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Francine Herrington - "THE HEART OF A CHILD" -



Francine Harrington, Florida



Don’t Run—Listen!


 Are you aware that the past may not necessarily be what truly occurred?  It is possible that as time goes on our minds may change some tiny bits of information that can throw the moment into another dimension.  The truth is that the issues remain the same when battering or living a loveless life where very little love is given, causes the person to feel abandoned. This is what causes low self-esteem, which is the cause of inappropriate behavior towards oneself.


 People hurt people, especially when they have been hurt themselves. They may tend to be extra sensitive because of the pain or they will adopt a hard -hearted personality, hiding who they really are.  It takes a lot of work and prayer to heal from emotional abuse.


Sharing my story is very difficult because I get misunderstood.  I need to realize that the person I address may delve into her own past and seek for some sort of similar situation in order to understand what I am saying.  This will produce confusion because the listener has already stored a preconceived image of what is being spoken and therefore will pass judgment in accordance to what she thinks she heard. 


A problem cannot be fixed if the hearer does not listen.  A blessing will not bring joy if the story has been misjudged.  How then is one draw wealth from my story if she hasn’t paid complete attention to what is being said?  Blessings are to be shared and pain is to be alleviated by prayer, love and understanding. 


Each person has her own behavioral style.  While one woman is outgoing and expressive, another may be quiet and keeps to herself.  Each one has her own personality and needs to be accepted for who she is. No matter what behavioral style the lady has, she still has a need to be accepted for who she is.  It is therefore wise to step into her shoes for a moment to understand what she is trying to convey. 


When I share my pain with you it is because I want to let you know that my bad moments prepared me to help you with yours.  I asked God do what He had to do to bring victory in my life and although some of the things He showed me about myself were not pleasant, I accepted them.  My Lord gave me the desire to work on the things that were displeasing to Him and although I have the victory over several of my flaws, I still have work to do. 


I am inviting you to walk with me and together we will win the battle!   Ephesians 2:19b tells us, “You are citizens along with all of God's holy people. You are members of God's family.”  Hebrews 2:11 also states, “Since the One who saves and those who are saved have a common origin, Jesus doesn't hesitate to treat them as family,”


We are family!  Our last name is Christian after Christ who is the Head of this household.



When someone wants to talk to you

about her pain and aggravation

she may come to you out of admiration

for she noticed how you handled your situation

so please don’t run, take the time to listen.


When someone is crying out of desperation

and doesn’t know where to turn for information

don’t be afraid to give her acclamation

Please don’t run, take the time to listen.


When someone is rude and tough to handle

You may be the only candle

to lighten up her dark and dreary world.

All it takes is a gentle word

So please don’t run, take the time to listen.


When you see a woman battered and bruised

understand that she has been used

as the brunt of someone’s temper

Let her know that you won’t run.

Let her know that you will listen.



 Minister Francine Herrington    © 9/1/2007