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Does God Still Speak Today?!

JJ Daniel, Washington


“Mommy, Mommy… where are you!?  MOMMY!!!” – The frantic child screamed, instantly stopping every caring parent in the store. Each adult forgetting their shopping list, the time, their schedule and what all the things they needed to accomplish. Instantly turning their attention to that desperate child’s voice. Although it probably seemed like an eternity to that four-year-old, it was just a couple minutes that we heard the voice of that child’s mother respond… “I’m here Derrick, right here.”, as she quickly moved to comfort and reassure her child.  The child immediately calmed down, the moment he heard that familiar, safe voice.


Every time I see or hear of this happening,  I am reminded of how a child instinctively knows the voice of their parent - even as an infant. When my Nephew’s daughter was born – daddy’s voice singing to her - or praying over her instantly brought her peace… and usually sleep. She was already used to that voice, he’d been talking to her for nine months.


Sooner or later, in every believer asks… “Does God talk today?” – “How can I be sure it is God that I’m hearing!?”  I believe knowing the voice of our Heavenly Father works the same way as knowing the voice of others you love. I believe that we are each born with an “intuition” or a “God-consciousness” Some people refer to this as a “feeling” or a “gut feeling” or… “It just feels right!”  Just like with those you love on earth, the more time you spend with them – the more and more familiar you are with their voice – and you will have no trouble recognizing it!  When your husband or your Mother call you on the phone… do they have to tell you who they are?  No!  Usually with “Hello” – you know who you’re talking to. You KNOW that voice because you’ve been listening to them for years!  You’ve been spending time with them.  J


There can be two-hundred people in a large store… with all kinds of noise and commotion going on, especially during the harried holidays. But the voice of a child’s Mother – will travel through the air of that store, and reach the ears of her child, regardless of all that is going on around her. I believe it is the same with the child-of-God; no matter what’s going on around us, we can train our ear to turn inward, and clearly hear His voice. It is The Father’s desire that we hear and follow His reassuring voice, and if we ask The Holy Spirit to “turn up the volume”  and “teach us how to listen” – He will be faithful to do that – if we are seeking to know Him, according to His Word.


Yes, my Heavenly Father, Jehovah-God does still speak today. He speaks to the hearts of His children who seek Him.


John 10:27 My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. 


Isaiah 45:19 I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me, if I could not be found. I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.


Not long ago I picked up a magazine and began to read an article about this very topic. The writer expressed that “No, God really doesn’t speak to mankind these days. He only speaks to us through His Written Word.”   Well, I am thanking my Father - that the author of this article came too late to sell that to me!  I’ve been hearing the voice of my Father since childhood, and I am daily thankful that He speaks!  I might just die from loneliness, if my Father didn’t speak to me, through that sill small voice of His Holy Spirit.


Jesus, Himself said that we, His sheep DO hear Him. That really settles the debate. Doesn’t it?  J


It probably is easiest to hear Him while reading the letters He left for us – and He positively does speak through His Word. He also speaks through your Pastors and teachers, other godly friends, your children, your spouse, and sometimes through that someone you do not call friend. Your Father knows exactly how He can reach you – and He is faithful to speak to us, in a way that we will “hear what He is saying. He speaks individually… you may never hear His Voice just like I do – and I may never hear Him just the way that you do; the important thing is that we do hear Him, He is faithful to communicate with us, when we are seeking to know Him and recognize Him.


 It is vital to our life and to those around us, that we live our life being “led by The Spirit” – the Bible says this is the people who have the “power to become the sons of God.”


One thing that having a busy lifestyle might do is rob us of time to “sit and listen” to Him. We can talk to Him on the run if we need to – but He seldom speaks to us while we’re in that busy place.  The Bible says His voice is “quiet” and  still” and to find Him, you must “seek Him.”  (Matt 7 + Isa 55:6)


Something to keep in mind, as you practice hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit – is that He lives on the INSIDE of you… He doesn’t usually speak to your ears (Yes, of course He CAN… He’s GOD!!). Very few people have heard the “audible voice” of God; it does happen! He is a Spirit who lives in your spirit – and He speaks to your spirit; you hear Him, when you learn to quiet your mind and emotions and wait for that sweet quiet voice to make Him-self known to you.  There are many voices in the atmosphere around you; yes, God does still have angels that He can send your way… I hear stories to that effect, from time to time. However, your enemy the devil also has angels, and he definitely sends his angles to deliver messages to you – “lies!!”  So, when you are depending on hearing Him with your ears – you could hear and act-on something that didn’t come from your Father. The safest way to “listen” for His voice – is through His Word and out of your spirit – you’ll find the least amount of interference there.


I know people who depend on Him speaking to their “mind” – and He certainly can do that. He is God, and He can do anything He chooses. The danger in taking your “thoughts” as the Word from God, is that YOU also think!  J  We are instructed in God’s Word – to “cast down vain imaginations” – and to “renew your mind daily in His Word”. Clearly, we are warned that our thinking is not always God’s thinking.


Sometimes it is easy to determine that it is YOUR own THOUGHTS that you are hearing, if you know God’s Word well.  Example: If you are angry with someone and the thought comes… “I’m going to destroy him!!!”  You instantly KNOW that is NOT GOD; because His Word says to “love your enemies and pray for them.”  However, if the thought comes… “Move to Nashville” …and you jump on that thinking it is God – you might find yourself in a desert wondering around trying to figure out how to get back on-track!!  A safety net – don’t act until you get “two or three witnesses” (confirmations). You might have heard a commercial or a song that planted that seed in your mind… might not be God at all!  The Bible says there is “Safety in a multitude of counsel.”  Proverbs 11:14


The Bible says that God has given your “Pastors” – “charge over your soul” – it is their job to be your covering and to serve you, (just as it is your job to pray for them, and serve them) – seek godly counsel. I personally believe that seeking counsel from your pastors’ is the best place to run!  ( Psalm 1:1-3 + Proverbs 11:14 )


1. He will never ever, under any circumstances tell you something that is contrary to His written Word.

2. Wives, God will never tell you to do something that your Christian-husband is not in agreement with. He never causes division!

3. When He speaks, it comes with a peace and a knowing.  When you have heard the voice of God, it is settled in your spirit – and you know that you know that you know!  and no one can change what you’ve heard.


The Holy Spirit is The Teacher – and He will train you to hear His Voice, if you are seeking Him. He teaches us by talking to us about simple little things; …like when the phone rings, and you know who it is before you pick it up. Or, when you’re going to town to buy a new pair of shoes – and you just “feel  like you should go to that store across town, instead of the one you’d planned to shop at… and there you find exactly what you needed.  He trains our ear with small insignificant things – so that we will clearly hear and recognize His voice when He tells us to do the bigger, life-changing things.


If you are struggling and wrestling to hear and know your Father’s voice – STOP!!!  And know that He is on your team!! He wants you to recognize His voice, and obey it – more than you do. Ask Him to train you to know Him; seek Him and His righteousness (Matt 6:33) …He WILL work with you on this!! Relax!! Let go of the reigns, let Him lead!!  J




JJ Daniel – running after Jesus, and serving His family.