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Bible Study with PASTOR HOWIE STEWART @, home of Strombolis eZine

Have Some Compassion, Jonah!

Pastor Howey Stewart, Oklahoma


The Assyrians were enemies of Israel. And when God told Jonah to “cry out against it”, Jonah’s first impression may have been something like this: “Alright, Lord! Let ‘em have it!”. But Jonah soon began to consider the nature and character of God. He no doubt called to mind that the Lord is full of compassion and loving-kindness, quick to respond to the cry of a repentant heart.


Wanting to see the hated Assyrians taste the full force of God’s firepower, Jonah tried to make sure the Ninevites had no chance to turn from their wicked ways and receive compassion and forgiveness. At least that was Jonah’s position. So he fled “…from the presence of the Lord.” (Jonah 1:3)


Well, we know the rest of the story—how that God got Jonah’s attention, how that the hated Ninevites repented, and how that God “…relented from the disaster He had said He would bring upon them.” (3:10). In short, the Lord had compassion on their undeserving, repentant hearts.


“But it displeased Jonah exceedingly and he became angry.” (4:1) In fact, he spells out the motives of his heart:  “I fled…for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness.” (4:2)


Then comes the part about the “special plant” that God prepared for Jonah, and how it was stricken and died, and the pity Jonah felt for its plight. God then connects the dots. In essence He said this to Jonah:


            Look, son. I’ve placed a portion of My character within you—the ability to feel compassion for the suffering and for those who cannot help themselves. Just look at how you grieved for this plant. Why is it so hard for you to see these Ninevites as I see them? I know they’re a wicked lot, but they are on the road to destruction--people created in My image—who are going to perish unless YOU ACT on the compassion I have placed within you. You call yourself My child...well, ACT like it! Let My compassion override your prejudices and preconceived notions about how I operate…about who can be the recipients of my grace. Don’t make Me prepare another “great fish” to get your attention again. You and your little group are not the center of the world. It’s only by My grace you are who you are. You must learn how to love your enemies and to pray for those who despitefully use you. Have some compassion, Jonah! See the lost through My eyes. I paid the price that ALL may enter in. How shall they believe if they have not heard? How can they hear without a preacher?


Where (or who) is your Ninevah?


(For further study, see Lamentations 3:22, 23; Exodus 20:6; Romans 10:14; Matthew 5:44-46; Matthew 5:7, and John 20:21).