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BIBLE STUDY with IVAN PATTISON, Australia - @ - home of STROMBOLIS eZine








Ivan Pattison, Australia








The Holy Spirit has many duties, and names as God the Father, and God the Son has.

One of those duties is being our deliverer.


We see in the Pentecostal Churches when those attending, and go forward for prayer, many fall over onto the floor, and each time this happens that person receives deliverance, whatever else that person receives deliverance is their most gained results.


Deliverance from sickness, is only one of the deliverances one receives, and always deliverance from what ever unclean (demon) spirit has caused that person to suffer in that way. The more the person goes forward for prayer, and falls over in the spirit, the cleaner that person becomes.


The Holy Spirit has put this on my mind to add what Pastor Geoffrey Hollands (AOG) taught many years ago, and I have his permission to use it.It was given to me some years ago when the Toronto Blessing was alive and firing.


This message from Pastor Geoffrey W Hollands {concerning the move of God called "the Toronto Blessing"}


Right across our nation, many churches are enjoying a fresh move of the Holy Spirit which is renewing their love for Jesus and His Word and inspiring the congregation to glorify and magnify Him. What has marked this new wave has been the unusual manifestations, such as falling, shaking, "drunkenness" in the Spirit, weeping and laughter. Many are asking, and rightly so, "Are these manifestations Biblical?" and so without presenting an exhaustive study, I suggest the following Scriptures for you to meditate on.



Saul fell when meeting the risen Christ. Acts 9:4

John fell at His feet as though dead. Rev. 1:17

Ezekiel had a similar experience. Ezek. 1.28

Daniel likewise. Dan. 8:17 & 18, 10:9

A whole group were overcome by Jesus and fell to the ground. John 18:6

The disciples evidently needed Jesus to "touch them" after they fell down whilst on the Mount of Transfiguration. Matt. 17:6 & 7


Shaking & "Drunkenness".

When the Holy Spirit came on a praying company of people, the whole building began to shake. Acts 4:31


The Old Testament speaks of trembling in God's presence. Dan. 10:7; Psalm 99:1; Jer. 5:22


The prophets experienced such shaking Hab 3:16; Jer. 23:9

Jeremiah, in the presence of the LORD and overwhelmed by His holy words, expresses that he is like a drunken man overcome by wine. Jer. 23:9.


Paul exhorts ex-drunkards to drink of the Holy Spirit. Eph. 5:18.

When the Holy Spirit fell in an incredible way on the Day of Pentecost, observers initially thought that the 120 disciples were drunk. Peter pointed out that it was the work of the Holy Spirit and the Church was born with 3000 souls saved. Acts 2:13-18, 40,41



In the Old Testament, the people wept at God's Word. Neh. 8:9.

In the New Testament, listeners to Peter at Pentecost were "Cut to the HEART". Acts 2:37.


Weeping is a needful, natural & normal response to the movement of the Spirit.



In the Old Testament, the freed captives' mouths were filled with laughter. Psalm 126:1. Ecc. 3:4 tells us there is a time to weep and a time to laugh.

Jesus promised His disciples He would make them full of joy. John 17:13.


The word "rejoice" used by Jesus in Like 10:20-21 of both the disciples and Himself literally means to "leap for joy". You can't do that soberly!


As you read the history of revival, you will discover that all of the above manifestations have occurred in the past. I would like to highlight a few excerpts from a revival in Tennessee in 1886 where God moved mightily and the record of that revival was placed in the archives in Washington by an act of Congress;


"The laughing exercise was frequent, confined solely to the religious. It was a loud hearty laughter, but it excited solemnity in saints and sinners" "Some are groaning and agonising under convection, others praising God". One of the saddest verses in the Bible records Jesus weeping over Jerusalem and saying, "You didn't know the hour of your visitation". My cry to God is, "Help me not to miss what you are doing".

May I encourage you to join with me, that we won't miss out on the move of God.


I enclose the above with the permission of Geoff Hollands giving Scripture supporting the move of the Holy Spirit called the TORONTO BLESSING, God doesn't fit into what we think, should be, but does things in spite of our thinking, or our upbringing, or our beliefs, unfortunately our religious upbringing quite often stands in the way of what Gods way is. {His way is not our way, never was,} Today God is moving by His Holy Spirit through Deliverance Ministries, which the TORONTO BLESSING is part of a mass deliverance of his people to become perfected. He is coming for a CHURCH without spot or wrinkle.


MATT. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.


Love and Blessings,
