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Bible Study with Pastor Howie Stewart of Oklahoma @, home of Strombolis eZine In a certain town there lived a very honest cobbler called Martin


New Strombolis Writer



howie.jpg Howie Stewart: An ordained minister and a living testimony of God’s healing power over cancer, Howie was born and raised in Oklahoma. With nearly 35 years in ministry as pastor, teacher and leader, Howie brings balance from experience and walking out God’s journey of grace, with the truth of God’s word as his guide.


Howie is the husband to Jeanne Stewart, one of the Strombolis writers, and the father of two very blessed children. The Stewart’s have lived and ministered from the Gulf coast to California and currently reside in Oklahoma where they direct the senior adult ministries of their local church. Howie is also a public school teacher and an adjunct instructor for a nearby Christian University.


Come learn from Howie’s writing style of line upon line - the healing Jesus of body and soul.








~ Speak It Forth ~


Pastor Howard Stewart, Oklahoma





A Testimony that Keeps on Giving


Brother Pasley was a humble old man. He wasn’t the least bit flashy, but he knew how to pray. I remember walking into the prayer room at our church and hearing his voice in intercession. He wasn’t a noisy pray-er, but I could feel the passion of his prayers. Then later when visiting with him, he was gentle and soft-spoken. I was drawn to him. I wanted to be like Brother Pasley.


Brother Brissey was a sweet old man. He was a worshipper. Once he came into the sanctuary, you never tried to engage him in small-talk. It was time to worship.  In other venues, he often spoke of the sweet Holy Spirit and His wonderful Lord. Wow, I wanted to be like Brother Brissey.


Sister Margaret was a true “daughter of Zion”. Perseverance was the key word of her life. It had to be, for she was afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis. I can’t begin to describe how her hands and fingers were contorted, her knees and hips as well. Amazingly, she sewed quilts for a living. I don’t know how she did it. Well, actually I do know. She pursued God. Her philosophy was summed up in the old song ‘We’ll Work Til Jesus Comes.’ She was single-handedly responsible for making the sheets and covers for the cots at our church’s new day care center ministry. And we’re not talking about just a few dozen. During prayer time in our services, she would often come down to the altar for prayer. She’d say something like, “Pray for me so I’ll have the strength to make some more quilts for the children.”  I wanted to be like Sister Margaret. 


I praise God for allowing me to the opportunity to experience just a little bit of the spirit and drive of these three saints in years past. I’ll never forget them. Part of them continues on in me. They passed their legacy on to the next generation, and now it’s up to me to step up to the plate. I want to have something worthwhile that I can pour into the lives of those God brings my way.