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Missionary Esther Thornton, Oregon


We want to talk a little bit tonight about angelic activity, as some have prophesied that there will be more of this coming up this year. One has prophesied that it will be made known in meetings. We have already experienced this at times and will share some of our experiences tonight.


*Our daughter, Carla, when she was a young girl, fell in a motor home we had rented for a vacation and hit her head. As I tucked her into bed, her eyes filled with tears but she looked joyful at the same time. I asked her what had happened and she said, “Mama, an angel touched my soldier”!


*When I prayed for the children to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Carla once again saw an angel and her eyes looked the same way!


*During the gas shortage in 1973, when we lived in the Chicago area, Bob was out-of-state for his job. Our church had split and I was temporarily directing the choir.

Our VW van heater was broken and it was below 0. Our three little children sat on the bed in the back and there was a propane gas tank on the rear bumper. It was Sunday at dusk and we were on our way to church for choir practice.


I had forgotten to get gas and there was no place on Sunday to get gas. We ran out and the kids began to cry. I told them to stop crying, that Jesus would help us. Then I sat and prayed. We were in an industrial location with no houses around and no cell phones in those days.


Shortly a car pulled up and a young man about 30 yrs. old came to my window. He had short sleeves and was not shivering. I told him I needed gas but there was no station open that day. He said, “I know where I can get some.” I told him I had little money, but he said that didn’t matter. He left, came back shortly, filled the tank with gas, came to my window,  and said everything was all right - to go ahead!


*As we were preparing to go to Africa for the lst time, our son Corey and I had been sharing in the Lord. We then walked into our TV room and I sat in a chair.


When he got to the middle of the room his eyes got big and I asked him what he had seen. He said an angel had reached out and touched my hand.


He described the angel - very tall, blond straight hair, blue eyes, white robe and brown sandals. God told me that He had sent the angel to strengthen me for the days ahead.


*In 1993, we were at the airport in Portland, preparing to fly out on our first trip to Africa. I was paranoid to fly anywhere - let alone for this long flight! Bob and Corey were checking in the baggage and I was sitting in the “U” shaped area where people wait. It was early in the morning and very few were in the airport. But, suddenly a tall, clean-cut, man was in the next waiting section, leaning over looking at me - waiting to get eye contact. I looked at him and then looked away, embarrassed. But, I was not afraid. When I looked back, he had gone. I got up and looked up and down the long aisles, but he was no where to be found!


As we got on the plane, I realized, as I still saw him in my spirit, that all the fear of flying was gone! And, I have never experienced it since that time, though we have made 8 trips to Africa; once to India; Israel; and flown from place-to-place in the continent of Africa.


*One day at our house here in Oregon, Corey and I had been sharing the Word, when we decided to go into our kitchen. As we passed through the door into the kitchen we heard a noise like a rushing wind. We turned around and an opaque, white cloud went from floor to ceiling, and we knew that God had visited us!


*When I spoke at the Singles Group at lst Assembly, the lady who was the leader,  came forward to pray for me. As she did, everyone started laughing! This anointing stayed throughout the meeting.


Afterwards, a young man quietly told me that when I came forward that he had seen a white cloud go from floor to ceiling and then everyone laughed. This anointing lasted throughout the meeting.


*When we returned from our lst trip to Africa, I was in the car, going to speak at a home meeting in Longview. I felt lonely, as I was alone for the lst time in quite a while. So, I told the Lord how I felt.


And, He said, “Well, I’m here!” I moved my purse for him to sit more comfortably. We had 19 people there that night. A lady had been sitting by me on a love seat but excused herself to sit with one who had come in as she felt she should be-friend her. Then, no one sat by me there, though the room was completely full. After the meeting, a lady quietly said to me, “I don’t know if you will believe this, but I saw Jesus sitting next to you tonight!” I said, “Oh yes, I will, as He rode over here with me tonight!” When our son, Corey,  got his driving permit, he and I were driving in Portland in a 4-lane highway with a concrete bulkhead on the right side. He looked over his left shoulder to change lanes, but found himself headed straight for the cement bulkhead. There was no time to change back into the proper lane, but suddenly we realized that we were driving perfectly in the center of the proper lane! I saw an angel take his finger and move the car over to the proper lane.


When I shared this with Corey, he also had seen the angel. I have seen angels (2 of them) sitting on either side of the hood as we travel and sometimes have seen an angel standing with hands outstretched as though protecting us from an unseen danger.


*One night at our leadership meeting at our home, a number of people got up and ran to look out the windows as though experiencing something supernatural out there. After this, I saw an angel in our meeting. I didn’t interrupt the meeting, but then a lady there said that she saw an angel there and I confirmed that I had also.


*I have seen Jesus walking up and down the aisles of our former church before the renewal came in. He looked so light and carefree!


*When we went to India around the year 2000, we were in one area where we stayed in a hotel. A young man of about 30 met Pastor Mophat, our ministry partner from Africa,  on the street and he took care of us the whole time we were in that area.


He was a musician, unmarried, and his name was Israel. He was constantly joyful and the Hindus there were angry at him because he kept openly praising the Lord, everywhere we went!


He said he knew where he could get a car and where the sights were to show us. He showed us an old castle on a hill and told us the history of it - that the King went there as a summer place.


A red rose is symbolic of our ministry, as I had a dream when our ministry began that Jesus called me forward in a large meeting and handed me a n ornate bouquet consisting of one red rose, amid gold finery! 


This man, Israel, who was taking us sightseeing,  stopped and climbed a bank to a nursery and handed me one red rose.  After that on that same trip, a leader in India made satin red roses in honor of our coming.


*In a slum area, I spoke at a large church where someone had purchased 2 dozen red roses, plus other roses. The lady finally admitted after the service that she didn’t have money but God had told her to buy the roses.


On our trip to Africa in 2002, we arrived early for me to speak in Pastor Mophat’s church that holds 3500 people. I was to speak in the two Sunday morning services.

Pastor Mophat and I were in another building but Bob carried the cameras into the main sanctuary where there was no one there as yet. A large angel choir was singing and he recorded it on a video tape.


I have shown this video tape in our meetings, as well as other places where I have spoken, so that people can be blessed by the heavenly music of this large, angelic choir!


God sends the angels, as ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation.


Heb. 1:14 "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation."


God wants us, especially in this day, to step forth into the supernatural, with the purpose being to see souls saved, and to advance the kingdom of God. He also wants his children to be blessed as they prepare for the greatest wedding of all times!  He sends the gold dust, gemstones, and such to adorn his bride for the upcoming wedding of Christ and His Church! 


It is a Jewish custom for the bridegroom to send gifts of gold to the proposed bride.  By this, he is saying, in essence, "I love you and I am coming for you, for the wedding day is at hand!"


And, besides adorning and blessing us, Jesus also demonstrates His love and care for us by making provision for our every need - even, supernaturally, when needed!





Global Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.