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10-Steps To Revival

Pat Robertson recently wrote a small book on Revival. He listed the steps to revival as follows:

1. Humility

2. Prayer

3. Seeking God’s Face

4. Turn from our wicked ways

5. Unity

6. Perseverance

Most of these points are contained in 2 Chr. 7:14 “If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”

People call many things “revival”, such as meetings and other programs, which are not truly revival. Revival is a change of heart and totally seeking God because of hunger for Him.

1. Humility:

Until we become dissatisfied with our own spiritual condition or what man can do, and come humbly before the throne of God, we will not come into revival.

2. Prayer:

Prayer is giant key that unlocks the door of revival.

The videos, “Transformations I and II”, by George Otis, Jr., show how people got together for corporate prayer in various parts of the world, in difficult areas, and God brought revival.

Intercession is also a vital key to break down the powers of darkness and to release the power of God for revival. “Intercession” is intensive prayer, and an “Intercessor” is one who walks in this office of anointing.

3. Seeking God’s Face:

Tommy Tenney has said that we should “seek God’s face and not His hand.” In time past, Benny Hinn had a video teaching on “Practicing the Presence of God”. This video is life changing. God says “He that seeks Me with his whole heart shall find Me.”

4. Turn from our wicked ways:

God wants to weed-out the church of hindering sins and hindering spirits, so that revival can come forth.

5. Unity:

Psalm 133 is a literary and spiritual gem with four main points:

(1) It is good and pleasant when brothers dwell together in unity.

(2) Unity is fragrant

(3) Unity is refreshing

(4) Unity is the sure guarantee of God’s blessing and is life forevermore.

It is in unity where God commands the blessing. This is why Satan fights it so hard; to stir up the saints, and cause divisions amongst them.

There are two kinds of unity - true or false. False unity is brought forth by compromise; whereas true unity comes from God.

6. Perseverance:

“Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” What would have happened if Jesus had not endured the cross? This shows the importance of perseverance. We must remember that the crown awaits the “Over-comer”.

Are the steps of revival operating in your life and mine?

Humility; prayer; seeking God’s face; turning from our wicked ways; unity; and perseverance?

I know in my spirit that we are on the verge of a revival that we cannot even imagine! I prophesied this at our recent *“Impartation” meeting. And, then, heard Benny Hinn say the same thing that I was feeling in my own spirit. We use the word, “Revival”, picturing in our minds the moves of God in the past. But, this that is now upon us will supercede anything that we can even ask or think! It will be phenomenal!

Psalm 76:10 says, “Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.” So, even this recent terrorist wrath against America will bring forth praise to the Lord. How will it do this:

Josephus, a note worthy Jewish historian, wrote the following:

“When the Roman General, Titus, destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the terror of that event was far greater than the New York tragedy. A whole city was leveled, with thousands young and old, mercilessly slaughtered. So how did God use the wrath of man in this horror? The Christians, in Jerusalem, who escaped, were scattered to the ends of the earth, and with them, the Gospel message of Jesus Christ!

In the same way, this terrorist attack on America will bring mighty revival, and drive our witness out to the ends of the earth as never before!

When we see all these things come to pass; we are to “lift up our heads and rejoice; for our redemption draweth nigh“!

We must rise up in the midst of tragedy and uncertainty and radically go forth with the gospel, and support others who do so, also. We are to “utilize the moment” for “the night cometh when no man can work”.



Global Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.
