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G-D, Francine-Stuart,


Minister Francine Stuart, Florida


When I consider the billions of people that inhabit the earth and how insignificant I am, it amazes me to know that You, my God, hear my voice.


When I look at the sky and realize how limited I am - I cannot see beyond the blanket of stars that covers the midnight skies.  The planets and myriads of stars exist throughout the universe and I cannot see them yet You know them all by name.


What a wonderful God You are!!!


You know the count of every hair on my head and are aware if even one strand falls out. You keep my heart beating and my body working while I am sleeping.  You know my every thought before it enters my mind.


Although I can be in more than one place with the assistance of modern technology, it is physically impossible for me to be everywhere at the same time but.  You, my Lord are omnipresent..  You see and hear the person in Africa as well as the person in the USA and the person in Belgium crying out to you and You are able to answer their pleas in the same moment..


What a wonderful God You are!!!


You created everything from nothing and when satan tried to destroy Your handiwork, You put order in what he messed up and called it good. 

You formed man out of clay and breathed Your Spirit in his body, bringing him to life.  You shaped woman out of his rib and called them Your children.  You established an awesome relationship with them.  When they disobeyed You, they broke this perfect relationship.  Satan thought that he had won the battle he waged against You.  Wasn’t he shocked when he saw Jesus, Your precious Son on the cross.  He had to give the Savior the keys to hell because he had lost power against Your children.  Hell was made for him but never was his.


What a wonderful God You are!!


I don’t need to fuss and worry when it looks like everyone and everything is against me.  You told me that You would never leave me and forsake me.  You instructed me to wear the armor that You prepared for me.  You told me to stand still and let You fight my battles for me.  You told me that nothing could ever pull You away from me because I am Your child through Jesus Christ.


What a wonderful God You are!!


I know where I’m going when I cross over to the other side because You prepared a place for me.  I never lived in a mansion before!  This is exciting!  I’m much more excited about meeting You face to face and tell You that I love You because …

You are a wonderful God!!!


Minister Francine Stuart