Taking Jesus with us.
Ivan Pattison,
”JESUS doesn't mind you celebrating His Birthday on the 25 of December, it is that you hold a party and He doesn't get
invited!!” -- Kenneth Copeland.
Not only should our parties include Jesus, but we should never go any
where without Him.
Here is a test to see if Jesus would go with us, to our different everyday
activities, now if we would be uncomfortable taking our Bible to the places we
go, then let us ask ourselves should we really go
there. Can we take Jesus every where we go, even to the movies. Is there
any place that we go, that we would sooner not have our Bible with us.
If we would feel uncomfortable taking our Bible with us, it is either one of
two things, our life is not in order with God, or Jesus would feel
uncomfortable being there with us.
Taking our Bible with us is like taking Jesus with us. Would we be comfortable
having a Bible on our lap or Jesus sitting next to us and watching some of the
movies or soap operas, that are watched, whether it be in a theatre or in a
lounge chair in front of the TV.
If Jesus came to visit us would we continue wasting some of, or all of our time
in doing or watching what we do and watch every day.
There is a poem that says; If Jesus Came to your
house!!! Now if Jesus did come in person would we take Him to the beach and
would we get into that almost nothing swim suit, and stand in front of Him!!
Peter even put clothes on when Jesus was around. John 21:7 Shouldn't we
be proud to do things when He isn't here in person as we would do it if He was
here. We are His Temple are we not!! 1 Corinthians 6:19.
This Christmas, will we have our mind on Jesus, or our minds on the fun we are
having. Are we thinking of the birth of a human baby or are we thinking of the
birth of the Word of God becoming flesh. Sure at Christmas time we do remember
His birth, as a baby, and rightly so, but let us also remember at this time,
the Word of God became flesh, and dwelt among us.. Let us look past the baby
image, and see Him as God, the Son of God, in infant form.
Will we at this Christmas time start getting serious about being a true
follower of Jesus, as well as having a joyous time, and God would expect us to
enjoy ourselves, as well as giving praise to Him. Let us at the same time put
away the worldly things, that might attract us. Partying with the wrong people and the wrong places. Let
this Christmas be all of the good things that represent Christ Jesus. We can
enjoy ourselves as Christians this year without regretting our actions
Will we this Christmas think more of what God can do through us, and how He can
use us better in the following year, the more time we spend with Jesus in
prayer, and getting to know Him better, the more we can be used by our Father
There is nothing wrong with good Christian parties, and enjoying the season,
but at the same time let us remember the one who has given us the freedom that
we have.
Let each one of us this Christmas, remember to take Jesus with us where ever we
go, and let Jesus be a part of our whole life whether we are partying or just
whether we are relaxing on our own. If we are on our own, then invite Jesus to
be there with us, so we will not have that lonely feeling.
A friend of mine's daughter would have a party to celebrate the birthday of
Jesus!!! She would have her own children at the party and also would invite
other children to her place to share the Birthday Party, and the main person
who was invited, was Jesus!! My friends daughter, would even bake a birthday cake for Jesus.
Please have a wonderful, blessed, and peaceful Christmas
Love Ivan