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Fear in the Jungle Carol Hall


Fear in the Jungle

Missionary Carol Hall, Japan


Experience in the jungles of Liberia, West Africa:  


  Gary and I spent 7 years in Liberia…a tropical place filled with All kinds of bugs & creepy things as well as bigger animals…We lived 3 days walk into the roads, no electricity, I’m from New York City…but because the LORD called us there He also equipped me & I had no fear of anything.  


  One night in our mud house… (Gary had flown out somewhere to another village) the 3 children, ages 4, 5, & 6 were sleeping.  We had no radio, no T.V…, just kerosene lamps.   But I had killed a few tarantulas already by myself….so I was fine about this.  I loved the African people & was happy!


   But suddenly on this night, a great and terrible fear came into the room that nearly paralyzed me. The bats wings often brushed against the window screens (we had no glass on the windows)  but suddenly  it seemed the devil himself was trying to get hold of me.


    I felt certain that if I had gone into the next room, he would have been sitting on the couch in darkness. I could barely breathe or move!  Have you ever had a fear like that?  It was an abnormal type fear that came suddenly.


  Please understand that I was not afraid of things like this! I began shouting at the devil that he could not enter this house because the BLOOD OF JESUS was on the door and in my heart!….FEAR STAYED……  .. I stood, holding my kerosene lantern tightly… I started SINGING and SINGING…  FEAR STAYED MORE.!!!


 I SURE WISHED I WOULD HAVE HAD A T.V. or something!!! OR a TELEPHONE to call my friends !!  Or a PASTOR AROUND! EVEN if I could have put on some Gospel Music!!!  But I couldn’t! All around my kerosene lamp was just BLACKness, Not even a moon.


   I didn’t want to wake the kids……suddenly the whole jungle sounded louder, and the bats wings continued brushing up against the screens…  I got into my bed……..put the mosquito net around me & got my lantern and began reading the Bible…didn’t even want to put my hand out from under the net…...just KNOWING evil was around me……………..

    I opened my Bible to PSALM 27 ( directed by the Holy Spirit!)  All I could read was verse 1… WOW…


“The Lord is my LIGHT and my salvation…Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the LIGHT of my life…of whom shall I be afraid?”


After reading this 3 or 4 times, I began saying it OUT LOUD INTO THE AIR!  I repeated it about 10 times …. Into the screen windows, into the air waves!   



I got totally free from fear…It disappeared as though it had never been there….no after affects  like you have from a bad dream.   I knew for sure then it was a demonic attack of fear and ONLY THE SPOKEN WORD OF GOD could break its power!


I was so free, I got up & walked outside with my night gown on and began singing a new song “Oh I will not be afraid!”


This was a fantastic lesson for me in future fear filled moments!


SPEAK OUT THE WORD OF GOD. POWERFUL!  MEMORIZE IT! The Name of Jesus is also powerful…but sometimes you need to speak out a WHOLE VERSE over and over. 


  Satan is the prince of the power of the Air…He cannot read your mind... you must SPEAK into his environment…and HE WILL RUN and all his demons with him.   Absolute Freedom from fear will enable you to be STRONG and do MIGHTY EXPLOITS for JESUS……Just YOU and the WORD of God inside, makes you



 Carol Hall,  Nagoya Japan