to the Lord: "Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back once again. Then, the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trenches. And, when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord, He is God; the Lord He is God.” I Kings 18:37-39.


All the people were riding fences. They refused to speak or commit to one side or the other. They did not live according to conviction as to what was right or wrong. The same conditions exist today.


Sad to say, many pastors or leaders are in love with their comfortable jobs and don't want to rock the boat. The devil will send Jezebel's amongst them to deceive and destroy weak leaders and people, until there is no urgency, fervency, nor passion left.


God's hand was upon Elijah and he ran 25 miles, ahead of Ahab's chariot and horses from Carmel to Jezreel.


Those today who will stand for God and His righteousness will also do great exploits. Those who overcome Jezebel will run and not be weary; and will walk and not faint. They shall mount up with wings as eagles.


The prophetic is rising up again in the people of God. The harvest is ripe for souls and wickedness abounds, ready for Elijah to rise up again and jolt them out of their complacency. This is the day of Elijah, preparing the way of the Lord.


Joel 3:13 "Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down: for the press is full, the vats overflow; for their wickedness is great."


The fire of God is something that brings revival, and it also destroys wickedness. It burns out the chaff in our lives that the wheat might remain.


Joel 2:16-17 "Let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber and the bride out of her closet. Let the priests, and ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and altar, and let them say, spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?"


After true repentance, then the fire of anointing for revival, blessing and power can come. The former and latter rain is loosed on the people, just as the rain was released after the confrontation on Mount Carmel.


We must repent for our complacency, our nation, and ourselves. Then, we will see the fulfillment of revival fire, a flood of power that was prophesied: Joel 2:28-30


"I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. And, I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and FIRE, and pillars of smoke."


The day of the Lord is at hand. Now is the time for true intercessors: selfless, faceless servants of the Most High, to forcefully advance into enemy territory and take back what the devil has stolen.



VI. Contrasts between Elijah and Jezebel:


§                                                         Elijah/Jezebel

§                                                         Withstood Jezebel / Threatened Elijah

§                                                         Exposed her sin/Never repented

§                                                         True prophecies/False prophets and prophecies

§                                                         Visions and dreams/Excessive false visions and dreams

§                                                         Turn hearts of fathers to children / Turns hearts to idols and the flesh


§                                                         We are living in former and latter rain / Quenching of the Spirit


§                                                         Elijah will again call fire down from heaven/Lying signs and wonders


§                                                         True prophets must arise and take proper authority / Jezebel takes authority when she can


§                                                         Spirit of prophecy in revelation of Christ/Revelation of antichrist and satan


§                                                         Jesus is the light of the world/Comes an angel of light and a minister


§                                                         True prophets manifest fruit of Spirit / satan masquerades as true prophet


§                                                         Judge the fruit and discern fruit/even the elect can be deceived



How to overcome Jezebel and the Accuser:


Rev. 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."



VII. The power of "Covenant":


In these "days of Elijah", when sin abounds on every hand, it is important that we understand the meaning of covenant; first of all with God, then with one another.



Examples of Covenant:


Eight years ago, we made our first trip to Africa and met Brother Lawrence Halonda. God called upon us to raise up this man into his own ministry. Brother Halonda felt led of the Lord that, that we were to have a covenant relationship; as David and Jonathan had (They loved each other as their own soul and cared for one another's family all the days of their life).


Two years later, we met Brother Joseph Mophat and the second or third day we worked with him, he said that he wanted to work with us indefinitely and have relationship together with us for as long as we live. Then, when he was here in America, the Lee's prophesied to us of the Abrahamic covenant that we would have together and of the salt covenant that was ours.


Then, in America, I had a very close friend who temporarily turned away from me. She distrusted a prophecy that I had given to a church. A lady spoke to her against me and she believed her instead of me. The day came, when the prophecy was fulfilled in that church. My friend called me and asked me to come to her place, which I did. She sincerely apologized and said that she wanted to establish a covenant with me that this would never happen again. So she did this, and we took communion together. We had always been closest of friends until this happened. But, now our friendship was renewed and sealed by the Holy Spirit.


The results of these covenant relationships have been many and are blessed by God. Apostolic and evangelistic work has been done, and intercessory work because of these covenants relationships.


We, who are living in the days of Elijah, must be "covenant people" with God and with our fellow man. For this is a day when relationships are discarded for the smallest excuses. Therefore, we must demonstrate the gospel through covenantal relationships that cannot be broken. For in Romans, it says that people in the last days will be covenant breakers - people who do not keep covenant.


I don't believe you have to speak a covenant with others, unless God should lead you in that direction; but that we should love others and be loyal to them in our hearts. For God wants us to be one with one another.


