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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with PASTOR HOWEY STEWART @ - home of Strombolis eZine In a certain town there lived a very honest cobbler called Martin


Speak it Forth


Pastor Howie Stewart, Oklahoma



A Song in Your Heart


howie.jpgI remember Joel Osteen telling a story about a lady who kept a little songbird in a cage in her living room.  This was no ordinary songbird, as the little fella would sing continually, producing a rich variety of melodies and tones. 


But songbirds being what they are, the cage needed an occasional cleaning.  The lady usually made a quick job of it, running the open end of the vacuum cleaner hose around the cage while the feathered occupant stayed at the far end of the cage.  Cleaning time was brief, though, as the lady swished the vacuum hose quickly.


Well one day, after a morning of singing and a routine cleaning with the vacuum, the lady suddenly realized her precious songbird was nowhere to be seen.  Had it escaped?  A quick scan of the room revealed no results.  Then she realized the awful truth.  Frantically, she removed the hose from the bag and sure enough, there was her little songbird, ruffled and disheveled, huddling in the midst of the dust and debris.  Lovingly, she rescued him, cleaned him up and placed him back in the cage.  Thankfully he was okay.  But after that traumatic episode, he never sang another note as long as he lived.


The moral of the story is this:  sometimes life has a way of sucking the song right out of you.  What to do?  Realize that as a child of God, you can still have joy, even in the midst of trying times.  Jesus promised us that the joy He places in our hearts would be durable.  (“…your joy no one will take from you.”  John 16:22).  He also said that our joy would be full, (John 16:24), especially if we pray and take our burdens to Him.


You really need the joy of the Lord in your heart these days.  It will insulate you and act to buffer your heart from the soul-jarring adversities of life.  You can still have a song in your heart in the night, even when things are falling apart around you. 


Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, a by-product of your relationship with the Savior.  You can experience His presence and allow Him to fill you up.  It may go against human reasoning, but why not take Him up on it?  Yes, sorrow may hit you hard, but “…joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5).


Pastor Howey