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undefined Bible Study with PASTOR HOWIE STEWART @, home of Strombolis eZine In a certain town there lived a very honest cobbler called Martin




Pastor Howie Stewart, Oklahoma





Happy Holidays?


howie.jpgOnce again we are entering that time of year.  It hardly seems possible.  Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that the kids started back to school?  Well, ready or not, here come the holidays!


Why are the holidays so stressful for so many?  Isn’t it a time for rejoicing, for family gatherings, and for a welcome break from the demands of daily living?  After all, look at what our holiday season is based on:  the giving of thanks, the coming of Christ, and the idea of peace and goodwill among men.  Surely this should be the highlight of the year.


But many simply endure the holiday season, going through the motions, doing what is expected, and breathe a sigh of relief on the 2nd of January.  Granted, this time of year can be stressful, so what is the point? 


One problem may be the fact that many have unrealistic expectations.  Some people have a “Currier and Ives” idea of what the season is to be like.  They hearken back to a simpler time, a time when things seemed better for them.  And upon comparison with their present reality, frankly they are disillusioned.  


Another issue is that the holidays typically bring families together.  That should be a good thing, right?  But with so many fractured families these days, the gatherings often serve to highlight differences and disputes, hurts and hard feelings.  The time for some only serves to reopen old wounds and reminds them of why they stay away the rest of the year.


For others, it may simply be a financial stress.  Let’s face it; holidays can be expensive, especially when some measure their success by the quantity of food on the table or the number and cost of the gifts under the tree. The statement “I want to have a good Christmas this year!” often translates “I want to spend a lot of money on gifts.”  Hence the mad dash to the mall on the morning after Thanksgiving and, for too many, the plastic hangover when the bills start arriving about the second week of January. 


So what’s the answer?  One factor is contentment.  Be content with what you have.  You might not be able to have a Currier and Ives experience.  The apostle Paul wrote from a jail cell:  “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”  (Philippians 4:11). 


Another factor is to experience the fullness of God’s presence and blessing during each season of the year.  That way, when the hubbub of the season hits you (and it most likely will), you can still have a song in your heart and the joy of the Lord as your strength.


And finally, be right with God and with others.  Again from prison, Paul wrote these words:  “Be kind and tenderhearted, forgiving one another, remembering the way that Jesus has forgiven you.”  (Ephesians 4:32).


Have a blessed holiday season!

