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"Love And Mercy Comes In Revival"

Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton



The true sign of those who lead in the next revival of this century will be their gracious ability to love. Love is the key and mercy is also necessary to usher in the glory of God.


We need the love of God to motivate us. How do we know when we have enough of God's love? When a burden for lost humanity consumes our every waking hour, as it did with Jesus; then we will know that we have enough of His love.





The "River of God" revival blessed us. Now let's follow it to the "Oceans". Ocean-sized waves of the glory of God are destined to hit this planet in our times.


There are patterns of revival in the history of the church: unrest; repentance; then, follows the outbreak of revival, miracles and change. And, nothing of lasting value is ever birthed into the Spirit realm without coming through the birth waters of the womb of prayer.



The Bible speaks of

four winds of revival:


l. A wind of holiness: like that of winter, so unfruitful branches will die and it forces our roots to burrow deep in the soil.

(Job 37:9-10 and 21 - north wind that cleanses).

2. A wind of strength: joy in the refreshing of spring; new growth. "The joy of the Lord is your strength (Neh. 8:10 - south wind that warms).

3. A wind of the Kingdom: spring buds turning to summer fruit. Prosperity in all things. Resources! (Mat. 6:33; Job 38:24-27 - east wind).

4. A wind of Miracles: Creative miracles; translations; and the raising of the dead will come.

(Mark 6:25; Acts 19 and 8:39 - west wind).


God showed me in recent days that the body of Christ was no longer just going into the river, but that we were going out into the mighty ocean! A river is local, but an ocean is global. What we have experienced up until now will seem small and insignificant in comparison to what we are now coming into. It will include everywhere! - Jerusalem; Judea; Samaria; and unto the uttermost parts of the earth!


There is a price to pay for revival. Kathyrn Kuhlman once said: "What will it cost? What is the price? It will cost you everything! But its worth the price!"


Some ways it will cost: prayer and intercession;obedience; sensitivity to the Holy Spirit; willingness to be flexible.


The River of God will not bring tranquility to your life, but will challenge you to deeper waters. Water is often used to illustrate the things of the Spirit of God. In the Bible, water was used in connection with obedience or disobedience. It was withheld at times because of disobedience; Yet, flowing water illustrates obedience and God's Spirit pouring forth.


In the early summer of 1999, a news article from Israel appeared stating that water had begun to flow into the Temple Mount under the Dome of the Rock. So great had been the seepage that some frustrated religious pilgrims had to take up their prayer mats, wringing wet with water. There was none who could stop this flow. So, it is with the river of God.


It is flowing in revival, and whether people like it or not, none can stop it!


We have often talked about Ez. 47, where Ezekiel went out into the river that proceeded from the throne of God, to his ankles, knees, loins, and out so deep he had to swim.


Then, there is a scripture passage in I Kngs. 18:41-46, where Elijah tells King Ahab that there is a sound of abundance of rain. Yet, there is no rain in sight! There has been a 3 l/2 yr. Draught, according to Elijah's prophecy. But, Elijah does not operate according to his natural senses, but what he knows to be true in his spirit man. Elijah has just won a great victory over Baal. And, yet he is willing to humble himself and bow down his face to the ground, seeking God. No matter how God has used us in the past, we must be willing to humble ourselves and seek His face, if we want to see a fresh move of God.


Then, Elijah persisted. He sent his servant to look but he saw nothing. Then he sent him seven more times to look for rain clouds- he did not give up, like we do sometimes. Yes; God can do things in a hurry, but sometimes He tests us and waits that we might put ourselves in the place of prayer and faith where we need to be. To see revival come, we must not give up, but persist in faith, knowing that it is the will of God; therefore we can contend in faith for it until it comes.


Elijah didn't wait until the rain began to come. For as soon as his servant saw only a small cloud, the size of a man's hand, that was enough for Elijah to act! He spoke his faith and he sent his servant to tell Ahab to get up and go to Jezreel. The Bible says that the hand of the Lord was upon Elijah. That is a powerful statement and always refers to the power of the Lord being evident in a miraculous way. Then, it says that Elijah ran in front of King Ahab's horses to Jezreel (which was about 20 miles). This is what a slave does. This illustrates what the Bible teaches, that the minister is to be the servant of all.


Elijah was humble; yet powerful! The Bible says that "faith without works is dead". but, Elijah not only spoke his faith, but he acted upon it. He was persistent in prayer and in standing for the things of God. For, he waited all day while the servants of Baal cried unto their god; and then he called upon the true God, who brought fire from Heaven upon his altar.


When our sacrifice pleases God, He will send fire from Heaven to receive it or to consume it. When we totally surrender to His plan and purpose in our lives, He sends His fire upon us.


We desperately need the fire of the Holy Ghost to get the job done in this day and hour. For time is short and there is much to do that souls might be saved.


We need the love of God to motivate us. How do we know when we have enough of God's love? When a burden for lost humanity consumes our every waking hour, as it did with Jesus; then we will know that we have enough of His love.


