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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with EVANGELIST ESTHER THORNTON @ - home of Strombolis eZine




Evangelist Esther Thornton, Oregon




Beloved Bride of Christ

estherB.jpgJesus is coming soon! Be as a bride adorned with pure garments. For Jesus is coming for a bride, without spot or wrinkle.

Ephes. 5:27

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Matthew 24:42

Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

I love you, my beautiful bride! I adore you! You are like the sunshine after the rain! You are as the fresh dew in the morning! You are so dear to my heart! I long to draw you closer than ever before! And, I long for that day when we shall be together forever and ever! Watch and pray. For the time is at hand. And, all of Heaven is rejoicing because the time is near!

Your Heavenly Father, Jehovah God.


We have seen souls saved, both here and abroad; people delivered from demons; people receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit; people healed; teeth filled; God’s rose fragrance in meetings; prophecies given, amongst other things.

All we have to do is to do as the song says that Paul Raider wrote: “Only Believe, only believe, all things are possible, only believe.”

Paul Raider knew that he was called to preach the gospel. But, when he was hindered, he got his instruction from Heaven where God said, “Your pulpit is here on the streets.”

So, as Paul preached, thousands came to the Lord.

God is looking for those with perseverance - those who, no matter what circumstances come their way - they will not give up.

At our last meeting at the hall, there was a large family who came up for prayer. They were standing in a circle and Glen Smith, who was our guest speaker that night, and I, prayed for them individually. But, when I came to the younger member of the family, who was 18 years old, he informed me that he was not born again and that he didn’t want to be.

But, thankfully, he came back to a later meeting and came forward to receive Christ!

God will honor our choices, but Hell is an awful place to spend eternity.

I have ministered to some who were right on the brink of eternity. How wonderful that they willingly accepted the Lord as we didn’t know how close they were to eternity.

God today is going to bring in those in families who are not in the fold, for the time is short.

Why does God give us the gold dust and gemstones in our meeting? The Jewish bridegroom to be had to go to prepare a place for his bride and she didn’t know the day or hour that he would return to take her away with him. In the meantime, he would send her gifts of gold, thus saying: “I am coming again for you so that you will be with me forever!

God will heal; He will do signs and wonders, such as filling teeth; He will meet every hungry heart. Those who want prayer, you are invited to come to Him. Receive Him as your Savior; be baptized in the Holy Spirit and serve Him with all that you have.

With Love In Christ,

Esther Thornton

Global Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.