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COME  ON  UP !!                                              

Revelation 4:1-2


Isn’t it wonderful to be in the UPPER realms of glory!  Hate to come down to the earth!   But here I am, at the computer….so I hope some of  the glory can come thru to you all.


The Aglow International (a huge international women’s group which is impacting nations for Christ) here in Japan, has about ten cities where they meet. They decided to have a two-day WORSHIP ONLY meeting…for the FIRST TIME ever and asked me to lead them into worship! Since I do not lead music in Japanese language, I didn’t want to do it, and was very nervous, till the Lord prompted me to bring my wonderful Filipino worshippers.   Four of them came with me!!!


The Japanese Aglow ladies do not really WORSHIP intensely…they do a lot of talking and planning and programs, so this was going to be Very LONG for them. We bought lots of pillows, blankets, rugs, banners, lamps, shofars, communion, lots of worship music…to create an atmosphere of prayer. WE HAD NO PROGRAM……..It was to be Spirit directed all the way….


Of course, we had to do a lot of prayer and fasting FIRST!  Then, came the day…..No seats on the 2 hours train trip to Tokyo, so we got out those cushions & blankets  &  sat on the floor between the cars, like a picnic, and practiced our music there!      MUCH better than sitting inside the train where we wouldn’t be able to sing.


When the Japanese women began arriving…they were amazed at the room’s prayerful atmosphere. We had created an altar,  a communion table…put up banners,  an intercession corner…soft lights,  etc, etc…. And from the first NOTE, the Spirit came, and for two-days the Dear precious Holy Spirit moved in very different and mighty ways on each lady there. THEY WERE BROUGHT TO A HIGHER PLACE…..a PLACE OF FREEDOM…..A PLACE OF PASSION!!! 


                    AND THEY WANT MORE!  SO DOES JESUS!


Rev. 4:1-2 is written  AFTER  John  has seen Jesus and been touched by Him. He has already written the letters to the seven churches….


So, we can all agree that JOHN was definitely full of the GLORY of the LORD! But let us see what happens!


After this, I looked, & behold…a DOOR WAS OPENED in HEAVEN..and The first voice which I heard was as a trumpet talking with me, which said:   “COME ON UP HERE” and I will show you the things which shall be hereafter…And immediately I was in the Spirit…and behold

                                     A THRONE…………………….”


To make it short, we see that JOHN was to be taken to a much HIGHER LEVEL than he had been before.   And the first thing he sees is The THRONE!  


Friends, I just believe with all my heart, that there is always a higher level……..and His Holy Spirit is calling us to COME ON UP.  Sometimes we are greatly used in ministry and the gifts of the Spirit are flowing and God is really moving in our lives……..our attention is focused horizontally to the needs around us……. we don’t seek for the HIGHER PLACE of SEEING HIS THRONE! IT IS AT THE THRONE where all the worship occurs in Heaven. AT THE THRONE is where EVERYTHING is HAPPENING! And HE is there!


Be passionate to get close to HIS THRONE…press into Him in worship. If you think you are fine where you are…… are backslidden. Who are we to dare think we have ARRIVED……


   He is DEEPER  and  HIGHER  and WIDER than ALL we can imagine!


Maybe your prayer life & worship life is sort of dry…or dead? JESUS IS the  RESURRECTION & THE LIFE! He longs to bring us closer..He DRAWS US! Can you feel  that  tug  in your heart?


          He’s CALLING us all  toCOME ON UP”!   …and he’s waiting there.   


Carol Hall,  Nagoya, Japan