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Evangelist Esther Thornton, Oregon




God is calling His church to action! He wants us to be powerful in the Holy Spirit and with His fire in our lives.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

Luke 3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:

estherB.jpgProphecy for the year, 2010 is on our website:

This is a day when the good will be very good, but the evil will be very evil.

Daniel 11:32 (but) the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

It is a day when family members will arise against one another.

God will be dealing with those who have kept unity and peace from being in the church, for it is in unity that God commands the blessing.

A 90-year old lady had a dream that it took me a week to interpret and I still did not feel that I had it all, even then.

One part of this dream, she tried to go into a fabric store to buy wool and linen, but couldn’t do it. Ez. 44:17 tells us that the priest’s garments must be of pure linen. He could not have wool in this, as then he would perspire and then they would not be pure.

People today are trying to mix the wool with the linen, in their own lives and in the lives of the church.

In another part of the dream, men were on the ocean beach in a circle, digging and digging, but accomplishing nothing. God’s desires that our works would accomplish that which is substantial to God.

Another part of the dream a man couldn’t drink something but could only drink milk as everything else was too strong to him. God is calling forth believers in this day who are hungry and thirsty for the deeper things of God and not just satisfied to drink the milk.

Jesus is preparing his bride for the wedding day. A Jewish groom would send his bride-to-be gifts of gold before the wedding. He had gone to prepare a place for her and she didn’t know when he would be coming - it could even be at midnight. So she had to have her clothes beside her bed, always ready for when he would come; when he sent gifts of gold to the bride, In essence he was saying, “I am coming soon for you and we will be together forever”.

We have had gold dust in our meetings quite often. God is giving gifts of gold to His people saying that He is coming soon for His people and that we then will be together… forever.

We have had jewels in our meetings at times and God is saying that we are His jewels and that He is coming to make up His jewels.

Malachi 3:17 And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels;

We need the fire of God especially in this day in which we are living. Ask of Him and He will give it to you by His Holy Spirit.

My daughter and I had just been to Rodney Howard-Browne’s ministry in Florida, and there is such fire there of God! When I got home, I was asked to be on TBN in Portland. And, so I shared about the fire of God that I had experienced. A lady who worked there at the station asked me to pray for the fire of God to come upon her. Another lady, who was a graduate of Kenneth Hagin’s college and is a minister, asked if she could come to my house and she desired to receive the fire that was on me! So, she came, even though it was quite a distance away, and God gave her the fire as we prayed!

I pray for you now, that you might receive the fire of God by His Holy Spirit. It will change your life. You may already have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but God wants you anyway to receive His fire afresh and anew!

In His Love,

Esther Thornton,

Global Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.