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Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma






Fabric of Your Life

Written by Jeanne Stewart


The Hebrew woman sits quietly passing the shuttle back and forth through the warp thread, manipulating the loom as she intertwines twisted fibers spun from flax. Her willing hands stretch out to the distaff and hold the spindle, as strands are being designed into fine linen cloth to be specially made into ceremonial garments worn by priests who served in the Jewish Temple.


Flax is a plant that grows about three feet tall with pale blue flowers, and is utilized for making linen cloth. When mature, the whole flax plant is pulled out by the root and positioned in water to separate the fibers from the stem. In ancient times, it was stretched out on housetops to dry in the sun, and then pounded until the fibers separated. The fibers were then washed and bleached to produce a nearly invisible fine fiber for weaving. This process of preparing flax for this purpose took a lot of time before the finished product was to be woven into a garment of pure white linen.


In the Bible, white linen represents purity of heart and spirit. It represents our lives surrounded by the righteousness of Christ, making us pure before God Almighty.


The Two Sides of the Fabric ~


Let us now observe the top side of the visible fabric formed on the loom. As you gaze upon the top side, it gives the impression of being perfect in one piece, but a closer examination of the underneath side reveals a different story. The concealed raw edge of fabric exposes the tie-ins of the weaver’s new cuts of fiber designed to carry on the weaving as one line of thread. To be specific, the underneath side of the fabric can look rather rough, revealing the stops and starts of hidden imperfections.


How many of us desire that our lives would appear to those around like the top side of fabric being woven, instead of the underneath? We want to give the impression that we are in control and moving ahead smoothly in one continuing line outwardly, but inwardly our underneath tie-ins may be nervous raw edges of uncertainties, disillusionment and imperfections.


Let us compare those raw edges with the places we have walked by faith where failure and lack of expectation have cut and made a wound. Mentally we merely tie it off and push it into that hidden place in our heart to be left as forgotten. But the problem about this way of thinking is that the hurt from the disappointment keeps the wound from healing and our spiritual growth from being strong and victorious. Those raw edges cause more of a hindrance in the unraveling of the foundation of who we are becoming in God’s purpose for us.


The Hidden Back of the Fabric ~


Have you ever been emotionally spent? You realize you were created for one purpose but you seem to be living within another assignment. Let us look at the garment you are wearing and see if it seems to be woven from threads corded together in His strength and not in your own. Our emotions were woven within us by the Master Weaver, our Heavenly Father, to enable us to worship Him. We were created to worship God in fleshly temples of relationship and spiritual presence. He brings us to His place of “completeness,” that is, of spiritual authority with the ability to live victoriously over and above the invisible powers of darkness around us in the midst of His presence. Our garment of praise keeps the heaviness of offenses covered by the Blood of Jesus protected within our heart.


   As a representative of the wayward unclean nature of fallen man, the prophet Isaiah painted an accurate picture of our flawed character when he cried out, “… I am undone!” (Isaiah 6:5) Isaiah sensed the hidden imperfections underneath his fabric of failure, as the Lord called him to be a prophet to that place of completeness in Him alone. Almighty God viewed Isaiah from the top and not the underneath, from above and not below, for he was the head and not the tail. Isaiah moved into that new place of greater and deeper anointing. His old assignment was over and his new purpose was revealed. God wanted a voice to speak clearly His Word to the people of Judah.


God wants a voice to speak clearly without hesitation today as His mantle descends upon the Church. The urgency of preparation demands that His sons and daughters speed up their training to come forth in prophecy and visions with His confidence. The mature dream the dreams of warnings and directions as the book of Joel chapter 2:28 described centuries ago. Expect God’s favor, follow His Word and Spirit’s direction for, ‘…a man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.’ (Proverbs 18:16) Begin instead to see the top portion of the mantle that God sees in all its readiness to perfect the saints instead of the underneath of the fabric as it descends. As it does, all those raw edges of disappointment and failures will smooth out by His hands of mercy and grace, healing the fabric of your life.