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Missionary / evangelist esther thornton, oregon





“Responding” - Not Reacting To Testing


The book of James deals with tests and trials. We’re going to look at “Life Lessons from James”. James deals with tests, trials, infirmities, and afflictions. James deals with these things because that is the kind of church that he had; that’s the kind of culture they were living in. They had been pressed in with an enormous amount of pressure, persecution, unjust treatment by the hands of people; and by the hands of the government. The book of James deals with practical Christianity when you are under pressure - on how to respond to that and not to react to it.


James 1:1-5 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. [2] My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; [3] Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. [4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. [5] If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. Verse 5 about asking God for wisdom can be used in a general way, but in this portion James is speaking about trials and misunderstandings.


When we are going through testing, we have the opportunity to react; to respond; to question. We have the opportunity to discern - “Where is this trial coming from - God, the devil, or me. Have I brought in upon myself? Is this a sowing and reaping thing? Have I actually sinned? Is this chastisement? Have I done something to provoke God? Have I done something to bring forth the wrath of God (which really is not meant for Christians)? Is this a generational reaping of judgment? - A generational curse; problem. Did God allow it; permit it; send it or use it? What should I do about it? Should I get into a warrior stance and resist the devil, and fast and pray and fight the good fight of faith? Or, should I humbly commit myself to the heavy hand of God. Should I humble myself; should I fight; should I fast; should I pray; should I simply stand my ground and resist this attack?” Some Christians do all of the above when they run into any trial. Some say everything is from the devil. To others they say that everything is from God. Some just say, “It is me; I am the problem.” And, then condemnation comes in and other things.


James is a pastor dealing with real people, in a real world, under real pressure - who have come up with some wrong solutions to their problems. He is saying that they should know that this trial is producing something in them - They’ve got to know that. One thing people have done is to apply what other people say in their trials and many times it doesn’t work. There are times, when you are going through a fiery trial, that the wisdom that someone else has learned, will not be sufficient to strengthen you in that trial. Counsel will not be the answer in that situation but wisdom as to how God is dealing with you. He will deal with each of you in a marriage at times, or He will deal with you together. He may be dealing with a flaw that you have ignored for a long time. Or God is allowing you to go through some things as He knows the future and may want to use you in a situation that you must be prepared for. Only God knows the future. We can prophesy in part, but only God numbers our days; knows every step that we take; and knows where we are going fully. So, God creatively puts together tests that will help and strengthen me; even though at times I feel that it is weakening me. When my weakness is exposed, I can be embarrassed; I can be reactionary; but Jesus said that it is not for our embarrassment, but for our growth - to save us from some things that are coming our way that we know nothing about.


Everything in my life as a believer under the heavy hand of God is for the divine, sovereign will of God in my life. I’m walking in the will of God so things begin to shape my life. We need to respond in joyful expectation because we are God’s possession and He is control at all times. No trial can come without God’s permission. The devil is not bigger or smarter than my God. And, because I am in God’s hand, I can embrace life differently than one who isn’t in his hand. No trial will reach me without God’s specific permission. Even if people mean it for evil; God will mean it for good.

I must respond with a faith attitude. The flesh will not like trials, but the spirit will begin to embrace the will of God because of growth - not because it makes me happy - but because it makes me pure. We must consider it as a work of God in our lives. We’re not talking about the things the devil does that we need to refute and that is what we do with them. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you”. The things of Satan have to move. But, the things that God is allowing will stay.


Paul prayed three times and it did not move but it stayed. Commentators say all kinds of things about Paul’s “thorn in the flesh“. Some say it was blindness; some say a demonic oppression.


In our case, it could be an unsaved husband or wife who is a drunkard or someone who is oppressive spiritually. What do you do? Other than legal protection, there is also a side of our lives that allow God to work with what we would never choose for Him to work on in us. I don’t pick the people to irritate me. I don‘t say, “Lord, I want to be with these people who irritate me; talk about me; and take advantage of me. Maybe I call for a burnt offering to consume them! (No, I really don’t!)


Responding with a supernatural joy has to be something that is beyond the natural. Trials become the basis for a release of joy. How can people dance before the Lord or rejoice when they have just been going through trials? They have chosen to have an attitude toward the trial that works in them with an attitude of joy.


Responding with a mature perspective - When I face trials, crises, fire, unjust and unfair situations - I have to KNOW that God is going to use it for my good. Joseph was under trial for thirteen years, but there came a time when God used all of that.


Romans 5:3-4

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; [4] And patience, experience; and experience, hope: We also rejoice in suffering because we KNOW that suffering produces perseverance; and perseverance produces character; and character produces hope. You want character? You must love trials. Do you want patience? You must embrace the suffering side of the cross and of life. James talks about knowledge of personal experience which enables the trials for deepening my character. Why do I rejoice? Because I see the end results.


