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Time For A New VISION?

Just a little something to think about…


The Bible says that we have what we ask… when we ask according to God’s will. If we are not in agreement with the plans and purposes of God, then we will not be getting the things we’re asking Him for. So, it’s vital that we know God’s will, correct?


¨     1John 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any   thing according to His will, He heareth us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.

¨     Matthew 6:9, 10 Pray like this: … Your Kingdom come, Your will be done…”

¨     Amos 3:3_ How can two walk together, if they are not in agreement?



Is the picture that you have painted for your future the same picture that God painted when He gave you life? Are your plans in agreement with God’s will?


When we read the Bible, and get to know and understand Jesus Christ, and the reason He came to earth – we should find in His example, just what His plan is for our life.  I believe that we are all safe in assuming that if our goals and dreams do not come in under the umbrella of His life – then we have the wrong dream!


¨     Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

¨     Jeremiah 29:11 says that God’s thoughts (plans) for us are GOOD and not evil!


I LIKE THAT!  :O)  We know that our heavenly Father is loving and Kind. The Bible says that He delights in doing good for His kids. THANK YOU FATHER!!


I love the “Predestined” and “purposed” messages – these scriptures and teachings have played a great part in my life the past few years. I believe that God has a plan in mind for each person born; I believe that there are many scriptures that clearly say that. However, I’m not addressing this topic today… but rather, the subject of us being predestined to be changed into the image of Christ Jesus.


When we are looking through the pictures of our future… do we look like Jesus there?


Perhaps you are unsure of where God is taking you tomorrow… but the Bible clearly tells us what we should be doing, what we should look like - when we get there!


Ø     We should be looking and living like Jesus!

Ø     We should be ‘JESUS WITH SKIN ON’… to everyone around us.

Ø     We should be lookin’ like Jesus today!




1. Do your dreams and future plans have you serving others, or just reaping the benefits and blessings of God for you and yours?


2. If we are not living our daily-life like JESUS did, and treating those around us as He would - are we…

ü     In God’s will today?

ü     Are we doing what He created us to do??


When we find our self wrestling with an idea, a plan for the future, a change, a dream… the chances are that the dream needs to change.  As a born again believer seeking to know our Father, we CAN live inside of His PEACE every moment of every day, no matter what storm may rage around us. If the thought of a change or a plan turns our head into a ping-pong ball… wrong direction!


Our dreams and goals need to line-up to God’s Word, and His Will.  Amen?


Two really good measures to live by:

ü     Do I act-like, look-like, sound-like and think-like Jesus in this situation?

ü     Am I inside of God’s peace here?



Ø     Do your dreams and visions line up to God’s?

Ø     Is it time for a change?

Ø     Is it time for a new-vision?


Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. And the fruit of the Spirit is Love  John 15:16 and Galatians 5:22


Just a thought!


Father-God, please turn our hearts toward You, and toward Your plans for our life. Increase the hunger to know You and Your Word, daily. Shine through us Jesus and touch others. Be seen and glorified in our lives, in all that we say and do, and even in our thoughts and plans. Holy Spirit, please guide us and bring us into all truth; help us live a life that is pleasing to the Father. We pray that Your Kingdom will come, and that Your will be done on earth, and in our individual lives, just as it is done in Heaven. You said that when we cast our cares, our works, our concerns over onto You and leave them there – that You will cause our very thoughts to come into agreement with Your will; Thank You Father! We do trust You, and know that Your plans for us are good.

  We ask all these things in Jesus Name, and we ask these things according to Your Word, and Your will.  Amen?