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Vineyard-Isaiah five

Song of the Vineyard

--- Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton ---



Scripture Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7


When I was recovering from a long illness, Bob built me a temporary greenhouse. It was large and very nice. I had tomatoes that would grow up to the ten-foot ceiling and then would grow some more. I had a large banana plant and other things that you can’t grow outside in this part of the country. I had piped in music! I had a large area holding potting soil, so I could pot plants. I really enjoyed planting and reaping the benefits of that planting.

But, the day came when my body was restored and I no longer worked in the greenhouse. But, Bob and I began our ministry for God - here and overseas. Now, I was planting spiritually in the work of God, instead of in the natural, in my greenhouse.

Well, my greenhouse started showing signs of neglect. You are supposed to replace the thick plastic every 2-3 years and it wasn’t being done. Tons of weeds began to grow inside and outside of the greenhouse. The fluorescent lights and music speakers were no longer operative. Neglect had taken over the greenhouse and no more planting could be done. We finally hired a man to come in completely remove the greenhouse.

I. The vineyard (Isaiah 5)

Isaiah chapter five is a song about a spiritual vineyard. The vineyard is Israel; the singer is God, Elohim, and the Beloved is His Beloved Son. (Luke 20:9-17). There are two main names for God in the Hebrew Scriptures and these are Elohim and Jehovah. Elohim refers to His fullness of divine power; and Jehovah (or Yahweh), meaning “He who is”, which is His self-existence.

Israel is compared to a vine in various scriptures (Psalm 50:8-16; S. of Sol. 8:12). Israel’s days under David and on, were fruitful. God put a circle around Israel, showing the enemy that it belonged to Him. He gathered out the stones or removed those things that would clutter it. He planted a superior vine so that it would bring forth much fruit (John. 15:1-5). But, they rejected Him and brought forth no fruit. He built a tower. Towers were built in vineyards in ancient times so a watch might be kept against thieves. (Matthew 21:33-46). The tower symbolized the Lord as the defense of Israel but they turned to men instead of to God. He made a wine press. This was an excavation in the ground, which contained a vat above, which was the press, worked by men who wrung the grape juice out of the grape bag containing the grapes. As He had planted the choicest of vines, He expected the choicest of fruit. He was to be bitterly disappointed, as it brought forth wild grapes.

From this potion of scripture, we have painted a dark picture. Some years ago, I gave a personal prophecy to an artist. I knew nothing about painting pictures! But, I told her that her life had been like a picture with a dark background. But, I saw flowers and growth and life in the front part of the picture. So, she painted me what I had seen on a large canvas. The colorful flowers stand out on the dark background.

And, so I am going to paint you a spiritual picture at this point. We have painted the dark background, and now will put on it the colorful flowers.

II. Application for Today

The finished work of Christ is enough

God has done everything possible for us that we might have salvation, the power of the Holy Spirit, healing and miracles. The finished work of Christ is all that is needed. And, “It is finished!” The work is complete!

III. Hindrances to Producing Good Fruit

1. Complacency

All we have to do to fail is to do nothing!

If we neglect what He has provided, we will not produce quality fruits but wild grapes that are good for nothing.

“And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.” Jehovah would have to break down its hedge and destroy its wall. Vineyards were usually protected either by a hedge of thorns or else by a wall, or even both. In this case, it was both as God had given His vineyard all the protection possible.

God withdrew the rain, speaking of spiritual renewal. Why did He lay it waste and bring no rain? Because the vineyard He had so carefully prepared had not be utilized and brought forth wild grapes.

The Titanic (1912): It was said of the Titanic that it couldn’t sink. So they sailed boldly into dangerous waters with reckless abandon. Arrogance and pride can be fatal. When the Titanic hit the iceberg, it was noticed, but after a few seconds the party continued. None of them realized that in two hours most of them would be at the bottom of the sea. It was not the iceberg that sunk the Titanic - it was complacency. Captain Smith and his crew received numerous warnings about the ice field which lay directly across their path - and they did not even slow down! They had a false sense of security. They wanted to break a record and prove that they could do something.

There is a true account of a man who was sharing this story in the Moody Church in Chicago some years ago. When the Titanic went down, he was in the icy waters. Another man kept calling out to him, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” - over and over again he called out to him. Finally, he heard the voice no more. But, he called upon the name of the Lord and was saved. He was rescued by a life boat and lived to tell this story. And, now at the Moody Church he said, “The man who called out to me in that water was your pastor here at this church”. He had refused a life boat that others lives could be saved. And, he cared more about winning souls, than his very life.