At one time in my life I was so hungry for God and God gave me this verse:“That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, being made conformable to his death.” I went through a number of trials after that time but remembered this verse - that I might be willing to be conformable to his death.


Requesting godly insight and wisdom:


James 1:5-8

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. [6] But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. [7] For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. [8] A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


The worst attitude in a trial is double mindedness. The devil will use trials to change your attitude toward bitterness. The same trial can be used by God or by the devil. He can move in like he tried to do with Job - no children, no possessions, no animals - what do you say? Are you going to serve God when He has done this to you? The devil used this trap to provoke him to unbelief, murmuring, and bitterness. Carnal minds produce carnal reactions. This is an attitude. “God you owe me. I’ve served you all of my life. I deserve better treatment than what I am getting.” God says for us to look at the end, but I don’t like to look at the end when I am in the middle of it. “In due season I shall reap if I faint not”, but how long is “the due”? He will in due season reward you in the trials that you go through. God’s seasons are mysterious. Every man or woman that I have ever known have two sides to their lives - there is the public side where things look right and a hidden broken world that you never see - a broken part of their life that you know nothing about. A fiery trial that did within them only what a fiery trial could do - but you never see that part.


In England, years ago, one of the best preachers ever, was Charles Spurgeon. People wanted to hear him wherever he spoke. When he was a boy of nineteen, he filled a tabernacle of 5,000 people in England, when the church was not prospering at all in the country. He was an awesome man but there was a broken side. He suffered from chronic depression; chronic overweight; ill health; elephantitis in his feet; and he smoked big, black cigars. Many times during the last five years of his preaching, he would take months off - he never showed up. How would you like it if you went to church and your pastor didn’t show up? They would say - “He is not dead; he is not on vacation; and he will be back to preach pretty soon.” You can say that you are walking closely with God, but you cannot get out of your bedroom because you are so depressed, or in a panic attack of life.


Spurgeon took his offerings for three months and put them under his bed because he was afraid that someone would steal them. Then, the deacons would come and pray him back and he would preach some of the most awesome messages on how to live in the shadow of God’s hand. The brokenness of Spurgeon came out in his messages - Psalm 23 - “Though I walk through the valley“….He had so many valleys; he had been broken so much; so many ills in his own body - but, it all went back to one thing that happened in his life.


When he was 23, he was preaching at the metro tabernacle, packed by 600 people, and it caught fire. Hundreds of people were trampled to death in panic of the fire. Children died; young people died; men and women died. Several hundred people were lost as the building burnt to the ground, and he had raised almost every cent for that building. Something happened to him. The guilt of that crisis took months, years, - and basically, he never recovered. He preached out of that fear and hurt that his building would catch on fire and people would die or something else.


Kathyrn Kuhlman was preaching one time and a whole section of bleachers went up and people were dangling by their toes. Sirens were sounding and people were taken away to the hospital. But, she didn’t bat an eye, but continued on as though nothing had happened. Why? Because she knew the people were being taken care of and that this was an attack of the devil to interrupt her anointing. Some of the best prayer books were written by people who were the most broken in life.


It follows suit with a man in the Bible, the Apostle Paul, who was in prison and wrote 14 of the Bible books; who was shipwrecked; beaten three times almost to death; in the deep floating around; robbers and thieves pestered him all the time; and he had some physical problems. There seems to be some persistency here.


Frank Damazio said that one of his friends and great preachers he met when he was a young man of 17 years old was James Beal. He was the one Frank watched on TV and read his books. He had the biggest church and he was listed in 50 of the largest churches and growing churches in America in one year. With 300,000 churches, that is quite a list.


James Beal was tall, good looking, talented, and never used notes. Frank said we should look at all his own notes and he said that he had to print them in different colors. With James Beal, you never knew if he had finished his message or not. When he was at the pulpit he would just throw words off the wall. He was 6 foot two; strong and athletic. He had a good looking wife and family; good success and increase.


Frank, when he was 19 and an Ex-Jesus freak, was invited to preach at Jim’s church and even to go to his home. When Frank went to his house, he found out something that he didn’t know. Jim had four beautiful children but one of them was born defectively deformed, physically and mentally. When Frank sat at the table with this one, he was almost embarrassed in this atmosphere of perfectiveness, strength, health, wealth, good looks, and success. Jim cared for that child until he had to bury him at 30 years old.


Frank asked Jim how this came about. And, Jim said that there was the night that his wife gave delivery to this child, Jimmy, named after Jim. Jim had a contract in his back pocket to pitch for a major league baseball team. When he went to the hospital as this child was born, he had asked for a private room and got one. “I put the contract on the chair and made a deal with God.” he said. “If you heal this child, I will preach the gospel,” because at this time Jim was going the other way. He did not want the pastorate up until then; he wanted nothing to do with it.


