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Missionary Carol Hall - "LOOKING UPWARD" -


Missionary Carol Hall, Nagoya, Japan


Let us look at RIGHT NOW!  Where are you... NOW!


 My husband compliments me by saying that I am “flexible” & “stretchable” .Its funny, cause now I look very stretchable


We have moved a total of 35 times in our 47 years of marriage, so lots of times I didn’t know WHERE I was!  Different friends, climates, furniture, cultures, foods, holidays, languages, accents, churches & homes.  Even the  pets were always getting shifted around… from dogs to elephants!  


After getting married in Alaska, we’ve moved around in 9 USA States, from W. ……plus 2 foreign countries!  The only thing that stayed the same was my husband, Gary!….Even our 3 children changed along the way!


There are THREE types of “TIMES  or “seasons” in Greek…

1.     Chronos time = daily life…clock ticks…sun comes up, goes down..

        You sleep, wake up…summer, winter…etc… YOU GOT IT?


    Most folks are in CHRONOS TIME right now…physically & spiritually….

       It can be called:  waiting time…boring time…preparing time                                   


2. KAIROS time:  IT MEANS, the NOW TIME... CRITICAL TIME…                                                                          

                           The Opportune time, the make a MOVE time!…                                    

                          If you MISS THIS TIME…you LOSE the chance.


Many prophets are telling us that after years of prayer and planting… God’s HARVEST is coming SOON…THE KAIROS TIME!


 Hearing God’s VOICE is absolutely ESSENTIAL to know when and where to Make a move. A lot of us have MISSED Kairos times along the way.


TRUE STORY:  We had just moved to Ontario, Oregon.  I knew nobody!  ……….I was faithful, memorized Scriptures, tithed, prayed, Interceded, cooked, raised the kids,  etc etc.  

                 ALL THIS WAS a CHRONOS TIME……

I took a walk one evening... and THOUGHT I heard the Holy Spirit saying: “See that person?  They need Prayer now… go and talk to them…”


I said,    “ME?  I’m new here.  Is that YOU Lord, or my imagination? 

            I don’t even know them….In Africa I can do that, but NOT in

        America!  How can I just knock on their door and do that?  I must

         Be lonely or something…”


SO I DIDN’T DO IT.    I waited a few days….until I felt really guilty!!!


I decided to be a REALLY good Christian, & even BAKE cookies and bring them over, and introduce myself and THEN I would OBEY GOD!  It was really BETTER this way, and I was glad I had waited awhile. She thanked me for the cookies and then I told her that I had wanted to come over a few days before… She told me she had been crying and needed prayer a lot then… BUT NOW she was fine and didn’t need anybody!  I left... never to see her again.   OOHhhh SORRY LORD  I missed it!


HERE IS THE THING!   While we are going thru the LONG WAITING CHRONOS TIMES OF LIFE………….God is preparing somebody else to meet us during their trial.    HE IS ARRANGING THIS, and DEPENDING ON US TO HEAR HIS VOICE and OBEY. AND THIS IS God’s KAIROS TIME,


How often we have missed those times……KAIROS, NOW TIMES don’t have to be HUGE, INTERNATIONAL, EVENTS!   EVERY SOUL IS A HUGE EVENT TO JESUS! There is a party in Heaven over EVERY SOUL that come to Christ!   If you learn to hear the voice of the Spirit, you will discover that WITHIN THE LONG CHRONOS TIMES of waiting, THERE WILL BE MANY GOD ARRANGED KAIROS TIMES HE sets up for you 


If your CHRONOS time is a FIERY TRIAL….THEN HE HAS SOMEBODY IN THAT FIRE with you……To comfort you?   Well, yes, of course.  But also, he has somebody there for YOU to minister HIS LOVE to. It’s KAIROS TIME A lot more than we think!  LOOK AT TODAY!



         This is the real challenge!  Many fail in the Kairos times. But until the day the Lord says  WELL                 DONE, GOOD & FAITHFUL SERVANT”  we have not really entered the Pleroo time


EXAMPLE: a) A farmer plants the wheat, or rice.  He waits & prepares..Chronos TIME


     b)  It’s  RIPE!  READY for HARVEST!  RAIN IS COMING!  KAIROS TIME! It’s a time of anxious movement..sometimes  dangerous!  When nations go thru Kairos times there are wars!  Struggles!  -  The Kairos times never mean success.   Many GIVE UP THE STRUGGLE during Kairos times & lose it.


c) Let’s make it thru to the PLEROO TIME    That’s when the wheat is safely stored in the barn….or better yet,  a nice hot loaf of home made bread, with butter and  jam!


LOOK unto Jesus,  the Author and FINISHER of our faith..& life, In The chronos..kairos & pleroo times! (Heb. 12:2)