We don't just start asking others to come into a covenant relationship with us. God must ordain it. It is not a light thing because it is wrought of the Spirit and is not to be broken.


Covenants are not just contracts of mutual agreement but they are sealed in the hearts and are more binding than contracts. Law will enforce contracts, but the Spirit enforces covenants.


God wants us to be joined with Him and to be knit together with one another.


The greatest attack will be leveled against covenant, and it will be aimed at real shepherds. Do not abandon them when they need you most. They did not abandon you in your time of greatest need.


We are to lose ourselves in the lives of others. We must be humble and stable enough to place the needs and success of others above our own. Real fulfillment comes from assisting your covenant connections in finding their destiny and reaching their goals.


David was always sent to his mission. He never just struck out on his own. Covenant people are commissioned. They operate under command.


Covenant people seek to do what is best for others even at their own expense. Religion seeks to promote itself; but covenant seeks to promote others.


Insecurity, suspicion, and jealousy are the three biggest threats to covenant. Saul was baptized in all three!  Eventually, he set his heart to destroy David. Though, David behaved himself wisely and remained faithful.


There are men and women who have been devastated by people leaving their churches or relationships. These people who break relationships are often the ones who covenant people have invested the most time and energy into. Sometimes those whom covenant people delighted in and served are the ones who desert with the nastiest attitude. David had poured his whole life into Saul and gotten nothing but heartache. It may seem like nighttime now; but remember that the morning is coming, when you remain true as a covenant person.


David invested in the outcasts in I Sam. 22. And, his covenantal leadership transformed this outcast army into a great troop. They grew and prospered from 400 to 600 in a short time: I Sa. 23:13. Be faithful; to invest in the ones nobody wants, and God will be faithful to give you the ones everybody wants.  The ones everybody wishes they could have will be the same ones nobody wanted because they have been changed by the power of a covenant heart.


Covenant people never disrespect authority. David even honored Saul when he didn't deserve it because he was the anointed of the Lord.


The greatest mistake that David made was not with Bathsheba. He was staying behind when kings went forth to battle (2 Sam. 11:1). When we lag behind in the season when God is saying, "Go forth", we will find ourselves in a compromising situation. Had he been at battle doing God's will, he would not have committed adultery with Bathsheba nor had her husband put to death. David was not perfect, but he had a perfect heart. He was quick to repent. David was a man of covenant. He lost a child and he did suffer. He was still a man after God's own heart. Covenant people do suffer; but they recover.


David is alive today, in that his life is still speaking to us. Will our lives speak to others after we are gone? It will depend upon what we do with our lives today. Are we pouring our lives into the lives of others? There is power in a covenant heart.


We are the bride of Christ and are waiting for the soon coming of our Bridegroom.



The Bride:


o                                                            …She wears the belt of truth,

o                                                            …The shoes of peace,

o                                                            …The helmet of salvation,

o                                                            …Breastplate of righteousness,

o                                                            …The shield of faith.

o                                                            …She takes up the sword of the Spirit; in holiness before the Father,

o                                                            …She will not compromise nor look the other way in apathy where wickedness abounds,

o                                                            …She doesn’t flinch from persecution.

o                                                            …She will hold her standard high and her plumb line of right and wrong will be measured in the light of the word of God.

o                                                            …She wears the mantle of humility and the cloak of zeal.

o                                                            …In her right hand she carries truth,

o                                                            …In her left hand she bears wisdom and understanding.

o                                                            …Above all, she walks in love, abounding in the fruit of the Spirit.

o                                                            …She abides in the shadow of the Almighty, for the Lord is her refuge and her fortress.

o                                                            …She wears the garment of praise through all life's circumstances for the joy of the Lord is her strength.

o                                                            …She is strong and does great exploits for she knows her God.

o                                                            …She will overcome the wicked one by the blood of the Lamb and the word of her testimony,

o                                                            …She will love not her life unto death.


"He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Rev. 22:20


God bless you with His freedom!






Reference Material:

§                                                         "Jezebel Vs. Elijah" by Dr. Bree M. Keyton, Th.D., D.C.E.

§                                                         "Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit" by John Paul Jackson

§                                                         "The Jezebel Spirit" by Francis Frangipane

§                                                         "The Power of a Covenant Heart" by David Huskins



Global Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.

Bob & Esther Thornton, Oregon

PO Box 42

Kelso, WA.  98626


(503)728-2834 (Fax)


"Impartation" Meetings

1st & 3rd Fridays @ 7:00 PM


724 15th Ave.

Longview, WA


For more information: Call Bob or Esther Thornton at (503)728-3388, or visit our website for directions to the hall.


You are welcome!  Come and let God touch you; and bring others with you who need a touch from God!