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"DESTINED TO TRIUMPH" with IVAN PATTISON - BIBLE STUDY @ - home of Strombolis eZine


Pattison’s Perspective


Ivan Pattison, Australia




"Great is Thy Faithfulness" - Lamentations 3:23


Ivan.jpgLamentations 3:22 It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. [Mal. 3:6.]


Lamentations 3:23 They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. [Isa. 33:2.]

Lamentations 3:24 The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self); therefore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him. [Num. 18:20.]


God our Father is so faithful, and we are so blessed in having a Heavenly Father who has so much love for us each one.

The sad part is, that I believe we, that is you and I, don't show Him the gratitude that He deserves, and the gratitude that we should give to Him should be much more than we do give Him. Many of us don’t give Him the honour, the praise, and the glory that we should give to Him, and if this is so, then we have failed Him so much, and yet He does not fail us, no not at all.  When are we going to be grateful for all that Jesus has done for us?


In Malachi chapter 3, it says our words have been against Him, and I think most of us at one time or another our words  have been stout against Him.  If our words have never been stout against God our Father at any time, then we are truly blessed.


To speak against God and His Kingdom we will be one or more of these things, and of course we pay the price if we do not repent from them. 

Now if we are these things for the KINGDOM, then we will be VICTORIOUS!!!!  Being victorious, is a great achievement, and we need to be achievers, if we are going to enter God the Father’s Kingdom, whether that be while we are here on earth and, or in heaven.


We need to have Jesus on and at our side, so we need to bless Him, in every way we can, with our words, with our actions, and especially with our attitude.

Malachi 3:13  Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee?

How many of us have had our words stout against Father God just because we thought He should have done something to help us when things went wrong.

Of course if we knew His Word, and how to use it as a Sword, things most likely would have been different.

Let us be so careful in how we treat our Heavenly Father, and let our respect be perfect to Him, and before Him!!

Matthew 5:48  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Whatever sin we have been in, or whatever kind of life we have lived, God the Father has been so faithful to us, and great is His faithfulness towards us in saving us from it, and we do have much to bless Him for!!


Let us also be careful how we treat each other, as this is also important, and many do waver in how we treat our sisters and brothers.

Maybe we should practice treating each other with Kid Gloves, and in this way not so many would get hurt, and damaged as they do.

We must love each other very much, with that everlasting Love and if we don’t, then how can we love The Father, or even love Jesus.


It is so sad that so many in the Churches over the years, have not had the Jesus kind of Love that they have needed, so, no wonder the world does not want what we have.  I have voiced for many years now, that if we have the Love in the Church, that we should have, then we would not have to go outside the walls of our Church for the Lost, they would come inside the Church in droves, as so many have been looking, and are looking for a true genuine Christian Love, and have not been able to find it.

Can we take our thoughts off ourselves, and start thinking about others.

Let us have compassion towards each other, that real genuine compassion.

A Love and Compassion that will take hold of each one of us, and have that deep feeling for each other.  This is the Jesus kind of Love!!!

If we have not received this Love flowing through us from Jesus, then can we, that is you and I, can we get down on our knees and stay there until we have it!!!

If God the Father is so Faithful to us, then can we have that same faithfulness to Him by showing Love to each other, His Love. Can we  cry when someone is hurting, can we show the Jesus Love feelings for others  Can we spend time in prayer for others when they are going through tough times, and can we get our hands dirty for others when needed?


Romans 13:8  Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

When I write for Strombolis, or write my Internet News Letters, and when I write spiritual emails to my friends, the Holy Spirit talks to me, first of all, He shows me what to write, then He talks to me about what He has given me to write, and He lets me know that I need to apply these things to my life, if I haven’t already done so.


Love and Blessings
