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BIBLE STUDY with JJ DANIEL @ - home of Strombolis eZine Hindrances to Prayer


enjoying The Journey


JJ Daniel, SW Washington







Greetings from beautiful spring-like Washington State! It appears that we are having “spring” in the middle of winter in the Northwest; I hope that is prophetic, and a picture of the new life and renewal that God is working in His people right now.


Text Box:  .
THE ERNEST (heart-felt , continued) PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN MAKES TREMENDOUS POWER AVAILABLE (dynamic in its working).  James 5:16 amp  

If you were raised by Christian parents, chances are you learned to pray at a young age. If you have been in church for a month or for a life-time, you have heard people pray for the Salvation of a loved one, Peace in Jerusalem, a healing, prosperity, a new job, and many other things. You have probably prayed a few… “God help me’s” yourself. Even those who say they don’t even believe there is a God - have given it a try, in an emergency, or on their death-bed. We church-goers hear about the power of prayer, from the pulpit, read numerous books about prayer, and constantly hear reports of answered prayer. To one degree or another we have all petitioned God for something - sometime in our life. Many have a daily “routine of prayer” and some live a fasted and prayed-up life. But… sadly, the majority, it seems – only take time to include their Heavenly Father in a situation that they feel they can’t handle on their own. 


If we pray daily or only in an emergency - what do we do when prayer DOESN’T seem to WORK!?


I have seen people walk away from the church and dismiss God from their lives as though He was just another fairytale, because they were disappointed and defeated by an unanswered prayer. More than once, I have heard others ask the hard questions… “But why didn’t God heal me!?”  - “Why did God let my child die!?” – “Where was God when I needed Him!?”


My Answer: there are just some questions that no one has an answer for – perhaps when we get to Heaven, if we still care – we may have better understanding. I don’t know why children are abused and murdered and worse. I don’t have an answer to why couples who pray for a child – sometimes get “no” for an answer. I don’t know why a young mother should die of cancer and leave three beautiful children behind. And I’ve never met a person walking in the wisdom of God, who thinks they have all the answers.


Could God stop all the sin on this planet? YES!! He is sovereign and HE COULD simply kill every sinner on the planet – but if He did… then where would be His Mercy? And really… if you think about it… if He simply wiped the earth clean of all sinners… who would be left!!?  He thought about doing that very thing, more than once! Remember the conversation He had with Abraham… He was ready to “kill them all” and start over again. Abraham argued with God about it, and Abraham won! To me that is a great picture of the “power and effectiveness of prayer” – Abraham interceded on the behalf of his people, and God spared the Nation.


We live in a world full of sick, deranged and broken people – all in need of a Savior; as long as we are “in this world” there will be ugly and painful events in the lives of God’s creation. I do not believe for one second that any of this was in “God’s Plan” for mankind!  Satan is the “god” of the earth – and we can see the result of that all around us, every day. In Deut 30:15  God said… “Today I set before you life and death; choose life.”  THAT is HIS PLAN for mankind; John 10:10 “…life in abundance” is HIS PLAN.  “Blessed, healed, whole, highly favored and living a life of peace and victory” is HIS PLAN. If we are lacking in any area – it is not because God “did that” to us; it is because we are not yet walking in the fullness of His Word.


“…The word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.” Deut 30:14


When we come to understand His Mercy, unconditional love and long-suffering nature – we will then, only begin to understand why He has to stand back and allow the evil in the world… even when it hurts the innocent. He is a compassionate and loving Father – who desires for ALL of mankind to repent and “choose life” and eternity with Him.


If we pray, and don’t see the results that we were hoping for… just GUESS who it is that needs to “make an adjustment”!? There are several things that will hinder our prayers, and they are laid out clearly in God’s Word.


PRAYER DOES WORK, and if there is a road-block (hindrance) – it is never on God’s end of things!


When you are praying God’s Word, Trusting God’s Word and Living God’s Word His Word will work in your life.


I don’t have time or space to teach The Hindrances’ of Prayer here, but if your prayers are not getting answered, ask yourself these questions…


   1. Are you praying His will?  1 John 5:14-15

   2. Do you believe?  – Mark 11:23-24 & John 14:11-13

   3. Is there strife or un-forgiveness in your life? – Mark 11:15 + 1 Peter 3:7

   4. Are you living your life in obedience to God’s Word? John 14:7 & 15:16 + Mark 7:7-13 + Col 3:2

                           + 1John 2:4-5.

   5. Are you doing your part?  John 3:22 + John 15:15 + Gal 5:22 + Mark 7:13

   6. Do you live your life loving others?  Col 3:20 (Parents) 1John 4:7-8 + John 13:34-35

                           + John 15:16-17 + 1John 3:14-18 + John 3:22.  


“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness,

and all these things will be added to you.”   Matthew 6:33


“For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and

His ears are open to their prayers: but the face of the Lord

is against them that do evil.”         2 Peter 3:12



Your Heavenly Father, the Creator of heaven and earth – ALWAYS DOES HIS PART! If there is a delay in an answer – the road-block isn’t ever on His end of the Prayer-Line.  J


God bless you as You seek to know Him, and His Word.


JJ Daniel – learning to lean!