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Bible Study with Pastor Howie Stewart of Oklahoma @, home of Strombolis eZine In a certain town there lived a very honest cobbler called Martin


Speak It Out!


Pastor Howey Stewart, Oklahoma




Prayer—it’s amazing!


hs9.jpgPrayer amazes me.  Actually it is God who is amazing.  Prayer is His invitation to tell Him what is on my heart, and then to expect Him to do something about it.  Yes, that is amazing!


I do not know the exact figures, but I suspect that few Biblical themes have more written about them than prayer.  Yes, we need teaching on prayer.  We need to know God’s promises regarding it, that we can come to Him in faith and confidence and ask, seek and knock.  We need to get a vision of the power of Jesus’ name and the absolute necessity of staying connected to Him for our prayers to be effectual and fervent.  True, we must read the user’s manual so we can know how to pray in a right manner.


Something else also amazes me, in a disturbing sort of way:  how much is written and spoken about prayer…and how little it is actually practiced!  So here is your assignment:  Stop reading this article (notice how short it is?) and GO PRAY!  The promises are given, the needs are great.  Take God at His word.   Pray, believe and expect Him to move.  He is waiting to hear from you!


(For further clarity:  Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 9:29; Matthew 7:7, 8; John 14:13, 14; John 15:7; James 5:16; Mark 9:23) 




So as this New Year beckons, let us not hesitate to call out for His intervention in our lives. Don’t be afraid to ask Him for your “re-do”.