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Missionary Carol Hall, Japan






We are discussing marriage, so I thought you wouldn’t mind for me to use another of my paintings.  


 Explanation of painting:  

The bride & groom here represent any married couple, new or old.  Notice: JESUS IS IN THE CENTER……....HE IS IN BETWEEN  the husband  & wife.


As I was planning this painting, I pictured a bride and groom STANDING with Jesus in the center….but the bride’s full dress would always cover Jesus feet!  Finally, the Lord showed me that the couple needed to be WALKING!    The composition problem was solved as the bride’s dress was swept backward. AND…the spiritual truth was shown as well!    

When we’re with JESUS we will always be GOING SOMEWHERE, towards something higher and better.    Not just standing still!       

                                                                     (like religion does)


 The other lesson in this painting is this:  MANY Christian marriages end up in DIVORCE these days….How can this be?

Isn’t Jesus in their marriage?  They go to church, pray, read the Bible, try to do right……SURELY JESUS IS IN THEIR MARRIAGE.


The truth is:  He is in the marriage but:  HE MUST BE IN THE CENTER.  Many couples, when they are having an argument or disagreement,  just ask Jesus to go into the other room for awhile!  So,  He’s THERE, but NOT in the middle.    Can you see this concept along with me?  When you take Jesus out of the CENTER,, there is SOMEBODY else who takes His place!  Guess who?    (hint:   He causes you to look down & feel angry & revengeful)


IF Christ (the anointed One) is in the CENTER, the wife must look at her husband, THRU JESUS cause He Is between you.

When a husband looks at his wife, he must look THRU JESUS

       To see her from God’s viewpoint.


1. Suddenly.(.or gradually) ….all the anger towards that partner….All the criticism the complaining…bitterness….begins to melt, because you see them  thru the LOVE, understanding and patience of  JESUS…….

2.     And as you see JESUS….His heart fills your spirit, and you

         begin to see YOURSELF also!  Ouch!


The glory of Jesus reflects  your own ugliness and anger and criticism.  

 People are always asking for his glory,  but with His glory comes a great REVELATION…& judgement …………….of our own self righteousness! 


We must repent then…….to KEEP HIM in the center of everything.


So, if you are having trouble in your marriage……… …Ask HIM to step  into the center again.  Then all the words you speak must pass thru HIM……


 What if your husband or wife is not a Christian?  Can you invite Jesus in the center?  YES….  Then, if your partner begins to criticize you,  insult you,  etc.. etc…Those hurting, poison words must pass THRU Jesus before

reaching your own heart.The darts will still hurt,  but Jesus takes the destroying poison and fire out!   The Lord will fight for you and you will hold your peace  Exodus 14:14


Mis-matched?  If you know us personally, you will know Gary and I are VASTLY different!  Country Western boy (Scappoose) married New York City secretary!  Even our kids wonder how we lasted! There were times I had my suitcase packed so I cannot judge you.  But The Spirit’s VOICE always caught me & I could hear Him easily, cause He was close…right there between us. When I would criticize Gary, the Lord would talk strongly to me and say things like; “So, you think he’s got a problem?………Go look at yourself in the mirror!”    Honest…that’s what the Spirit of God spoke….and it worked!   Now, after 46 yrs. we minister together…sharing our giftings, and  we also minister individually… AND, we appreciate and love each other so much!     HOWEVER,   we still have to keep Jesus in the center every day…..HE KEEPS OUR LIVES EXCITING!


      Blessings in your marriage, 

          Carol Hall, Nagoya, Japan



          Note: If you are interested in purchasing a copy of MARRIAGE TAKES THREE,

            The Halls’ will be in Washington State this July. You may contact them via
