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BIBLE STUDY with IVAN PATTISON - BIBLE STUDY @ - home of Strombolis eZine


Pattison’s Perspective

Ivan Pattison, Australia







Ivan.jpgWe  have wonderful examples of men of honour in the Holy Bible, Job, and Joseph. Then there were those who made some really unholy mistakes in their life, but we can still look up to them as they came through for God in a victorious manner. Whether they were righteous from the beginning to end, or whether they finished being victorious, and of course finishing, being victorious is what life is all about. It is not how a man starts out as, but how he finishes is the most important, and if he finishes in honour, what a great testimony for Jesus.


We read about the faults, and failings of many, of the Old Testament warriors, and yet they came through victorious.  It is not how we start life, or how many falls we have throughout life, but how we finish that matters, and that is the most important, part.


Today we find men of honour, such as Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, and many more that we can take as an example for how we live our life in the future. I have followed Kenneth Copeland's life and how he has raised his children, and I wished I had that teaching in my early days of marriage, and my life and my family life might have been different. Some have it, others don't, and it is sad that satan can have such an input into our lives, as he does, if he didn't we would not fall would we?


For me it has taken years of being in a Deliverance, Healing, and Restoration program that has brought me through to where I am now.  I am now victorious in my life, and it is great. I am meeting more and more people on the Internet, that want to e-mail me more and more about spiritual things, and that excites me.


We have men like Billy Graham that we can look up to and be proud of men such as he is. I have not long bought two DVDs of Billy Graham, and they are having an effect on my life, and no doubt he is still having an effect on many others.  Billy Graham is a man of honour, a man of valour.


We do need more men like him, and it would be good to have men rise up today just like him, those who are truly moved by Jesus, and those who let the Holy Spirit be in control, those who bring people together  for the Glory of Jesus, and to bring about change in the lives of many.


While watching these two DVDs I was thinking, that with Jesus, a day is as  thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day, and looking at this, I don't believe we will see another move of the Holy Spirit in the same way (I hope I am wrong), but we will see a move of the Holy Spirit in a way that we will need to depend on Jesus so much more than we are doing now. The Word of God says there will be a falling away in the last days, and it will be as in the days of Noah, and I believe we are seeing that now.


I believe Billy Graham was, and is a part of the end times where Jesus poured out His Spirit on mankind, and then there has been, and is, the raising up of the Pentecostal Church, and the Pentecostal movement moving through most Christian religions.  I believe now we are in the period of the falling away, and where the men of honour, the servants of Jesus Christ have, and are already in the highways, compelling many to come in.


Matthew 22:10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.


Luke 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel [them] to come in, that my house may be filled.


Love and Blessings
