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Missionary Carol Hall - "AT HEAVEN’S GATES" - - BIBLE STUDY & Magazine


Missionary Carol Hall, Japan


Since this is my first time to contribute any material, I’d like to tell a very simple, but very TRUE story of what I saw take place at Heaven’s gate.


My husband, Gary and I are missionaries in Japan, so when my mother became very sick with a brain tumor, my sister called me to hurry home to see mom while she could still recognize me.... My husband insisted I leave right away…cause he never got to be near his dad or mom when they died.   It’s part of missionary life.    …Three days later .I flew to Ohio from Nagoya, ….a 15 hour trip.  .   On the way I prayed “LORD, PLEASE  LET  ME  SEE  MY  MOM  GO  TO  HEAVEN…I wantto see her enter glory land, because she loved you so very much”


Seeing my mom lying there in the rest home, half naked, so skinny and a mess….Wow…it was something I thought I couldn’t do.   I’m a very “NON- NURSE” person, so I thought I’d recoil.   But I didn’t.  This was my mom suffering, and I loved her as my own little child.  When she saw me, she said “CAROL”      Oh hallelujah….she could still remember! I bought her a tape player that would keep playing non-stop…got her some Gospel Music that she would remember (George Beverly Shay) and ordered the nurses to let it play day and night…. She loved that.    Her spirit was still alive and well!


My sis was there too, and the doctors said my mom would probably live for another 5 or 6 months!  “OKAY LORD….I guess I won’t be able to see my mom enter Heaven cause I can’t stay away from Japan that long”  ……A week later, tears streaming down, I kissed my mom goodbye….knowing I wouldn’t see her till Heaven.   It was so, so disappointing and terrible to do that!!  


On the way to Japan, I stopped over in Washington for a dentist trip, because I had developed a terrible toothache.  Somehow, my sister got hold of the dentist’s phone number, and called while I’m in the chair with my mouth full of cotton!!!  She said   “Carol….the doctor said mom will die in just 3 days…She has stopped eating…you should come back to Ohio right away!”


Oh…what a mess this was to figure out all the ticket changes….Took about five hours! But on the plane back to Ohio….MIDNIGHT SPECIAL…..I asked the Lord..

“Why did this happen?   How come I’m flying back to Ohio now?


The Lord showed me the most beautiful story picture. He spoke to my heart strongly and clearly and said “Daughter….you asked me to please let you see your mom enter Heaven’s gate. So, I will show you what I have done to answer your request.”


I then saw my mom standing on a long line of older people.   All of them were happy and chatting…moving up the line step by step, very slowly.   The gate of Heaven was ahead of them, and they were all happy to get there. My mom was about  2 blocks distance from the gate.    Suddenly a bright angel came up to her and touched her shoulder and said CHARLOTTE….will you come with me?”  He was smiling.


My mom was surprised and said,   like an excited child “Oh….where are we going?”  (She was always very happy to go on an adventure.) The angel replied   Charlotte, I’m moving you to the head of the line”


My mom thought she was pretty special, and gladly walked up to the gate, arm and arm with this big angel, feeling pretty special.


As that vision faded away, the Lord spoke again and said   “Daughter…I did that For you….So you could be there when your mom entered MY GATES.”


Oh, wonderful Lord….Precious & awesome!   How tender & kind He is.


 My  mom did die 2 days later and I was there, along with my sister Lorraine. The whole rest home, usually very noisy……filled with patients making weird noises and banging on walls, etc…suddenly became very very quiet.   I said to my sis   Lorraine, Jesus Is here”………


My mom’s painful body became still…..Her unfocused eyes became focused on something fascinating & wonderful. …..She SAW the gates… she SAW eternity…..  Her pain was gone…Her face was clear….She was entering Heaven’s gates.


Though I was gripped with tears….both my sister and I cried out “Go to Jesus mom….Go to Jesus…run to Him”….and then….she was gone from this earth.


THANK YOU JESUS….to this day I cannot forget.   I was able to testify this at her funeral to her many lost relatives.   And when I see her picture there is a joy, knowing she is walking and leaping and praising God….Someday when I reach Heaven’s Gates…… Ahhhhh... my tiny mind cannot even comprehend its glory!


“How beautiful in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”   “We will walk with HIM in white”   Psalm 116:15  Rev. 3:4


There are deep things to be said about Heaven’s Gates…much much deeper things….and indeed…I have studied them & pondered them & spoke of them. But nothing has impacted me more than this….Let us all meet there... please!


Carol Hall,

Nagoya, Japan