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~ A Gentle Spirit ~


Pastor Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma



Fullness of His Time

Written by Jeanne Stewart


jeanneB.jpgIn the quiet of the frozen snow-covered landscape, the morning light begins its ascent. The frigid warmth of the radiating sun loosens the ice shaped on each branch of the trees. As the thawing frost falls to the ground, its broken outlines of the branch encircle the ground of each tree with a glistening effect. Its beauty reflects in the warmness of the sun.


“My future is in Your hands …” (Psalm 31:15)


In the patient walk of grace from conversion to eternity, our advancement in life’s journey appears to the watchful eye of our loving God. Our surrendered self-will becomes our place of brokenness that surrounds the feet of our Redeemer. Its loveliness glistens in the light of His Glory.


God’s presence in our lives is our daily strength. He is the Lord who loves us and cares for us as He watches over us. Jesus is the One who brought salvation into our lives. It is Jesus who heals and preserves. Only Jesus can direct and call us into places that we have never walked before as we are changed into His image in the fullness of His time.


The presence of His Spirit escorts us through the valley of revelation, for only He knows us personally. He knows our name. He knows where we are going and He knows how to bring us to that place of victory. He does this in the present season of our lives to ready us for transformation of His glorious light.


Reflecting each season, He elevates us to bring the truth of His reality into our life. Our Lord allows us to understand in a fresh way that we belong to Him and that nobody can take us out of His hand. We as God’s children are imprinted on the palm of His hand, as a father would gaze at a picture of His child. (Isaiah 49:16) Fully embraced by the faith He has given us in our times and seasons, He knows His plan and hope for our future. (Jeremiah 29:11)


Then like the frozen ice that falls to the ground, shaped like the branch it had clung to until released, we too are broken so our lives can become more valuable in age than even the youth of our years. For now we reflect the image of His ways and the honor of His Glory. For God’s Kingdom will advance from within us in the fullness of His time.










Graphics by Pat