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Bible Study with MISSIONARY ESTHER THORNTON @ - home of Strombolis-Magazine


Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton, Oregon



Dear Ones In Christ,


Proverbs 15:33 says:
"The fear of the Lord is the instruction of WISDOM; and before honour is humility." 


In the account in Genesis 24 of "A Bride for Isaac", we find wisdom in the humility of a servant searching for the right bride for Abraham's son of promise, Isaac.


When we walk in wisdom, we can rejoice in the honor that comes forth in the days ahead.



Rebekah was wise and humble in drawing an extra amount of water, not only for the servant, but for the camels also.  She was a woman of integrity because she feared the Lord, acted in faith, and thus, was rewarded with honor in becoming the bride of Isaac!


This chapter is the account of Isaac receiving his bride. Abraham was 140 yrs. Old. He sent his servant, Eleazer to find a bride for Isaac. Eliezer: type of the Holy Spirit seeking a bride for Christ. Rebekah is the church, and Isaac is a type of Christ.


The putting the hand under the thigh was most sacred according to ancient Jewish expositors as a sign of subjection. (God touched Jacob’s thigh when He changed his name as a sign of blessing). Abraham had Eleazor swear by putting his hand under his thigh, that he would not get a bride for Isaac of the Cananites but from his own people.


Abraham knew that God had called him and his descendants to live a separated life from the people around him. God is calling forth a bride for his son who are separated people; not mixed in with the world. The wool and linen don’t mix. The priestly garments in the O.T. were not to have wool mixed with linen as the priest would perspire and thus, contaminate the priestly garment.


God wants a pure bride for His son who does not mix their life with that of the world.


Abraham asked his servant not to come back empty handed and He said his angel would go before him. Vs. 10 says that all the goods of his master were in his hand, symbolizing the power of the Holy Spirit.


Vs. 12-14 is a beautiful example of being specific in prayer. Eleazor asks God to give him success and show kindness to his master Abraham. It is a prayer of faith straight to the point, petitioning the covenant God, for that which is needed.


In Vs. 15, Rebekah comes out with a pitcher on her shoulder. The name, “Rebekah” means “captivating”. The pitcher on Rebekah’s shoulder could portray the church taking the water of life to a lost and dying world. Rebekah was fair to look upon and the church is a glorious church. She was a virgin and God tells his bride to come from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing.


Vs. 23, Eleazor asks if there is room in her father’s house to lodge. The Holy Spirit is asking the church today if there is room for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to lodge.


Verses 35-49 give the mission of Eliezer. He shares his mission at Rebekah’s home of seeking a bride for Isaac. And, in parallel, Ch. 14-17 of John give the mission of the Holy Spirit - to draw all men unto God - to prepare a bride for Christ in submission and holiness.


1 Thes. 3:13 To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.


The 53rd vs. records Eliezer giving precious things to Rebekah’s mother and brother. Likewise, the church has precious things to give to the world.


The 56th vs. proclaims not to hinder, telling us that nothing must hinder the Holy Spirit and His work. As well, He will soon take the church home to Isaac (Christ).


The 58th vs. has a beautiful statement by Rebekah, “I will go”. Submitting to the will of God - we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit (Eleazer) and go to unite with Christ (Isaac). K.K. once said:


“We must submit our will to the will of the Father”. (and I would add that that is when we begin to see the greatness of God, through us and his plan and purpose come forth through our lives).


Vs. 61 says, “The servant took Rebekah, and went his way. Very soon the trump of God is going to sound and the bride will be caught away!


Vs. 63 “Isaac went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching. Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac. (We shall see Him face to face). She got down from her camel, and when he found out that it was Isaac, she took her veil and covered herself. Vs. 67 says that Isaac brought her into the tent of his mother, Rebekkah became his wife, and he loved her. (Christ loved the church and gave himself for it).



The Holy Spirit has gone forth to seek a bride for Christ. She must not be one who is of the world, but pure and holy. And, even as Eleazor carried with him the good of his master, so we can receive the power of God through the Holy Spirit. Eleazor offered a beautiful specific prayer that was according to the will of God. The precious Holy Spirit prays through us, which is always according to the will of the Father.


Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.


The name, “Rebekah” means “captivating“. Captivating means “to attract and hold by charm, beauty or excellence; to capture. Jesus wants us as his beautiful bride to be one who captures his heart by our excellence.


He wants us to have our pitcher on our shoulder - ready to give the water of life to weary travelers. Rebekah gave Eleazor water but also gave it to the camels, which typifies her servant’s heart and that she was not afraid of hard work. We, as the bride of Christ, are to be ready to minister to others, even to the point of being a servant to them and not being afraid of hard work to minister to their needs.


The Holy Spirit is desiring full lodging in our hearts and lives. He asks, “Can I lodge here? Is there room for the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in your heart and life?”


Eleazor told what his mission was. The precious Holy Spirit is speaking today that His mission is to draw all men to God; that He is preparing a bride for the spiritual Isaac - Jesus.

Eleazor asks that they might not tarry. The Holy Spirit is saying today, not we must not tarry in the plan and purpose of God being fulfilled. Time is short. We must work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work.


The Holy Spirit is asking today, “Are you willing to do what the Father is asking you to do? Will you have a servant’s heart and be obedient?” Rebekah said, “I will go”.


So they went their way. Soon the trump of God will sound and we, as His bride, will be caught away to be with Him forever!


Isaac went out to his field and saw the camels coming. It’s almost “supper time”. It’s almost time to go home. Can’t you hear our Heavenly Bridegroom calling, “The camels are coming - it’s suppertime”. (The marriage supper of the Lamb is at hand).


A camel is a symbol of service, servant hood, and burden bearing. The work of the Holy Spirit is carried out by the Christ’s bride in service, servant hood and bearing the burdens of others. But, it is almost time that these things will be no more!


Rebekah saw Isaac and put on a veil. The church is setting her eyes upon her bridegroom and there is only a veil between them, for the wedding day is at hand.


Christ’s supreme love for His bride caused Him to give all that He had, even His life, for her. Yet, He desires for all men to be a part of this bride, that we might dwell with him together for all eternity.


When a beautiful wedding is being planned, there is much to be done in preparation. It is sometimes hard work and there is much to do. But, the bride knows that the end is worth the labor, when she will be united with the groom.


“The camels are coming!” Time is running out! there is an urgency to this hour. It is the last and final hour of the church. We shall see Him (our heavenly bridegroom) face to face, and it will be worth every tear; every sorrow; every disappointment in what we have done for Him. And, we will wish that we had given Him more. For He truly is worthy of all honor, and glory, and majesty, and power - forever and forever! He is Lord!


Let us conduct our lives with the wisdom of God that we might not have regrets when time is over and we stand before our precious Lord!


He says in James 1:5
    If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


Let us seek His wisdom to redeem the time because the days are evil and the time is short before our bridegroom comes for us, His bride!


May you be blessed in all that you do for Him!


In His Service,