He was on his way to making money, playing football and so forth. But, after His promise to God, he became a preacher, but his son was never healed. Jim’s son worked something in him that only that instrument could work. There was time, humiliation, and sorrow involved. Many prophecies, words of knowledge, and letters came. Frank said that many Christians can be air heads about this. They can be rude and out to lunch. Be careful what you say to people when they are in a trial.


Jim’s trial released in him a brokenness, a humility. His values changed and he let some things go. Would you and I, if we were in a bad situation such as this, allow it to be used of God, or would we use it as a fist in God’s face to threaten. God is not a God that you make deals with. He is a God that you serve. His way is higher than our way.


Spiritual wisdom is to trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.


Proverbs 2:3

Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; God will give it to you. The Lord gives wisdom and godly knowledge to those in these situations. Man’s wisdom sees things only from a human plain with human intelligence and a human time span.


A great artist was sitting with a woman and the woman pulled an ink pen out of her purse. The pen pulled apart and a huge amount of ink went onto her beautiful, French handkerchief and it ruined the whole thing. She was so upset, she was about to ask the waiter to take it away, as it was so filled with ink. But, the young artist asked if he could have it. She said, “Sure you can have it.” He went home and, using the blot as a central piece, he created a beautiful, awesome picture on that handkerchief. He gave it back to the woman. Some years later, she sold the handkerchief for 200,000 pounds. What was ruined and looked like a mistake, put in the hands of the right person looked very nice. Some things in our life look like that blot of ink - we say “they ruined a part of me; they should not have happened“. What should you do with them? Put them in the hands of the greatest artist who can take mistakes; faults and failures; disappointments; and broken dreams. He can take those things in your life that were so bad, hurtful, and unfair and draw a beautiful destiny on it and give it back to you. He knows how to use it all.


All of us have a position in life that cannot be known by whether we are rich or poor. It can only be known by the depth of Christ in us. It can only be known by how God values us and what we are in Him.


The fire department says that everyone should make a list in case of fire - which things or boxes to grab first, and so forth. Frank Damazio said his list would be: His wife, Sharon and the children; studies and notes (every child would have to carry a file out before they left the house!). Sharon would probably want the kids’ pictures and her recipes


This is a true story:

A dad was talking to his daughter who was 6 years of age. He went up to her room and said he wanted her to give him something out of her room. She asked him what he meant and he said for her to give him something that she really, really loved. She offered him the present he had given her for Christmas but he didn’t want that. She offered him the teddy bear that she slept with every night, but he didn’t want that either. So, she asked then what he wanted and he said, “The pearls that are on your neck”. She said that she couldn’t give him the pearls. He said he wanted something she really loved. So she offered him her doll but he didn’t want it. She tried five or six things but he didn’t want them. He said he wanted the pearls. She said that he couldn’t have the pearls.


About a week later, back up in the room, she was crying and she lifted up her hands, sobbing, and handed him her pearls. So, the father reached into her little hand, and took out the string of pearls. He then reached into his pocket and put a blue box into the little girl’s hand and told her to open it. In it was a true, real, expensive string of pearls. He said that he wanted her to remember this. Your pearls are from the dime store; they’re worth about 19 cents. These pearls are worth hundreds of dollars.


Any time that God takes the fake pearls out of your life; he has a way of putting back the real. God has a string of pearls for every person but some go to the grave with only dime store pearls.


You ask God for a relationship or a job and he says that they are only dime store pearls. Then, He brings the fire on you, takes them away, and gives you a brand new authentic set of real pearls.


Trials do for us what that father did for that child. They offer us a time of careful evaluation that is really important. True values surface after testing. What is eternal is what comes out of the fire. Relationships are real. Reputation can come and go. But, Character comes out of the fire and will go with you and be with you in eternity. People can do harm to you by lying about you, but they can never do anything to your character. It’s real; it’s here to stay. Testing removes the wrong things in life.


Someone who endured many trials wrote the following about being in the center of God’s will: In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand, as I launch from sheltering harbor to obey his last command. Let the waves overwhelm my vessel and grim fears my faith assail. So, I stay upon his promise, for that can never fail.


In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand, where the welfare wages fire to the place that he has planned. Though dread foes may storm my castle and the battle seems to be lost, I will claim in Him the victory and hold on whatever the cost.


In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand, there can be no second causes, all must come from his hand. When dark clouds obscure my vision and the way I may not see, I will trust in the darkness for I know he pilots me. In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand, though the universe around me shows small trace of his dear hand. Yet, in darkness as in daylight, and the gloom as sunshine, I will trust him for his presence for I know he’s always near.


So, I would say that in the center of the circle of the will of God I stand. Even if my body goes to the grave there is the resurrection; if the devil comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. I have a standard. Even though life throws many curves, I’m going to stay in the center of that circle.




RE: “Living an Overcoming Life” by Frank Damazio






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