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BIBLE STUDY with FRANCINE HERRINGTON @ - home of Strombolis eZine





I hope that you like this poem. It is also a devotional



             New Beginning


I sought the Lord and He answered me

He asked me why I wasn’t carefree

I answered that my life was hard

and many problems caught me off guard

Why was I the one who was born with a bad start?

My heart would forever be stained and charred

I was never given a chance to be loved

whenever I reached out I kept being shoved

from one promise to another that things would improve

yet I didn’t have anyone to pull me out of the groove

So, Lord would you please do me a favor?

Would you please be kind to change my flavor?

My situation has never been kind to me

And I truly believe that you can see

that I am being truthful with what I tell you

Those that love me are not a few

I see that I’m not a lovable person

and my situation will only worsen

if You ignore my painful situation

Perhaps You can give me a revelation

which will put an end to my frustration

God the Father shook His head

You never understood what I said

and you ran off with such dread

always wishing that you were dead

“Did you forget that I sent My only Son

to let you know that you’re battle’s won

He died for you upon a tree

to make sure that you’d be set free

He loved you more than His own life

freeing you from all strife

but you ran without hearing Him

this is the reason you’re life’s so dim

We’re waiting for you to fight the lies

that caused Me to hear your nightly cries

Start believing that you are a great prize

and let your self -esteem begin to rise

Start enjoying the demise

which is the end of satan’s ties

that entangled you to your desperation

and unwelcome evaluation

of who you really are

You my child are a winning star   


Minister Francine Stuart Herrington 
