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Jeanne Stewart - "FOR HIS NAME SAKE" -


Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma




For His Name’s Sake


  Have you ever cried with your children over a disappointment or trial they were walking through? Even though it may have been an error or failure on their part, you did not want to judge them harshly or condemn them for the mistake they had made. So you cried with them, feeling their pain as they emptied themselves in heartfelt emotion with tears and confession. At that moment in time your tears washed over them in loving acceptance because these are your children whom you love and they were willing to stand up and try again. The fact they did not give up makes you so proud of their decision of hope. For ‘…hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.’ (Proverbs 13:12) Our Father God deals with us in a similar manner, weeping over us as He turns our failures into victories by the washing of His word over us, He declares, ‘…when you pray…’ (Matthew 6:5). God speaks of our way of communication with Him as Spirit to spirit. Prayer honors His name as we accept the truth. We are joint heirs with Christ Jesus and as part of our authority in Him we have the power of answered prayers.


  Charles G. Finney once said, ‘Effective prayer is prayer that attains what it seeks.’ James 5:16 declares, ‘…the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.’ So what is effective prayer? It is prayers that are not exaggerated or that attract attention to us, but whose words are characterized with passionate energy of confidence. It is words spoken as the Holy Spirit quickens to our spirit to speak forth in faith as we believe the Word that tells us that, ‘all things are possible to those who believe.’ (Mark 5:36, Jeremiah 32:27) We then leave it with God to act in power to accomplish His will, producing the miracles, bringing the answers to pass. James goes on to compare in verse 17 Elijah as having a nature like ours. All believers then can pray with the same results as this prophet whose approach to prayer was subject to the same weaknesses we all experience. When we pray we must see ourselves as God sees us: His righteous children calling out with our assortment of infirmities, reaching into the needs of situations, heart, mind, and body.  Prayer reaches into all we require in our lives. As we recognize God’s ability to do the impossible, we learn our dependence on Him. For us to see God accomplish the unattainable by changing us or by moving in the situations we are praying about, our greatest power today will be in effective prayer.


  God has given us the design for prayer within 2 Chronicles 7:14; ‘If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.’  The word ‘if’ in this verse speaks of a stipulation, a condition, or a qualification, meaning something we have to do, something we choose to accept. The phrase, ‘My people who are called by My name’ is the Hebrew phrase, ‘call the name over’, indicating ownership. We as believers are God’s chosen because we acknowledge His Word as all truth.  In humbling ourselves we have surrendered our will to His perfect steadfastness in asking for His help. Then we make the effort to converse with our God as heavenly Father without hiding our face from His attention toward us. ‘Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need’ (Hebrews 4:16) We focus on His authority as all power, and turning from our wicked ways, we have a heart turned completely toward our God in true repentance of anything and everything that is not of Him. When we meet all that God asks of us in His design for prayer, the atmosphere between us becomes acceptable. For His name’s sake He hears our heartfelt words and forgives the uncertainties of sin that keep us from receiving His unconditional love. Answers are promised to us as we believe His word will accomplish His will, whether it is for healing, provision, guidance, or deliverance.


  Let us have hope enough to visualize the victories in prayer, ‘…but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.’ (Romans 5:3-4)  It is in hope and confidence in our Lord Jesus as the Healer, Provider and Deliverer that we keep watch during prayer. We look ahead by faith to see that the answers are ‘yes and amen.’  Realize that effective prayer is actually a form of giving, requiring our time which is of great importance and worth. We do not pray with condemning words, but we influence lives with genuine words spoken, interceding on behalf of others.


  Will we lift up our voices like a trumpet in prayer to enforce God’s will on earth for His name’s sake? He answers when we simply ask believing, so let us train our spirit to pray. Then in quiet times the Holy Spirit will prompt us to pray as often as necessary as we yield to Him. It will be the natural thing to do, for ‘…the steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives.’ (Psalm 37:23 NLT)