We want to receive all that God has for us that we might take it to a dying world. The Lord spoke this to a lady in regard to the gold dust:

"Some believers are now pressing so close to Heaven, as the veil stretches ever more thin, that a residue of gold from My presence, the glory, is remaining on them.”


Job 28:5-6 and 11 NKJ

"As for the earth, from it comes bread But underneath it is turned up as by fire; Its stones are the source of sapphires, and it contains gold dust.... What is hidden He brings forth to light."


The body has a tiny bit of gold in it chemically or naturally, and is one of the body's own healing agent minerals, and doctors use gold shots for relief of arthritis.. Yet, what we are experiencing here is much more than normal perspiration could produce.


The gold dust comes through the pores or as a fine rain from above. Sometimes it resembles emerald dust or diamond dust. And, each tiny flake is three-dimensional and is shaped like a diamond. But, the focus is not glory dust, but upon Jesus and the miracles He is performing because of His covenant with us.


At an Arab engagement party, the bride comes in with silver dust in her hair from the beauty parlor. Her jewelry had large nuggets of silver on them. The women there have huge chunks of gold on their ears and around their necks, each collection worth around $50,000 or more. The mother of the groom explains that this is the gold that they have received from their engagement parties. It is enough to secure our future. We only wear it when another one of our ladies becomes engaged. The bride and groom are seated on chairs that are made up to resemble thrones. They exchanged her silver for his gifts of gold between them. He also sprinkled her with real gold dust from a jeweler's shop.


Very soon now, we will be going to the wedding palace of the Lamb, and Jesus, our heavenly bridegroom seems to be sprinkling us with gold dust in preparation. What could be more beautiful?!


It is a Jewish custom for the bridegroom to send gifts of gold to the bride before the wedding. He is saying by this that he is coming soon for her to take her to the wedding and they will be together, forever! So, our heavenly bridegroom is sending us gifts of gold and saying that He is coming soon for us, for the marriage supper of the Lamb is at hand!


There is a verse that says that a three-fold cord is not easily broken. (Ecc. 4:12). And, God is using a three-fold cord in this day to anchor us: prayer, praise, and the power of His Word.(Ps 100:4-5).


Ø           Prayer is the portal...

Ø           Praise is the hoist of the anchor!

Ø           The Word of God is the navigational system.


A lady evangelist was praying in a church before she ministered and Jesus appeared before her in a royal-bluish-purple satin robe of many rich folds. Over His shoulder was a deep-cranberry satin traveling cloak, or mantle. It was embroidered all over with gold thread and then covered with a fine gold dusting that shimmered on the surface of the fabric.


He spoke this to her in regard to that church: "This church has pressed in to such a place in Me, through their prayers and worship and servant's heart, that I will now be able to dwell with them on a much more tangible level."


Then, as the Holy Spirit fell in the service that followed, Jesus appeared again to the evangelist. This time He said: "I am pulling up the tent stakes. Out with the old! Up with the new! The cloud is moving; move with the cloud!"


He again appeared to this evangelist during this meeting, and this time He said: "Whereas, in the history of the Church, healing has been in the hands of but a few, it now passes to the hands of many. Teach them and release them, and great shall be the multiplication of signs and wonders and of healing miracles in the Church in this generation."


The true sign of those who lead in the next revival of this century will be their gracious ability to love. Love is the key and mercy is also necessary to usher in the glory of God.


Sister Ruth Heflin once said, "Let us err on the side of mercy, rather than judgment."


Let us trust the Holy Spirit to work in peoples' lives and not judge them ourselves, but rather to operate in an anointing of love and mercy.


The River has a current (a steady, smooth onward movement), but the ocean has a rythmn (rhythmical pattern). Heaven's population sings it continuously, day and night, around the throne of God. "Holy, holy, holy".


The church is now moving to a new level. And, instead of just playing in the first foam of the first wave, masses of believers are arising and you can hear the sound of thundering feet. Hordes of cleansed, filled, anointed, holy believers are stampeding to the mission fields of the earth, into everyman's world, in a last, quick, great harvest thrust.



   This is the

sound of revival!




God is taking us to a new level of worship. We must walk with a good character and maturity, especially ministers of the gospel and leaders.


What is happening to our revival in America and elsewhere, is that the water has been pulled back for a short season. But, those who crave it and chase it will suddenly be pleasantly rewarded in the depth of the next wave.God will open nations that have been closed to the gospel in this next great wave.


I had prophesied that China will be opened to the gospel and I have just read a notable prophet's word of the same thing.


In 1989, the world awoke one morning to a long-awaited, but suddenly realized event. The Berlin Wall had fallen, and the Iron curtain that had witheld freedom and the Gospel from so many was but a vapor in the winds of history. God's "suddenlies" are awesome!


God is preparing a people to be ready to harness the power of the wave of glory that He sends forth. They are a people of faith, who paddle upstream, against the normal flow of life, with a listening ear to "change". (Rev. 3:22)


Let us not be disheartened or slack in our spiritual stance in these days. Press in to God as never before. Believe now, not just to enter the river, but to enter the mighty ocean and begin now to chase the wave. We are going to new levels. Are we ready for the oceans? Ready or not, here they come!

