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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with MISSIONARY ESTHER THORNTON @ - home of Strombolis eZine




Missionary/Evangelist Esther Thornton, Oregon






estherB.jpgDear Friends,


God wants us to be real people and to walk in His peace.


The following is a prophecy that the Lord gave me recently that I want to share with you.


Prophecy To:  The Body of Christ:


I will visit my people, says the Lord. I am opening up to you a new door that no man can shut. You have been through the fire of testing. And, you have been in a desert place. You have endured suffering in your bodies and you have endured a famine in your finances, as well. You have sought the Lord for your needs and the needs of your families, and you have said, “Has He not heard me?”


Yet, my Word has said:


Isaiah 65:24 “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”


It is a faith walk that you have been going through. I have deepened your faith by the trials that you have endured. But it is time - it is time for the Spirit of God to fall upon His people in a greater way than ever before. This is the time the prophets have spoken about. This is the time of the great awakening. This is the time of the great refreshing.


This is not a time to give up or to despair, For you are coming into a new season. It will be a season of rewarding my people and of great joy! Shake off the weights of the past. Get ready to move forward.


Shed the old garments and put on the new. For those who have not given up in this difficult day, I will shower them with My presence! For those who come to Me in this season I will anoint even those who consider themselves to be the lowliest amongst you. All shall receive who seek my face and look unto Me.


And, the new door that I am opening will astound even the greatest amongst you. It has been preceded by prayer and intercession; fasting; and testing. The prophets have declared it but now is the time.


You shall see changes in every avenue of your lives and in the life of your families. It shall seem that suddenly the time table has turned in your favor. What has stacked itself against you is now broken. There is a gush of the water of life flowing on your behalf. You have endured the long night and now, joy comes in the morning.


I saw the large, ornate door that was very thick. And, outside the door I saw intercessors on their faces before God, weeping and crying out; and birthing. God’s people had been facing odds that were discouraging and difficult and could even feel to give up from the intensity. But, as the intercessors cried out, I saw Jesus himself appear and open the mighty door for His people. This door signifies the end of days and the culmination of time with greatness, healings, signs, and wonders; and a great thrust of getting the gospel to all men.


Those who step into this new time will experience the power and greatness of God and will see it come forth as never before. There is a great rain that will cover all, but to those who respond, it will be beneficial in bringing in the last day harvest.


You will see fallings on your left hand but surging of the power of God on your right. It will be as different as night and day. For the coming of the Lord draws night. God is doing a quick work in all the earth. And, you shall experience it in every avenue of your lives. You have labored but you have not labored in vain. Watch what is coming forth in answer to your prayers and efforts for the Kingdom.


A little child shall lead them: Expect all of creation to manifest the glory of the Lord. The older saints shall receive new strength and they shall wake up as though in slumber feeling like young people once again.


Use all that I give you, saith the Lord, and I will give you more. Your well shall never run dry nor your cup be empty. The more you give, the more you will receive. And, for those who have given and given, this is day of receiving back, that you might be blessed of the Lord for what you have done. Those who have sacrificed financially for the kingdom of God will have a special blessing. They will be given back for what they have given in a special anointing that I am pouring upon these saints.


It is a day of “launching forth” before the day of the Lord. And, those who I have called shall go forth in fulfillment and victory. For I will complete the work I have called them to do. Evangelism shall be the key word of this season. For it comes straight from the heart of the Father in its significance and great importance. A new anointing is being released from the Throne of God for this hour.


Matthew 20:16 “…. for many be called, but few chosen.”


Isaiah 41:8-10 “…..Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”


I saw two saints. The one rose up in this hour and did exploits for the kingdom of God. The other was sleepy and wasted time and the gifts of God. To the one who will receive, I will give, saith the Lord, but the sleeping one shall lose out on the glory of this day.  There was a great “cleaning out” amongst the saints. The waste of the past must be dealt with. It was like spring house Cleaning with bags and bags of trash being thrown out. But, what was good was left and preserved.


Word of Knowledge shall be strong in this day, as well as the other gifts of the Spirit. Names of churches shall be irrelevant. For I am changing all things. Denominations that were once to be shunned will now open up as a new flower receiving the touch of the sun.


It is a day of great refreshing. I am gathering those leaders who have fallen short and given them a new name and a new season of ministry. They shall help to prevent others from falling as they have done. I am purifying My body to be a bride unto honor for the wedding day. New books will come forth of a new nature. Distractions and works of the flesh will be put down. I am working amongst families and you will be a drawing in and great changes of heart that only God can do.


Isaiah 43:5-6 “Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; [6] I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; I am giving My people a new mindset that will release the tensions and pressures of the past and renew their spirits in joy and strength. I shall use even one to come forth into My greatness.


1 Cor. 5:6 “…. a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?”


There shall be a mighty victory over all the works of the enemy and will be experienced by even one or two. Great battles should be won and deliverances shall not tarry.


Deut. 32:30 “…. One (shall) chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.”


It is not a day to sorrow but a day to rejoice. For when the time of the wedding draws night, the bride and bridegroom stand in excitement of that day. I am replacing sorrow with joy for my people; I am replacing sickness with health; I am awakening my people with new Strength. I am touching the dry bones that they might live.


At this point, I saw the children of God dancing before the throne. Their feet were so light that they were on the tips of their toes. It seemed effortless!


Are you ready for this day? Are you prepared to receive what I have for you? Are you ready for the new door to open onto this last day of the Lord?


Behold I come quickly, says the Lord. And, My reward shall be with Me to give every man, according as his work shall be. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.




Esther Thornton

Global Evangelism Fellowship