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WHEN DO ANGELS FIGHT? - Missionary Carol Hall -



Missionary Carol Hall, Nagoya Japan




Since we have lived in different nations, it seems God has blessed me with a gifting to PAINT the Scriptures, since pictures speak any language.


So, this month I just can’t help but share my rendition of what happens when we pray fervently, in unity, and righteously.


Maybe this is your city or town… This could be your church….LOOK UP!




This little country church is having a prayer meeting, and they are SERIOUS! These people realize what goes on in the Heavenly realms when we pray!


“We are not fighting against flesh & blood, but against the evil rulers of the unseen world... those mighty satanic beings & great evil princes of darkness who rule this world: and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world.” Eph. 6:12  L.B


I believe that every city and nation has particular ruling demons… they could be greed, suicide, depression, poverty, gambling, tradition or religiosity demons! Families can also be controlled in this way…. Therefore, our prayers sometimes need to take on the WARFARE type prayer.


DON’T GIVE UP easily!  As you see in this picture…the bad angels are outnumbering the good angels!  WHY IS THIS?   Remember when Daniel fasted & prayed 21 days? (Dan. 10) There was a fierce battle going on among the Angelic hosts, and God’s messenger angel had to get HELP from Michael, the Arch angel! Fasting is involved.  Righteousness is involved.  Unity is involved!  


One little boy asked me why there were more bad angels than good angels


I believe part of the reason is because of how FEW people are praying! There is a great dynamic that happens when many get together…a corporate faith arises.


Another child asked me why one man was kneeling down with his head on the floor!!!   He thought the man lost his watch and was looking for it!!!!     


(He must have gone to a conservative church) How wonderful it is to pray, shout, cry, walk around, lie down, move freely when we pray & even laugh & clap our hands! This is the BIBLE WAY & breaks the enemy’s power!!


Sometimes people get so carried away into WARFARE INTERCESSION, and maybe God has assigned them to this.  But it seems that our WORSHIP is more important than our intercession. Worship opens the doors of the Heavenlies a lot faster than intercession…Worship brings in the GLORY. WORSHIP allows the Holy Spirit to lead us right into WARFARE... His war!


Also, praying in the HOLY SPIRIT (tongues) is extremely important as well as specifically naming the requests.  When the Holy Spirit begins to pray THRU us, it is MOST ACCURATE!    The Holy Spirit knows WHO the enemy is, WHERE he hides, WHAT his tactics are…etc. etc… We need a break thru to start interceding with the language of the Spirit, and then we don’t need all these long, detailed prayer lists that look AWFULLY BORING to me!!! (am I the only one?)


Maybe you don’t have a prayer language…maybe you don’t even believe in that….OKAY…If you are a Christian, the Spirit still lives inside you.   YOU CAN WORSHIP, and let the Spirit of God begin to intercede thru you in English, and He can show you just what to pray also!


PRAY THE SCRIPTURES!  That’s always a great powerful weapon!  However, it’s pretty hard to pray the Scriptures if you haven’t memorized them somewhat….well enough to shout them out with fervency!  Oh, how the demons HATE that!  (And you will feel absolutely WONDERFUL and you won’t even feel tired after doing all that warfare!)  


LAST COMMENT:  DO ANGELS REALLY HAVE WINGS?”   Seraphim & cherubim do. I don’t know about the rest… just looks more dramatic so I added them. 


  James 5:16 “The earnest, (heart felt) continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available…dynamic in its working  

James 5:16 AMP



The Bible records a few

instances when there is a

battle in the spiritual world, but in Eph. 6

it specifically mentions that the

warfare involves us as well.