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BIBLE STUDY with FRANCINE HERRINGTON @ - home of Strombolis eZine

         I BELIEVE


 As I sit on the rocks by the ocean

 I’m filled with  such deep emotion

thinking about all the tears I cried

and the moments I felt I was dying inside

These times were more than I could stand

I keep telling myself to understand

that this pain is what the devil planned

to bring me into deep desperation

as well as frustration and humiliation

I  cry out to God for His helping hand

The sea hears my pitiful demand

The waves roar as they reach the sand

sending messages of my pain to the Lord

The gentle breeze soothes my aching soul

giving me hopes of becoming whole

The seagulls screech as they fly by

One drops a scroll from way up high

It lands on the sand right by my feet

I feel my heart increase its beat

as I pick it up and begin to read it

My pain dissolves bit by bit

as the words penetrate my being

‘Child, I heard the message of your soul

believe my words and  I will make you whole

My only beloved Son died for you

proving that His love is true

You accepted Him as your Savior so long ago

You ran from Him which brought you woe

I led you to this place to heal your torment

and restore the time you spent

running to all the wrong places

seeking answers from so many faces

The ocean is one of My prize creations

I made it to beautify many nations

but there is no ocean that is more esteemed

than you my child who was redeemed

by the blood of the lamb, Jesus My Son

Once you come back to Him you will have won

over the troubling past that enslaved you

Do you believe that what I told you is true?’

I rolled the scroll saying “Yes Lord, I believe You.”

                                                                                    Minister F. Herrington  © 03/1020