God is calling us today by His Spirit to come out of our complacency and to take on His priorities. And, He will cause our vineyard to produce quality fruits that will bring forth wine in abundance for His glory.

2. We need to change our mind-set

We cannot be successful in the vineyard unless we allow the Spirit of God to change our mind-set.

I talked with a pastor of a large church not long ago about the need for prophets and the 5-fold ministry in the church. He said to me, “I am the prophet!” I spoke of the need for the five-fold ministry and gifts and he said that he could take the church where it needed to be. He said, “I have done it three times before, and I can do it again!”

We must come to the point of realizing that without Him we can do nothing that will be effective in the eyes of God. Success is not in numbers or man’s ways, but in that which produces good fruit in the vineyard.

Each new visitation of God is accompanied by a revelation of God’s principles and a testing of His purposes. Each thing that God does, involves a test of our submission and commitment to Him.

When the Lord does a new thing, He releases a new mind to His people so that they can submit and be involved. A new dimension involves a new mind-set.

Spiritual change begins with a renewal of mind. (Rom. 12:2)

God thinks long term. Life is perceived in the Spirit first before it can be understood in the mind. Something may happen that will later develop into something bigger. Or, you may meet someone, and at a later time, realize that it was a divine appointment that will turn into something bigger.

We are taught to think like God by the Spirit. The more we do this, the more we develop in maturity. (“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”)

Our mind receives information, but our heart receives revelation

When we are submitted to the Holy Spirit, we will have peace and good fruit for our labor.

There is a divine order for peace. The heart is for trusting and acknowledging, and the mind is for understanding and guidance. We then have the mind of Christ as we have His heart. Revelation moves from heart to mind and we have peace and rest.

God is building a new work to bring power and effectiveness. We are not to make ourselves understood by the world, but to relate to the language and culture of Heaven.

I have heard of ways Christians try to reach young people, and etc. by using the methods and ways of the world. The Bible says to come out from among them and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing. We are to lift up a standard for people to follow. It is the high standard of the cross. It is of uncompromising value and methods which agree with the teaching of the Word of God. We are not to live as close to the world as we can, but as close to God as we can.

The manifest presence of God can do more in one moment than we can do in weeks of activity.

The great commission is more easily fulfilled by those who are God-conscious in mind and heart, and totally sold out to His life, love, and purpose.

With God, it is the love of our heart first; and it is on a daily basis.

We must not let our current mind-set prevent us from entering into a fresh experience with God.

If we change our mind, He will change our heart. If we change our thinking, He will change our emotions. As this process continues, we become ready to go to the next level.

The wineskin needs to be turned inside out and scrubbed until all bacteria of the past is gone, and then kneaded with oil until it is soft and supple. Then, it is ready to receive new wine. Otherwise, the old bacteria will cause fermentation to burst the wineskin and lose the new wine. Only Caleb and Joshua qualified to enter the promised land of God’s next move for Israel. Two men out of three million! Madame Guyon says that only two or three in a generation will permit God to bring them into the state where they contain in fullness His presence of His current move!

IV. The New Song of the Vineyard

Our Beloved One is singing to us a new song of the vineyard. He is still “the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” And, He calls to us to “come away, my beloved”

1. His provision: the finished work of Christ (salvation, power, healing, miracles, all that pertains to life and godliness, he has provided). It is of highest quality and an abundance of quality fruit should come from it.

2. He has put up a hedge of protection for us: (Job 1:10; Psa. 91).

3. He is our tower of defense (Psa. 18:2)

4. He will tear down the old and rebuild in our lives. (Isa. 61:1-4)

5. He will once again “rain” upon our lives (Hos. 6:3)

6. The wine press will be restored in our lives (Jn. 2:1-10) for He has saved the best wine until last. In these last days we shall experience greater things than ever before.

Gideon hid by the threshing floor but the angel sent from God said to him: “O thou mighty man of valor!” God sees our potential - not our fears and failures.

7. God wants us to make a “divine exchange” in our lives today. Get rid of that in your life that has not been productive and begin to use the resources that God has provided for a bountiful harvest.


Esther Thornton


Reference Material:

“Leadership -The Power of a Creative Life” - Rick Joyner

“Story of Titanic” - Dwight Thompson

“A Divine Confrontation” by Graham cook