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A Gentle Spirit

Pastor Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma




A Father’s Love


Imagine with me God our Heavenly Father surrounded by the multitude of heaven’s angelic host – our eternal Family. How could they not have wept as Jesus left Glory to be born on earth as the Son of man? Heaven’s Splendor was brought low to suffer death and separation from the perfect, eternal love of His Family in heaven. Was His presence missed there?


All that the Son suffered was on behalf of a Father’s love for the inhabitants on earth that had been created good amidst the dysfunctional influence of pride and disobedience. Let us reflect on the warring archangelic display in the heavenlies that separated the Holy from the evil. Then, cast out of the pure consecration of worship, evil produced on earth its transgression against God Almighty to destroy His living design.


No one but God can love us the way we need to be loved or can beyond doubt understand our hearts. Our heavenly Father alone knows our thoughts and truly understands us so completely. The Father of all purity and holiness embraces love with the richness of His life within us.


Where the first man Adam failed, Jesus came to earth to testify to the Truth of eternity’s home. Father God’s beautiful love for us, His Creation, was expressed in giving His only begotten Son coming into this sinful world, confirming true love. All who would love the truth would recognize what Jesus says as accurate. (John 18:37)


This road of truth led Jesus to Calvary’s sacrifice. His death, resurrection and ascension were for you and me to find our way in life along the highway of holiness of Father’s mercy and grace. The truth of this love shows us God’s way over our own way of self destruction.


This is the way of our eternal Family of love … A Father’s love that yearns for all of His creation to live in heaven with Him.


Living by the Spirit’s Power ~


Nothing is stronger than the power and might of the Holy Spirit living within us. The seed of God’s love in our lives produces fruit of joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. There is no law against these things, for the law was not intended for people who do what is true. It was for those who were lawless and rebellious, who were ungodly and sinful, and who considered nothing sacred and defiled what was holy. (1Timothy 1:9)


Family members who have been redeemed and belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there. (Galatians 5:24) Their righteousness is of Christ Jesus. (Isaiah 54:17) It is our Father God who works righteousness in us when we believe, for God reigns in us. (Psalm 119:111)


Nothing can separate us from our Father’s love. Nothing can be more powerful than the strength of His affection when worship motivated by love operates according to the Spirit of God and His Word we have hidden within us. If God is for us, who can ever be against us, for God Himself has given us right standing with Himself. (Romans 8:31- 39)


Love is not what you accomplish but who you truly are within Christ Jesus, for God is all love. There is nothing false living within God, for God is all truth and all life and He can not condemn Himself. For in Him we live and move and exist. (Acts 17:28) Three things will last forever – faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these is love. Knowing that love does not condemn us, the Holy Spirit fills our heart with His love. (Romans 5:5)


Then imagine with me just how much we would fail to witness by not living in heaven’s home. If we do not accept our Father’s loving plan of salvation through Jesus’ sacrifice … our presence would be missed.


Ending Prayer ~


Father God … You are always in the midst of Your children for You are the Mighty One who has saved us. You delight over us with gladness … You make quiet with Your love and rejoice over us with Your singing. We just want to thank You for Your Dew of heaven’s home … Jesus … for we are redeemed and set free from earth’s sinful nature by the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood and wounding at Calvary to accept His new nature of eternity’s home. Stir us to bring forth our purpose to live our lives within so great a Father’s Love. Amen ~