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Ivan Pattison, Australia

Do we fully realize what God is doing today!!!


I believe God is already going into the highways, Matthew 22:9, Matthew 22:10, Luke 14:23.

With the opening up of mass conversions and healings in, India, Africa, and many of the third world countries, as our Missionaries and some of our leading Ministers are going into these countries. Many from all religions are being saved and healed by Christ Jesus. Many wonderful things we are seeing and hearing at the moment.

Many Christians that are of the western world have not appreciated God in His fullness. Many have not appreciated His benefits that He has so graciously been giving to us for so long.

We so often talk to each other and say whatever comes into our mind, and not caring if we hurt or offend the other person, and we do and say whatever we feel like doing, and saying. We have come to a place where we don't care if we turn that person away from God or not.


Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; WE HAVE TURNED EVERY ONE TO HIS OWN WAY; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.


We as Christians really need to have more of the compassion of Jesus for caring for each other. Many Christians of the western world have become material conscience, when we should be becoming more God conscience, needing to put God first so everything will be added unto us. God is giving us so much teaching in these days, and where ever we turn there is teaching, so there is no excuse for any one of us not to know.
When we want something, many do not take the time to spend time in prayer, to receive from God, but go to a lending firm and borrow money, or use a credit card,  This puts us in bondage, when we do not need to be in bondage, and it is so dangerous in these days to owe money. God tells us to be a lender not a borrower.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


God is doing a cleansing work in His people, for those who want this from God. A person being cleansed, is a person who is one who is overcoming, in every part of his or her life, and an overcomer can do so much more than one who has even some pollution of sin within them whether that be minor or major. When the Ministry of what was known as the Toronto Blessing, came to Australia, those that I know, was still going under the Power of the Holy Spirit, weeks after they had come back home from those Services.

I belong to a Prayer Ministry, which is also a Deliverance Ministry and I go under the Power of the Holy Spirit daily, and this is only one work what God is doing today. God is raising up many Deliverance Ministries today, and the one I am in has been operating for 25-30 years is growing world wide, so it is not a Ministry that is a fly by night happening. These Ministries are on going and getting bigger. Many Deliverance Ministries have fallen by the way, and mostly it is because of the pressure on the Ministers who have not realised how much time in prayer it takes. The Toronto Blessing, was a much larger move of God, quite openly of God bringing deliverance to many. At the same time satan attended, all of the Services that the move of Holy Spirit was, working in, which turned many off what God was doing in the Toronto Blessing Services. We never have a move of God, that satan does not turn up, and it is up to us not to let satan take over, or destroy the work God is doing. God raising up Deliverance Ministries, is not all that God is doing today there are many areas that God is working in but it is the Deliverance Ministry that I am a teacher of.

 Let none of us to judge one another, as none of us know everything. It is only God, who knows what He is doing, and He is doing a different thing in each of us, and we have no right to judge one another, just because we do not understand what God is doing in the other person

Revival is coming to many churches, and we are seeing that here in
Australia. The media has even taken an interest in what is happening in some of the churches, and from time to time the TV reports and shows parts of some of the Services. The media gets interested in what is happening in the churches, so it helps to spread the Gospel to those who would never see a church service.

There are churches that are closing down, and they are usually the dead wood churches. There are also those churches that are growing to a large size, and are on fire for Jesus. Churches like Hill Song, and similar churches that are coming together, who are having a common cause, like those churches in Newcastle NSW Australia, and many other churches in many towns and cities.


 It is time that we as Christians become united with one cause, without destroying each other because we do not understand what God is doing in the other church or the other person. Let not our own thinking turn us against each other, and let us not pull each other down, but accept the other person whether we agree with them or we don't agree with them. When we are in unity with each other we are then in unity with God. Yes God is doing big things, and great things are happening, where there is unity with us.

Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.


When we criticise some one, then we do not have the Jesus love as we should and also remember when we judge some one then we will be judged, so what we speak out usually comes back at us.

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


Peace and Love, Ivan