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Jeanne Stewart - EYE & EAR OF THE SPIRIT -


Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma



Eye and Ear of the Spirit


  As it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him, but God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:9, 10)


  Our natural eyes and ears open every morning to the challenge of a new day, viewing and hearing the world before us, then close every night as our need for rest draws us to our pillows. We as believers, in the redemptive power of Christ Jesus, have also been given eyes and ears that see and hear into the spiritual dominion, an invisible realm containing sights and sound even more powerful than the natural. The church today is in great need of “seeing” and “hearing” in the spirit. The natural eye does not see – the natural ear does not hear – the things of God that are intended for us His children. Our heavenly Father has provided the church with the immeasurable resources of His riches, but often we cannot discern them because our spiritual eyesight and hearing are weak. How tragic it is that many in the body of Christ today are as Jesus spoke of, ‘… the blind leading the blind.”  (Matthew 15:14)  The Father wants the Bride to, ‘… see (and hear) clearly.’ (Matthew 7:5) Only by the eye and ear of the spirit will we be able to look into the true things of the Spirit, as our flesh simply cannot comprehend spiritual matters.


  More than ten years ago I had an experience of seeing a spiritual truth by the Holy Spirit. My husband and I were on staff as associate pastors to a congregation on the west coast. In my spiritual understanding I had grown thirsty for more of His power and ways, and was less impressed with men’s.  Concerned and disheartened with, ‘is this all there is to church?’ I was weary of programs and playing the religious games of pleasing people.  On a particular Sunday morning I had just slipped into a place on the right side off center aisle about three rows back after singing with the worship team, before the pastor’s sermon.  A baby dedication was first taking place down front. The pastor was holding the baby up for all the people to admire as the parents and grandparents were gathering around.


  Suddenly in my spirit I heard the gentle voice of Father God speak to me, Jeanne, close the natural eye to see with the Spirit’s eye.’ Thinking, ‘what do You mean Lord?’ again I heard, ‘Close the natural eye to see with the Spirit’s eye.’ So I closed my natural eyes and in my spirit I saw the back of the sanctuary where the two large doors were completely open at the center aisle. In my spirit’s eye I saw a light so brilliant I could hardly look upon it. There I saw the outline of a figure standing in the threshold. The figure my spirit instantly knew as God, Jesus and Holy Spirit in unity as One. The figure walked slowly down the center aisle toward the pastor and the baby’s family. At this point it was so real to me that I opened my natural eyes and turned to look toward the back of the sanctuary, thinking I would see this Holy figure. But all I saw was people watching the baby dedication. I turned back around and closed my natural eyes again and instantly I saw the Holy Spirit walking in brilliance through the bodies of this family and the pastor who were standing together at the front. The Holy Spirit stopped and turned to walk back through them, and then turning once again, walked back through their bodies. The Holy Spirit then turned right, passing in front of the rows of seats where the people were sitting ahead me. Opening my eyes to look in the natural, I saw only smiling faces watching the baby, family and the pastor. Closing my eyes again, I saw the Holy Spirit walk toward me and stand on my right side where I was sitting at my seat on the end of the aisle.


  In my spirit’s eye I watched all this happen but when I opened my natural eye, all I saw was nothing but normal Sunday morning people attending worship, seemingly unaware of what I was experiencing. By this time the presence of the Holy Spirit was so tangible that I actually felt Him near. As I looked ahead, not wanting to move or even breathe, the Holy Spirit stood quietly beside me through the continuation of morning worship. My natural eyes could not see Him, but with my spiritual eye, I beheld His presence most assuredly real in both realms, for I sensed Him touching my right shoulder.


  As I have reflected back on that extraordinary experience over the past ten years the Lord has revealed to me a greater understanding how to see with the eye of my spirit.


