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BIBLE STUDY with IVAN PATTISON @ - home of Strombolis eZine


Jesus: From The Cradle To The Cross

Ivan Pattison, Australia


The one thing we know about Jesus going from the cradle to the cross, is that He made every day count, that He had a good blood line.


With us the sins of our fathers are passed down through every generation, and unless our sins are remitted by Jesus sacrifice on the cross, then they go on and on down the generation blood line, from Adam until now, and they get worse and worse.


Numbers 14:18  The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.


It is said that sins continue to go on to the next third and fourth generation, and the next, and the next, and what we see today in our very sinful world, and how man is acting, I am not surprised.


I have noticed that when a person’s life has not been dealt with by Jesus, and forgiveness has not been asked, then the next generation is just that much worse than the one before it.


With Jesus His blood line was perfect, and how perfect can you get than His blood line coming from that of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus had an excellent start.  Jesus made the most of His Life, and even though we think because He was, and will always be God, that everything came easy for Him, and yet in the Holy Bible it says He went through every temptation, that every man goes through.  Jesus came through without sin.


Luke 4:13  And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.


I believe Jesus studied the same as every Jewish boy had to study.  When satan fronted Jesus to tempt Him, Jesus would tell satan "It is written". Too  many seem to think that Jesus was not educated, and I do not believe this is right, as there are enough verses of Scripture to let us know He certainly was educated. Scripture is certainly a large part of the education of a Jewish boy life, by the time a Jewish boy is five years old he has learnt the first five books of the Old Testament, by the time he is twelve years old he has learnt the whole of the Old Testament. Remember Jesus stood before the Doctors (of Law) of the Temple and asked them questions. Asking questions was the way that a Jewish boy was tested in what he knew of the Word of God, and of course Jesus knew the Word very well, so much so the Doctors were astonished at his understanding, and answers. If Jesus was uneducated, He could not of impressed those listening to Him. Let us remember Jesus became a Rabi, He had 12 Disciples.


Luke 2:46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.                  


Luke 2:47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.


Yes Jesus was, and still is the Son of God our Father, He became our Redeemer, and He was and still is our Intercessor.  It is said that Jesus prayed for each one of us while He was on the cross, and because He is the same yesterday, today & forever He is still praying for each one of us.


Jesus does not want anyone of us to perish, and tells us in His Word to Pray without ceasing, to meditate day and night, and to have a mind like His, Pure and Holy, to be without blemish to overcome in every part of our life.


Let none of us be one of the ten virgins who were not ready for when Jesus comes to gather in His harvest.


ARE YOU READY!!!  -----------  AM I READY!!! 


DO YOU KNOW JESUS!!!  ------------  DO I KNOW JESUS!!! 


I AM GETTING TO KNOW HIM MORE AND MORE EACH DAY.  I am hoping you are doing the same.


Love and Blessings,
