Servant JJ Daniel, SW Washington
Santa, Cinderella & Jesus
Santa Claus, Cinderella, the tooth fairy and Jesus: Do
our children live a life filled with fantasy?
Do our
Children know that the birth of Jesus Christ is reality and that Santa coming
down the chimney is not?
I am not going to say a lot on this topic – I would just
like to leave parents and grandparents with these questions:
§ Do the children know that there really is a Jesus, and
that He is God?
§ That He was born with them I mind?
§ That we celebrate His birth on Christmas day?
I do think it’s important that even the children know the
truth of Jesus Christ, and that we take care to keep them from believing He is only
a part of their fantasy world.
Food for Thought:
ü A child trusts his/her parents more than anyone in the
universe; they simply accept, without reservation - all that you tell them – as
ü A child’s parent is the example of relationship and trust
that the child draws from – when they come to know Jesus Christ, and begin to
build a relationship with their Heavenly Father.
God bless your Thanksgiving Celebration and your Christ-mas Celebration with a greater
revelation of Jesus Christ, and His love for you, and how very much we have to
be thankful for.
Shalom, SHINE ON!!
JJ Daniel – In love with my Jesus