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Ivan Pattison - PRAYER -


Ivan Pattison, Australia


Heavenly Father, I come to you through the Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive me if I have an unforgiven sin of ever standing in judgment of people that is in Ministry, and those who teach in a way I do not understand. Help me to look not to my own understanding, but that I look to you as the source of love, that reaches out to others. Help me to show your love to everyone I meet, today, especially to those that are unlovable. Help me to love and encourage, and not pull down, just because they understand your Word different to the way I do. Help me to learn from others, and be one with You O my God, and one with my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus in Love, and in unity of mind, Amen.


My Dear Friends, blessings in the blessed name of Jesus, and our Lord and Saviour!

I encourage you to use and pray the name of Jesus, as His name brings Freedom.
Please click on the verses and they should come up on the Internet.

Psa 148:13 

Jam 5:16

Phl 2:9 - 10


Praise God and His Joy will fill you, whatever condition you are in, for the joy of the Lord is our strength, that is your strength and my strength. Worldly praise has also known to heal, so how much more healing can be achieved, if our praises are to God our Father.


Our strength is also in the joy, and our praises to our Lord, and Saviour, so as we pray and praise, we become stronger as a Christian.    Neh 8:10 b


Let us pray God’s Word, and let God’s Word mean something to us. Let God’s Word become alive in us, both in our talk to each other and in our prayers to our God.    Deu 30:14


God will put "His Word" in our mouth, once we study it, and get "His Word" into our spirit.

God tells us how to be healed, not only praying for ourselves, but praying for others, especially their needs to be met, and when we do this our needs will also be met.


When we only think about our own needs, and pray only for our own needs to be met it is hard for God to answer selfish prayers, but He hears us much better, when our prayers go out for others when we are so in need to have prayers for ourselves heard.


When we humble ourselves enough to tell others of our faults, it is another way God hears our prayers, at the same time we have to be very careful who we share our faults with, in telling the wrong person, it can be a gossip session for the person who does not have the God kind of Love they should have.

Some of the ways that opens the door for God to be able to answer our prayers:

Jam 5:16

1Sa 12:23

Mat 5:44


Remember Job while he suffered so much, he prayed for his friends while they ridiculed him, then God gave Job when it was all over a large increase in wealth

Ask God how we should pray, ask, seek, and we shall find.

Mat 7:7

2Th 3:1

1Th 5:17


If we humble ourselves and spend much more time in prayer, then God has a chance to heal our country of it’s devastations, and I also believe heal our families, of divisions, and other problems that come into our families. When also we turn from what we consider right, to what God says is right, what a change there will be in the body of Christ!!

2Ch 7:14


Samiel says that for him to cease from praying it is a sin, wow, have we ever thought that if we do not continue in prayer, then it is a sin

1Sa 12:23 

Luk 11:1

Mar 11:25


Let each one of us pray the answers to our prayers and also talk the answers to our prayers, and not talk the problem, whether that be sickness or lack of funds, or what ever. Our words can cancel out our prayers, or they can be a seal, and add to our prayers, so lets talk what we pray and not talk our problem.


We should minimize talking about our sickness or other problems, and once we let those know who need to know our problems, then lets get on with talking our healing or financial success.


Be careful who we let know about what we are praying for, as some can also destroy our answers to our prayers, if they keep talking negative in what we are praying a positive in.


Let us pray the healing verses against our sicknesses, and let us pray God’s prosperity verses to our empty pockets. How many of us do not know the Scriptures well enough to have them coming out our mouth at any given moment, so that we speak as God wants us to speak and pray as God wants us to pray. Whatever we, that is you and I, need for God to answer our prayers.


There are many books by very good Godly men and women on praying answers to our prayers, but one of the books on praying God’s Word, especially to our sicknesses is. "Scripture Keys for Kingdom Living" Compiled by June Davis. I have scanned some Healing Scriptures from a book called; "Scripture Keys for Kingdom Living" Compiled by June Davis and if any one wants a sample of what is in the book, then e-mail me for a sample, and I will only be too pleased to send. This is a very good book to have as it has many Scriptures for many situations. I do encourage you to buy the book and learn the Scriptures, that is needed for getting your answers to your prayers, and your prayers for others.


I also encourage you to purchase the package from Gloria Copeland "Be Made Whole".


Love Ivan