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Francine Herrington, Florida


I thought that I was unwanted and unloved.  I felt that I wasn’t welcome in any group and slowly but surely my self -esteem started to empty itself until I felt emotionally naked.   I was afraid because I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life alone.  “What should I do?  Whom should I talk to without being judged?”  These were the questions that kept nagging at me.  “Is there anyone, just anyone there who can love me?” 


One night I had a dream.  I saw a man come toward me.  He looked at me and said, “Why are you sad?”  I looked back and said, “It’s OK, I’ll get over it.”


He put His hand on my shoulder as He spoke.  “You’re sad because you feel unloved; is that right?”


I started to cry as I shook my head.  I whispered, “How do you know?”


He answered, “I am here to assure you that I love you.”


“Who are you?” I asked Him.


“I am Jesus the Christ.” He replied.


I looked at Him and confessed, “I gave my heart to You a long time ago and I thought that You forgot about me.  I felt that You weren’t paying attention to my prayers.”


Jesus shook His head and said, “I never left you.  The problem was that you were so consumed with your negative thoughts that you didn’t hear Me when I spoke to you.”


“Really?” I asked in surprise.


“Really.” He echoed.


I woke up and my heart felt so much lighter.  I made up my mind to trade my way of thinking for His.  I felt assured that I would always know that I am a winner because I can talk to Him and He will listen.  I promised myself that I would experience His presence in my everyday life.


When I get overwhelmed with the day’s affairs and need to get away from it all, I know that I need to spend – ‘A Moment With Jesus.’


When I think of all the times I screwed up in my life and messed up my chances to achieve my dreams, I start moving into a stinking thinking mode.  I know then that it’s time to spend ‘A Moment With Jesus’.


When I get lonely I want to stand in the middle of a crowd and shout, “Hey, I’m here!  Will someone please pay some attention to me?”  I then start thinking that even though I make my needs known by shouting about them, I stand the chance of being ignored.  This is the time that God calls me to spend –‘A Moment With Jesus”.


My body has been under attack for so long!  It’s always one thing after another!  Sometimes I cry out, “Why me, Lord?  Will this misery ever end” This is when I hear a still small voice within my spirit saying, “Come and spend ‘A Moment With Jesus!”


As I spend ‘A Moment With Jesus’, I realize that I am not alone.  I spend time with the One who truly loves me.  I am able to trade my pain and my sorrows for the joy and peace that He alone can give me.  Jesus died and rose from the dead so that I would have a prosperous life physically, mentally and spiritually.  I am blessed to spend “A Moment With Jesus.’ Because He told me that He loves me very much and will never leave me.


Oh Lord, You are so good!  I praise You because no matter what, Your love never, ever runs out!


Francine Stuart Herrington                                © 9/2008