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~ Impartation ~


Missionary-Evangelist Esther Thornton, Oregon







estherB.jpgToday, we will examine the subject of temptation; how believers damage their soul by yielding to those things that are forbidden by God. Our main focus will be the rebuilding the soul that has yielded to temptation.

James 1:12-18


Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. [13] Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: [14] But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. [15] Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. [16] Do not err, my beloved brethren. [17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. [18] Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.


Testings and trials originate in the purposes of God. The purpose is to form within us the full maturity of Christ’s character and God is always in control. The purpose is to form and fashion in us Christ’s character that continues into full maturity; testings and trials to know our true character, expose our weaknesses, and strengthen us as we respond and not react.

Temptations originate in the purposes of the Devil. He tempts by manipulating circumstances in an attempt to discourage and confuse people, causing them to react to sin. Temptations are meant to destroy our character, our conscience, and our effectiveness in serving God. The Devil exploit’s the weaknesses in our carnal nature by using sin to arouse something in us that will result in spiritual destruction. Those weaknesses could be genetic or inherited.


We’ve come under a frame of being raised or into this world, we have inherited certain weaknesses concerning honesty, loyalty, integrity, and obedience. Some things we have gone through have marred or cracked our personalities; we have been weakened by early responses to circumstances or authority. Some things God wanted to use in our lives, we ruined because we reacted and had a will that never responded to what God wanted to bring into our lives. Maybe it was from a teacher; or a coach or other authorities God placed within our lives. And, because we did not come under those boundaries, weakness became a part of our soul. It could be moral, financial, domestic, or attitudinal It could be a hundred things that come into my life to weaken my character. The devil exploit’s the weaknesses in our carnal nature to use sin to arouse something in us that will result in spiritual destruction.


Jesus was led by God to the wilderness, to be tempted by the Devil. God doesn’t tempt us but He does allow temptations to come. I Corinthians says that He will not allow any temptation to overtake you or to be too much. But you must choose the way of escape.


God uses temptation to bring something good out of our lives and to strengthen our character. On the other hand, the Devil uses the same principle but to destroy something good that is within us. He uses it, not to add to our character, but to subtract from it. He does not expose something in you to strengthen you, but to expose it to manipulate you.


Once He finds that you respond to certain things, he uses it to arouse you or manipulate you to destroy and bring devastation to your character. The devil cannot read your mind and he doesn’t know everything about you, but he can watch what you do.


The Bible uses the expression “falling away”. This is a willful desire to turn away from God. It is stronger than “backsliding” as it is may be from a weakness or temporary condition.


Every person has a natural desire to love; to be accepted; to succeed; and to want to have friends. But, the devil can take that natural desire and manipulate it in such a way that you will love people the wrong way and receive love the wrong way. He will make you use that insecurity or weakness in your character to reach out to love but in a wrong way so that God cannot bless it and it will damage your soul.


Strong desire to succeed, Satan takes and turns it into ungodly ambition. You then will be such that you will not accept any godly help or counsel. You zoom in on your own will so that you get everything that you want to have. You don’t want to chance giving it to God in case He would take it away.


We can come into a false liberty by rebellion against the church so that we will do something out of a liberty that we think we have but we don’t, and Satan has brought us into a false liberty. A false liberty is: the Word of God doesn’t apply to me on this one; I don’t have to do that.


When temptation comes, I have to be responsible to how I respond. Satan will come in the back door to tempt you to arouse in you your own freedom; your own liberty; your own right to choose; and your own right to freedom. Satan will begin to lay a snare for you.


“Enticement” is the best word for temptation. It means “snared by one’s own bait”. Your desires become your bait.


The farmers used to make these little “sweet pots” that were just so big with any kind of sweet things in them, such as honey or sugar water. During the springtime or summertime they would hang them all over the barn because the wasps would come in. The wasp, different than the bee, would smell that sweet water and they would go through that enticement to drink that. All they had to do was to buzz over to the water and drink some of it - either it was laced with poison or they do it with honey so that when he came to get it, he would be stuck. The funny thing about a wasp is that they will let off some kind of a communication and another wasp will come to help it. But, then they also get caught.


The devil has a “sweet pot”. He baits people with things that look like they will be enjoyable. What does the devil entice you with that will not strengthen but will ruin your character - but it looks so innocent and sweet. Like a fish looking at the bait, he finally not only nibbles at it, but he takes it and is caught!

James 1:13-14


Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: [14] But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.


James talks about being “double minded” which means that you become a two-souled person. You have the soul - mind, will, and emotions where the Holy Spirit dwells and


You are committed to Christ and under the government of God. The other soul is birthing sin in your mind, will, and emotions. When that desire conceives it gives birth to sin which brings forth death. Satan will try to arouse something in you to persuade you to do something - through the eye gate, ear gate, or emotion gate. It can be through people persuading you with words; through magazines and books; through videos; or whatever avenue the enemy can use to persuade you to compromise and move away from God and righteousness; or away from counsel and spiritual help.


Lust can come from things that are everywhere. Satan sees when you are feasting on anger or lust and he will draw you out and baiting you with little compromises. He starts by causing you to have a little attitude of criticism; anger or resentment and he draws you out to entice you and hook you where you are caught up in the thing. You then have to go for help or go his way. That can then cause embarrassment so he uses that against you. So you hide it and he causes you to get in deeper than before. You start being critical of people in your church and so, you stop coming very often. Such things cause you to be in a snare and in bondage.


“Enticement means to snare by one’s own bait. When the fish starts to nibble, you don’t jerk the hook. You wait until the fish takes it and runs with it. Satan hooks you on things that you don’t want to be hooked on. Maybe it is pornography or something else but you don’t say that you want to be destroying your life, you just take an action here or an attitude there, and you think you’re in control of this; but all of a sudden you are hooked. You say “I’m going to quit this“, but you can’t. This thing has grown in you to where you can’t just make one trip to the altar. Now you’re in a war for the health of your soul


You can kill that things and be free if you will stop being enticed by the devil and close the door on him so that he knows that you are finished with it and the only thing that you are hooked on is Jesus, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. If it takes honesty and confession you decide that you are going to take this hook out of your mouth in the name of Jesus. When you do that, the devil loses all of his pulling power. For greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.


Lusts, plus desires, plus, will comes as an embryonic point. You have to seize it as it will grow. Sin harms the consciousness of the soul. It causes a stronghold to develop that we can’t handle or get rid of. If you take the bait, the devil will start reeling you in - death to your life, your soul, death to the will of God. But, tonight I speak life to you in the name of Jesus and deliverance in the name of Jesus. And, you don’t have to take the bait. And, you don’t have to believe the lies of the devil - you can’t come back and you’ve gone too far. You can’t be the same again as you were.


We serve a God who creates new life and a new heart; a God who has mercy. His mercies are new every morning.


I challenge you to restore your soul. Receive a vision of hope for restoring your soul. I challenge you to restoring and repairing of your soul; to godly sorrow that works repentance. You start by prayer for cleansing and forgiveness and asking God how to rebuild and repair.


I challenge you to read the Bible and memorize scripture. The Word of God is alive and if you memorize it, it becomes as medicine to your soul. Get into counseling, where you are free to pour out your soul. Allow the Holy Spirit to take that hook out of your mouth and start today rebuilding your soul in Jesus’ name.


Esther Thornton