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Bible Study with PASTOR HOWIE STEWART @, home of Strombolis eZine


Speak It Forth!


Pastor Howie Stewart, Oklahoma



To Be Where Jesus Is

howie.jpgWe all know the account of how the wise men brought their gifts to Jesus.  We often picture three of them, but in actuality we don’t know how many there really were.  “We have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”  (Matthew 2:2)  To be sure, they brought the gifts.  But more importantly they came to worship the Lord.


The wise men, at great personal risk, subjected themselves to a lengthy and arduous journey, and endured much difficulty to have the opportunity of worshipping the King of Kings.


Application:  Are you willing to endure great sacrifice and hardship to be where Jesus is?  Or must you be spoon-fed and coaxed to enter His presence?  “Oh, I can’t make it to church this morning—it’s a bit too cold (or cloudy…or rainy…or hot…or windy).”  Or “My toenail (or bursitis…or tinnitus…or indigestion…or leg cramp…or toe cramp…or elbow cramp) is bothering me.”


Think of it:  To be where Jesus is.  Sometimes His presence is not readily felt.  Sometimes we have to press in.  Sometimes we have to overcome difficulty and adversity and distraction—push them aside—and strive to enter His presence.


Is being where He is worth the effort?  The wise men thought so.  They traveled hundreds of miles, endured adverse weather conditions and threat of bodily harm, and we don’t detect any unwillingness or complaint.


So the next time you feel a need to be where He is, press in past the hindrances, and worship Him, for He is worthy.  Then open the treasures of your heart and give Him the sacrifice of praise that He deserves.