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Love, healing the hurts


Chorus of a song:
Love lifted me!
Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me!
James Rowe. 1912 / Howard E. Smith, 1912

I was just watching on Benny Hinn talking to a guest couple, that he had on his TV show, and they were saying that Love was not a decision, but a person, "God is Love". If God is Love, then Love is a person, and so, all we have to do is make a decision that is, all each one of us has to do, is accept Love and we have accepted Jesus!!!

In accepting Jesus, we are accepting Love, because Jesus is Love, and how many say they have accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and yet have no Love.

If we truly have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, then let us act like Him, with Love flowing from us, like water from a tap.

Let us take the hurting person, and show the Love we ought to show to them, let us be Love to our fellow brother and sister, and see them healed of their hurts and bruises.

To the hurting person give it over to Jesus, and let go of our hurts and disappointments, as He took them to the cross, so we ought to leave them there.

There is nothing more beautiful than a family that loves each other and loves the Lord Jesus.

Here is a saying of mine, and each one of us need to say it every day.

I have love, that is hard to quench ---- that is the love of Jesus. Because Jesus has set his love upon me.

Have you experienced God setting His Love upon you, if not, then why not start experiencing this Love from God our Father now.

Whether we are the one who is hurting or if we have God’s love flowing through us for the hurting, we all need God’s Love flowing through us all of the time.

For the hurting person, having the God kind of Love flowing from our brothers and sisters is essential, and most of us have needs, or did have a need of healing, from the hurts we have had or are suffering.

To my brother and sister, who is hurting, I love you with much love that is the Love of Jesus, I do care and love you much. You are very important to Jesus, and He wants the very best for you, and doesn’t want you to be unloved or under your circumstances, why? Because Jesus wants to make you the head and not the tail. Also Jesus wants you to be above only, and not be beneath; Deuteronomy 28:13.

I just want to share my Jesus Love with you, and share my prayer time with and for you, and be a blessing to you, with my Lord and Saviour.

Proverbs 18:14-15 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear? The heart of the prudent gets knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

A wounded spirit stops us from having a loving relationship with others, a wounded spirit will always let us down, and turn others from us, it will allow other negative things to come in such as bitterness, and hate, also resentment. A wounded spirit leaves the door wide open for satan to work in us, and so our soul gets right out of tune with God. The number of people who leave the church because some one has offended and wounded them, it is huge, and it is so sad to see this happen, even for them to leave one church for another, taking their hurts with them.

Do you know that in one country, it is said that 80% of Christians leave a church because of offences. What a control satan has on so many, what a falling away this is, so they go away with a wounded spirit. Remember, offences brings forth wounded spirits!!! So when we offend someone we turn them away from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Let each of us, that is you and me, kneel down and pray for the one who has hurt us, I mean really pray, a prayer of forgiveness for that person, The Lord’s Prayer says "Forgive them their sins as you, Father have forgiven me!!" God has forgiven each of us for so much, let us then forgive others, for so little!!!

Let us each one, give our hurts and disappointments to God, for God to take them from us, and let us not cover them in the Blood of Jesus, but to nail them to the cross where Jesus took them, where Jesus has destroyed them, and exchanged them for Love

Here in part is a prayer I pray;

Dear Lord Jesus . . . I renounce the devil and all his works. I renounce the powers of darkness and all their works, and I acknowledge You, Lord Jesus Christ, to be my Lord and my God.

Renouncing the devil we renounce, hurts, disappointments, bitterness. I also pray;

"I forgive those who have hurt me and grieved me in the past, and I ask You to forgive them also, even as You have forgiven me, and bring us all into Your Full Salvation".

A very dear friend of mine was having problems with a friend of hers, so she came before God the Father and prayed forgiveness towards her friend and do you know!! Her friend was soon on the phone asking to be forgiven, this is how it works!!!! We do not have to tell them we have forgiven them.

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

This was in an E-mail I received from over seas, and how many of us turn the hurting people away, due the lack of the showing of Love of Jesus through our life!!!
"A young man went to church one day, people looked at him and keep to themselves becos he has tatoos on his body....he feel left out and kept his head this kind old lady went up, put her arms around him, hugged him and said, Jesus loves you. He had tears in his eyes, this is what people longed for sometimes. Isn't that nice, sometimes it's good to show with actions ha! I haven't hugged anyone for a while."
Is this woman one in a hundred or is she just one in a thousand, is she one of a kind in the Church today!!!!!
John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Each of us expect Love from the other person, but what about us showing Love first, how about each of us humbling ourselves towards the other person, and if we start with ourselves, then it might surprise us how much Love the other person really has.
Each of us at some time or other, blocks the Love of the other person, in our attitude towards them.
If we look on the past and keep saying to ourselves this person did this to me or that person did that or said that to me, then we are stopping a healing process, also that becomes a blockage for any further friendship, and it stops us from having a fulfilling relationship with God.
It also blocks answers to any prayer we may be wanting and needing, plus the blessings God wants to pour on us.

Shalom and Love. Ivan