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The Joyful Christian IS THE JOY OF THE LORD


The Joyful Christian would be one who has the Joy of the Lord in every situation.

To my thinking that God loves nothing more than a Christian who talks to Him and rejoices in adversity

Psalm 31:7 "I am overcome with joy because of your unfailing love . . . " NLT
I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities; KJV

Are you overcome with Joy, in every situation, if not, why not?

Our strength is in our praises to God. Remember the different times Paul, Silas, and other disciples, that were imprisoned for their teaching of the Gospel. It was their prayers, and their praises to God, in prison, that set them free.

Are we in a spiritual prison, because the lack of our praises to God, who is worthy of our praises.

God works through us when we sing praises to Him, satan works when we are overcome with our problems, sicknesses, and those things that get us down.

In Psalm 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Here the writer talks about when Israel praised God the Father in the Holy Place, that is where Israel gathered together to praise God the Father. Then God was able to inhabited those praises.

Surely this would mean that God also dwells in our praises, as our body should be the temple and a holy place for God to dwell, and He will do a good work in and through us as we praise Him, whatever the situation we are in. Matthew 5.11 says we are blessed when men shall revile us, and persecute us, and speak falsely against us.

Psalm 5.12 says rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for when we persecuted for righteousness sake, our reward will be great in heaven. It is so much easier to go through persecution praising God than to do it the hard way, and that is, not praising Him, in the toughest of situations.

It is said of a person doing a prison sentence, he\she is doing it hard, this is because, they see the prison walls, and the bondage they are in, instead of seeing the sky, and the stars, and expecting God to do wonderful and mighty things in their life.

In a number of places in the Old Testament, wars were won when Israel praised God, so there is power in praising God, and rejoicing in our infirmities. This is where miracles happen when we offer prayers and sacrifices of praises to our loving God.

God is worthy to be praised, at all times, and it does not matter how we feel, as feelings should have nothing to do with, our praising God. Praising God should be our nature. Some say our second nature, but I say it should be our first nature.

(2 Sam 22:4 NASB)

(1 Chr 16:25 NASB)

(Psa 18:3 NASB)

(Psa 48:1 NASB)

(Psa 96:4 NASB)

(Psa 113:3 NASB)

(Psa 145:3 NASB)

Luke says in chapter six and verse twenty two, blessed are we when we are hated, and separated from their company. If we are Christian, and doing the right thing, and if we are hated and segregated even within the church group. In many cases when this happens, it is because satan hates us, we understand that satan hates us so much that he turn men against us. Jesus said to Peter, in Luke 22:31 Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: We must be walking in the right direction, for men to hate us, even if we do not have it all together for God at the time.

Joyce Meyer started off with a Bible study and prayer group while she smoked and wore short shorts, what a wonderful and understanding Minister she came under, and look where she is today. How many of us are so critical of how some one looks or does, while saying they are a Christian. Shouldn’t we be praising God, that, that person is going to church, and making an effort, and even encouraging that person in the Lord and the Word of God.

Verse 23 of the same chapter says; rejoice in that day and leap for joy!!! For our reward is waiting for us in heaven.

I remind you of Merlin Carothers, in his teaching of; the benefits of praise, and how he came to the place where he could praise God, in all situations, brought him many benefits, and surely none of us, praise God enough. Words have just come to me, "Praising Him all day long", and that is how it should be, every day, and every moment of the day.

Psalm 103; is a very good reminder to us, "bless the Lord O my soul, or praise the Lord O my soul" the beginning of this Psalm, is about glorifying God with our whole being. Psalm 103 also says FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS!!

Psa 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Let our hearts be in praise all of the time, let us rejoice in that Jesus died for us, and that our reward will be in heaven. God asked Merlin Carothers, are you pleased that my Son died for you, and Merlin’s answer was; yes Lord I am, and God replied; I am pleased that you are pleased that my Son died for you!! Are we, that is you and I, pleased that Jesus died for us. If not, then we should take another look at Him, and what He has done for us, going to the cross, and being on the cross. It is shame, shame, to us Christians who are not grateful to God the Father for giving us His Son, to be sacrificed for us.

Psa 147:1

Psa 146:2

Psa 28:7

Psa 146:2

Psa 147:1 .

Psa 28:7 The LORD [is] my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.

Remember the song, "Praise is the order of the Day"!

There is another song I grew up with, and it is "Praise Him with melody"

God's Daily Promises from the Internet; How long will God's mercy last? "Your unfailing love will last forever . . "

Psalm 89:2 NLT

Is there no end to God's mercy?

Love Ivan