First:  The brilliant figure standing in the threshold –


  We the Bride today must know in our hearts and not just our minds, that God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are in unity as One, the Godhead working and flowing together in Heaven’s Kingdom plan. For in Him (Jesus) the whole fullness of Deity, the Godhead continues to dwell in bodily form giving complete expression of the divine nature.” (Colossians 2:9)


  In the tabernacle of the Law, the presence (Spirit) of God dwelt between the cherubim in a cloud which covered the Mercy-Seat (Ark of the Covenant). But now it dwells in the person of the Bridegroom, who has partaken of our nature, and is bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, and has more clearly declared the Father to us by sending the Holy Spirit to us when He returned to His Father. The Holy Spirit speaks clearly the commands of the One He always represents, Christ Jesus, our intercessor on the right hand of God. “So to the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance and He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the Holy Spirit what His intent is because the Spirit intercedes and pleads before God in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God’s will.” (Romans 8:26, 27 Amplified) The Spirit dwells in us, working in us. Christ intercedes for us in heaven. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in our hearts. When the Holy Spirit prays through us, those prayers are always answered as God reveals plans and purposes in the throne room and sends forth His will on earth as it is in heaven. This is why we communicate, as Jesus taught us, through earnest heartfelt and continued prayer (talking) with our Father. “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand.” (Jeremiah 33:3)


Secondly:  The Holy Spirit walking in and through us –


  All dominion belongs to God’s sovereign power of rule. The Bride belongs to God. She is of God, and from God, and to God, and for God. Christ Jesus our Bridegroom leads us to the Father, and we are in both, in the love and favor of both, in covenant with both, in spiritual union with both by the inhabitation and operation of the Holy Spirit. “For IN HIM we live and move and have our being… for we are also His offspring.” (Acts 17:28) We have a necessary and constant dependence upon His divine intervention. Our spirits move in the unity of the Godhead, trusting in the ability of God to bring His Church blameless into His presence.


  “Now to Him Who is able to keep you without stumbling or slipping or falling, and to present you unblemished, blameless and faultless before the presence of His glory in triumphant joy and exultation with unspeakable, ecstatic delight to the one only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory splendor, majesty, might and dominion, and power and authority, before all time and now and forever unto all the ages of eternity.” (Jude 24, 25 Amplified) Every time we step into the natural sanctuary of God (church building), every time we come into our place set apart for prayer, every time we come into the consecrated place to worship Him, it is as if we are walking in and through in spirit as He moves and walks in and through us the Bride. We can only function in spirit and truth, through His Spirit in our spirit. Everything we are or do for the Kingdom of God is through Him in us, for we by ourselves can do nothing but, ‘…we can do all things through Christ who empowers us.’ (Philippians 4:13)


Finally:  The Holy Spirit standing beside us waiting –


  Knowing a constant sense of our Lord’s presence, regardless of where we are or what we may be doing, brings His divine comfort near to us. Our voices lifted in praise and song is sweet to Him and we must not withhold it, for we come into communion with Him to walk in His strength, and His peace. Oh how the Holy Spirit waits for us to ask Him to show us great and mighty things in the spiritual kingdom of God!


  “Do not quench, suppress or subdue the Holy Spirit; do not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets, do not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning but test and prove all things until you can recognize what is good; to that hold fast … and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete, and found blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-23 Amplified)


  It is such an amazing wonder to me that Father God designed and desires to speak to all His children and show us great and mighty things through the Spirit as He moves in our lives. So I ask why many within His Church are today missing such an intimate relationship with the Bridegroom. Could it be because many will not surrender those possessions of the heart that have become so important in their earthly ways of living? Could it be that the church has allowed the views of bondage in comparison to Old Testament Egypt to dim her eyes from the dryness of the wilderness where spiritual sight comes with loving trust of provision? Remember how Christ admonished the Laodiceans to, ‘… anoint (their) eyes with eye salve (that) they may see.’ (Revelation 3:18) May we be like Job who declared, “I have heard of You, but now my eye sees You.” (Job 42:5)


  May we become the Bride that depends on the presence of the Spirit to keep us watching and waiting for our Bridegroom, challenging us to purity as we look and listen with the eye and ear of the spirit to overcome the natural, and live in the spiritual today.