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BIBLE STUDY with MISSIONARY ESTHER THORNTON @ - home of Strombolis eZine



Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton, Oregon



Dear Friends,


ESTHER15.JPGWe have been born “For Such a Time as This”. We are to get wisdom as to the lateness of the hour so that we can be more effective in getting the gospel out.


Some say that it would be so wonderful to have lived in Jesus’ day - to walk with Him and to see the miracles that He did. But, I say that we are living in more exciting times, even than these! For He said that we would see greater miracles than what He did because He went to the Father! We are living in the time of the greatest revival that the world will ever experience! We are to be informed of the negative aspects, but to remain stable and at peace - and to be in expectation of the miracles and signs and wonders that God is doing, even through each one of us!


I will be sharing the following ten points that are critical to this hour in which we live:


1. Today’s News Written 2000 Years Ago.

2. The Paradigm Shift: The times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. God’s calendar has shifted.

3. God is more scientific than science itself

4. Pray in tongues - Answer to the black hole in our lives

5. Prophetic Words by God’s Servants:

                   (a) Wendy Alec, Founder of God TV, world-wide television ministry with head office                in Jerusalem.

                   (b) Ghelli Jones Baker, PhD 2008 - Sounds of glory change black holes (I have deep              scientific information on this that I can’t share all of this tonight).

                   (c) Washington’s Vision

                   (d) Gwen Shaw, Founder of End Time Handmaidens and Servants International -

                   had a vision in 1973. She has never been permitted to print it for the public. But                        things are winding down and she felt it was now time to release it. It was like                             watching a TV screen - she saw picture after picture and her husband recorded it as                she told it. We will be sharing that vision tonight, as well as what others are getting in                this day.

6. God is Preparing His Army

7. Taking your stand in victory: Our dependence on God will define our strength in this land. Pray and Prepare.

8. Be prepared - With natural disasters prevalent, such as earthquakes - two 7.5 (two on same day), and many other things happening in our world today, we are instructed to be prepared.

There are copies of a “1 person 72-hr. survival kit Emergency Kit Checklist” on our table that you are free to take a copy: This has been written by the Christian Emergency Network (CEN).

9. A new kind of ministry - The power of One - Dick Carter, a prophet of God, said that one anointed saint will do more than an entire denomination and in a few minutes’ time.

10. Help from above - can’t be wounded - We’ll share a true happening of how the Devil protects his own; and if he can do this, how much more can our Father, the omnipotent God, protect us in every and all situations.


The veil between earth and Heaven is growing thinner every day! God wants us to be informed - to wake up to what is happening in this day - and to pass our days in wisdom and understanding. We are to be prepared. But, we are not to fear but to stand stronger in our God than ever before. He has not changed - He is still our Savior; our protector; our provider; our stability; our healer; our strength in the day of trouble - He is our “all powerful God” who watches out for His own.


I have shared what other prophets have said and true happenings that others have experienced. But, I would suggest to you that you have true experiences in your own life in this day.


I’m going to share what I have never shared before from our own ministry in this way and in summary.


I want to share with you some of the things that I have personally experienced:

o   I have seen healings, both here in the U.S. and in Africa - I have seen the cripple walk; and a number of other healings, even cancer!

o   I have seen signs and wonders and working of miracles - one example was an elderly lady who I led to the Lord in the Finnish language!

o   I have experienced word of knowledge - an example being when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit I interceded for 7 missionaries who were taken captive in Viet Nam where no one knew of what was going on in the body of Christ until days later!

o   I have seen alcoholics delivered

o   I have seen the barren give birth - one got twins in Africa!

o   I have had angelic encounters and have heard music from Heaven, witnessed by other family members.

o   I have had dream and visions.

o   Miracles of provisions - car in Africa where it is highly unlikely to get one.

o   I have seen teeth filled - Pres. of FGB at the Long Beach and others

o   I have had gold dust on myself and on others in our meetings. I found a number of chairs at our home meeting with gold dust on them. At kidney dialysis this week, people were looking at my face because it had gold dust on it. One man came back later to see if it was still there!

o   There as been a smell of roses before I speak at a meeting, as was prophesied to me by David Lee, a true prophet of God.

o   I have chase demons out a number of times, both here and abroad.

o   Seen a lesbian totally delivered through the prophetic gifting.

o   Seen pastors who had given up, return to the ministry through prophecy - 3 come to mind: One in Iowa put prophecy up on bulletin board & saw it come to pass - One now has gone to Japan as a missionary who had given up - and another, as well.

o   I have seen the greatest miracle - hundreds of people saved, both here and abroad. One of these was a witch doctor in the Kenyan Bush who came forward in one of my crusades who give his life to the Lord at age 83.

o   I have seen people baptized in the Holy Ghost

o   I have been in the prophetic ministry for 44 years and in the apostolic, as well in starting our own ministry from scratch - also, doing apostolic work with Brother Mophat, an African leader - where we started church in the Zanzibar Islands, which is 99.9% Muslim.

o   We have supported African leaders for years and fed those out in the Bush who had no food.

o   I have preached in evangelism to crowds up to 4,000 people.

o   I have spoken in leadership seminars with up to 2,000 leaders.

o   I have preached in churches of up to 7,000 people.

o   I have preached or done work in: Iowa, Washington, Oregon, Africa: Kenya, African Bush, Tanzania, Zambia, S. Africa, and India.

o   I have addressed all ages: children, young people, men’s leadership training; women’s leadership training; churches, crusades, and etc.

o   I have had many personal experiences - too many to mention - one of which was to go to a hut out in the African Bush and lead a lady with AIDS to the Lord.


I am saying all of these things as a personal testimony of the faithfulness of God through this ministry. But, we are only a small ministry. If God can do this through one small ministry, think of what He can do through you and through the body of Christ?!


I want to ask you a question, “How big is your God in your life?”

ü  Is He able to do the things that He has done for me, through your life?

ü  Is He able to keep you in this trying hour of time?

ü  Is He able to give peace? Is He able to provide?

ü  Is He able to protect?


There is a “gift of faith” that says, “God can use you more than ever before, regardless of your age and circumstances.”  Do you believe it?


Let’s ask, and receive a gift of impartation for the hour in which we find ourselves; More of God - less of me!


Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Those who desire spiritual gifts – receive!


Do you need God’s peace in the midst of a world of chaos?

Do you need God’s Power to overcome the circumstances in which you find yourself?


A word that God gave me for the Year 2009 is on our website here: “Prophecies for 2009”

One man emailed me from Alberta, Canada, saying that he had gotten this prophecy off the internet under, and he said that it had spoken to his heart. I sent back a word to him personally and it verified that every part of it was truth! Let’s use the gifts God has given to us to anyone that might profit from them.


There is no time to waste! The clock is winding down to the midnight hour! Let us prepare ourselves to do all that we can do to promote the kingdom of God in this hour!


God bless each one of you!
