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JJ Daniel, SW Washington


There are really GREAT articles on this site – about the goodness and Mercy of God: Some have done extensive research on this topic, and present an excellent explanation of God’s Mercy, His Goodness, and His Grace. I hope that you’ll take time to read them all – it will bless your life, and bring better understanding of this aspect of our Heavenly Father.


Goodness and Mercy  ß articles here.


In my lil’ corner of this e-Zine I simply want to express how THANKFUL I am, for the promises of God! His goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life.” -- “His mercies are new every morning.” (Psalm 23:6 & Lamentations 3)  We couldn’t get away from the goodness and mercy of God, even if we tried; they FOLLOW US no matter where we go. We are “sinners saved by grace” and not worthy of God’s Mercy or His goodness – but Jesus makes us worthy. Amen?


Just this week I talked with a man who spent many years in prison, and met Jesus there. I asked him if he was reading the Bible, listening to a preacher, or seeking to know God in some way, when he met Jesus; he said… “No. Mostly I just wanted to die!” This twenty-seven-year-old man had no where to go, nothing in his life to look forward to, not even a goal to work toward; he had no life in prison or outside of prison – he had no hope. The day John met Jesus, there was nothing special going on (other than the current prison-riot situation), it was quiet on that floor, and no one was there but the two men who lived in that small cell – all of a sudden a “presence” walked into the room. John’s life changed immediately, and he became the prison-peace-maker. This “Damascus-Road experience” happened thirty-three years ago, and he was released from prison shortly after that, and continues to live for Jesus today. John constantly looks for people in bondage that he can introduce to the bondage-breaker, Jesus Christ.


Read John’s story here


God’s Mercy and His Goodness reach to us, no matter where we are! Amen?  Psalm 139 says that even if we make our bed in hell – still God is mindful of us. No matter where we find our self today, no matter what the situation is that we’d like to change, God is THERE! His mercy, His Grace and His Goodness reach out to us – and He is all that we need to make the needed changes. If we make a wrong choice, or do some stupid thing that we regret – His MERCIES ARE NEW EVERY DAY!! We have a new beginning, a fresh start -  every morning! What an amazing Father we have, and what a kind and generous covenant He made with mankind!!


If you have loved ones who haven’t surrendered their life to Jesus yet – remember… God’s Mercy and His Grace are following THEM… no matter where they are at this moment, and no matter what is going on in their life, He will not give up on them! God is a BIG GOD – and He is concerned about all things that you are concerned about, in your life and in the lives of those you love (Ps 108:8)  Amen?


Lamentations 3:22-26 NLT The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
      His mercies never cease.
 Great is his faithfulness;
      his mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;
      therefore, I will hope in him!”

The Lord is good to those who depend on him,
      to those who search for him.
So it is good to wait quietly
      for salvation from the Lord.

Psalm 145:9 AMP The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works

 [the entirety of things created].


God bless you every day, as you experience His Mercy and His Goodness.


JJ Daniel – so thankful for Jesus!