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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with JJ Daniel @


enJOYing The Journey


JJ Daniel, Washington State







jj88.jpg.jpgThe Pastor at New Hope City Church reminds us, from time-to-time, that the tests and trials that we encounter in life – are often more about how we walk through it, and what is revealed about our heart - rather than the object of the test.


If you SAID that you “Love God” and “Trust God” and that you will “Serve Him” no matter what comes your way – you will have opportunity to prove that. If you said that you will “walk in unity” and “love others like Jesus loves us” – you will absolutely have opportunity to walk that out!


It’s easy to put on a good face and be “the light of the world” and a strong, joy-filled witness of the Power and goodness of God… when things in your life are all lined up in a perfect little row, and you are happy with where you find yourself that day. It isn’t always so easy when you hit a little bump in the road.


“When you are bumped, whatever you are full of  

will spill out for all to see.”

--Pastor Scott Olin



The Bible tells us that God “looks on the heart” – sometimes we need to see what our heart looks like.  The Bible says that man is “desperately wicked”. We should pray often, with king David… “Search me O Lord, see if there is any wicked way in me.” J  Our Heavenly Father wants His children free and whole, happy and living an “abundant, and to the full” (John 10:10 amplified) life; and He constantly works to perfect each of us, and move us into being a “Mature son of God.”


If there is something in us that is contrary to the life we want people to think we live, our testimony (confession of faith and dedication to God), something that is not “light” or “salt” …or the “Jesus” He designed us to be in this world - He wants us to recognize that in our self - so that we can change it.  He corrects us and instructs us so we can continue to grow and be changed “into the image of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.”


The words - “Refining Fire” sound a little scary, and like something to run and hide from… but if that’s the case, we don’t fully understand how much our Heavenly Father loves us. He does nothing at all to “harm” His children!! He is a God of love, and He always sees you through eyes-of-love and kindness. However, He loves us too much to leave us in an incomplete, stagnant, sick, un-holy state. He is grooming us and growing us; He is looking for a “Spotless Bride” - so He can get on with His Wedding Plans. J


I remember Patriarch Kenneth E Hagin saying that he really couldn’t think of any “test or trial” that he’d experienced, in his then, sixty something years. He went on to explain that when the Holy Spirit pointed out something in him that needed to change (In His Word, or by revelation), he simply made that adjustment, and moved forward. Thus, he never went through a season of testing. Oh, I am quite sure that he had opportunity to experience discouragement and defeat… he was, after all a husband and a dad; he pastored for years; evangelized for years, and he founded a Bible School… each giving him ample opportunity to experience a bump or two along the way – he simply chose to not take those opportunities.


My personal opinion is that “The Refining Fire” comes to purify us and change us – only after we have seen in His Word, or heard the Word taught – and have refused to line-up to that Word. I really believe that His Children who know His Word – and actually are DOERS of that Word seldom go through “the fire.”  


The Principals and Standards that God has laid out for the believer to follow – are not ever going to change. He laid it all out clearly for us to follow – and He said… “Imitate Me”. (Eph 5:1) It wasn’t open for discussion, and He Himself is bound to His Written Word. It has been settled, and He will not change His plans or His ways. When we think we are “getting away with” something – we are deceived!  Gal 6:6-7 We will “reap” what we sow… every time.


The Holy Spirit is constantly calling us “up” – to be more and more like Jesus, every day of our life. That call and His plan never changes – to accommodate us, our desires and choices.


There is but One God, He has one Mind, one Will; He is taking us all in one direction… toward being “more like Jesus.”


In the molding pot or resting in His Peace… His love continues and is unending. When we are confident of His love and of the journey’s end – the little bumps along the way seem quite insignificant.